
(Hours Class Group) Details

The Details tab of the Hours Class Group form is used to configure each hourly classification inside an Hours Class Group. An hourly classification uses a coefficient, which defines how hourly rates are calculated. The coefficient is the multiplier of the base pay rate. For example, a 1.5 coefficient means the hour is paid at time-and-a-half, a 2.0 coefficient means the hour is paid at double time, etc. The configured hours classifications are used for classification options in pay rules.

Note that a person's base rate is defined on the Pay Class form and assigned to the person via the Pay Scale tab of the Employee form.

The application includes a SYSTEM DEFAULT Hours Class Group.

See Also:

Hours Class Group Details Field Descriptions

Find/View Hours Class Group Details

Add Hours Class Group Details

Modify Hours Class Group Details

Delete Hours Class Group Details


Hours Class Group Details Field Descriptions

Hours Class

Unique single-character (A-Z) to identify the hours classification.


Description of the hours classification.

Pay Code

If data is being exported to an external Payroll System, the Pay Code field is used to identify Hours Classification associated with a record for the external system. For example, for hour class R, the pay code is REG.


When this box is checked, the pay code will override the pay code that is configured for the event.

Premium Coefficient

Identifies the value used to calculate how premium hours are paid. "Premium hours" are hours posted to an hours classification where the Premium Coefficient is larger than 1.

The coefficient is the multiplier of the base pay rate. A 1.5 coefficient means the premium hour is paid <base rate x 1.5>.  A 2.0 coefficient means the premium hour is paid <base rate x 2>. The coefficient must be a numeric value from 0-9.99.

A person's base rate is defined on the Pay Class form and assigned to the person via the Pay Scale tab of the Employee form.

Start Date, End Date

Indicates the hours classification's Start and End dates.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find/View Hours Class Group Details

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Hours Class Group.

  2. If the record you are searching for is not visible on the form, you can use the filter to search for it. Click the filter arrow to display it.

  3. Select an Hours Class Group Name in the filter and click Find to display the class group. The details will appear on the Details form.


Add Hours Class Group Details

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Hours Class Group.

  2. Find and select the Hours Class Group you want to add details to.

  3. Navigate to the Details form on the lower half of the screen.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Select an Hours Class code from the drop-down menu.

  6. Enter a Description for the classification.

  7. Enter a Pay Code.

  8. Check the Override box if you want the hours classification pay code to override the applicable event pay code.

  9. Enter a Premium Coefficient. For example, a 1.5 coefficient means the hour is paid at time and a half, a 2.0 coefficient means the hours is paid at double time, etc.

  10. Enter or select a Start Date for this record.

  11. Enter or select an End Date for this record.

  12. Click Save.


Modify Hours Class Group Details

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Hours Class Group.

  2. Find and select the Hours Class Group for which you want to modify details.

  3. Navigate to the Details form on the lower half of the screen and select the record you want to modify.

  4. Click Modify.

  5. Make the necessary changes and click Save.


Delete Hours Class Group Details

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Payroll > Hours Class Group.

  2. Find and select the Hours Class Group that contains the details you want to delete.

  3. Navigate to the Details form on the lower half of the screen and select the record you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.