
Holiday Calendar

The Holiday Calendar form allows you to create, configure, and manage custom Holiday Calendars. Holiday Calendars are used by the ATTENDANCE service to post holidays to employee timecards.

A Holiday Calendar can be assigned to a person in the following ways:

  1. On the Holiday tab of an Attendance Policy. The Attendance Policy can then be assigned to all users as a System Setting, to specific Employee Groups, or to individual Employees.

  2. In the Holiday Calendar Override setting. The calendar in this setting will take precedence over the Holiday Calendar defined in the person’s Attendance Policy. The Holiday Calendar Override can be assigned to an Employee or an Employee Group of type FACILITY or POLICY_GROUP.

A Holiday Calendar is individual date-based; you cannot define a range of dates in the calendar, but must add single holiday dates separately.

See Also:

Holiday Calendar Field Descriptions

View a Holiday Calendar

Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy a Holiday Calendar

Add Dates to a Holiday Calendar

Modify a Date in a Holiday Calendar

Delete a Date from a Holiday Calendar


Holiday Calendar Field Descriptions

Calendar Name

Name of the Holiday Calendar.

Post Date

Calendar date for the holiday. This field identifies the start date and the end date of the holiday. Note that you must add each holiday post date separately; you cannot define a range of holiday dates.

Event Name

Event that will be posted for this holiday. Available options are events of type ATTENDANCE:HOLIDAY.


A description of the holiday.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


View a Holiday Calendar

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Holiday Calendar.

  2. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. To search for a specific Holiday Calendar, select the Calendar Name, a Post Date in the calendar, or the calendar Year.

  4. Click Find.

    The calendar's dates that match your filter criteria will appear in the grid section of the form.


Add, Modify, Delete, or Copy a Holiday Calendar

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Holiday Calendar.

  2. Click the quick link next to the Calendar Name field at the top of the form.

  3. To find a specific Holiday Calendar, select Lookup from the quick link.

    On the pop-up form that appears, select the Holiday Calendar you want to view and click OK.

  4. To create a new Holiday Calendar, select Add from the quick link.

    On the pop-up form, enter a Calendar Name and Description and then click Save. See Add Dates to a Holiday Calendar to continue.

  5. To duplicate a Holiday Calendar, select Maintain from the quick link.

    On the pop-up form, select the Holiday Calendar you want to duplicate and click Copy. Enter a new Calendar Name and Description and then click Save.

    The duplicate Holiday Calendar will have the same holiday dates as the original.

  6. To delete a Holiday Calendar, select Maintain from the quick link.

    On the pop-up form, select the Holiday Calendar and click Delete. Click OK to confirm the action.


Add Dates to a Holiday Calendar

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Holiday Calendar.

  2. Select the Holiday Calendar using the filter fields at the top of the form. You can also click the quick link next to the Calendar Name field at the top of the form and select Lookup from the pop-up menu.

    Once your Holiday Calendar is selected, any existing dates in the calendar will display in the grid.

  3. To add a date to the calendar, click Add at the top of the form.

  4. Select the Post Date for the holiday and the Event that will post for this holiday. You can also enter a Description for this holiday.

  5. To save this record and keep the Add window open to add more dates to the calendar, click Save and Add. Click Save when you are done adding dates.


Modify a Date in a Holiday Calendar

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Holiday Calendar.

  2. Select the Holiday Calendar using the filter fields at the top of the form. You can also click the quick link next to the Calendar Name field at the top of the form and select Lookup from the pop-up menu.

  3. In the grid section of the form, select the Post Date you want to change and click Modify.

  4. Change the Post Date, Event, and Description as necessary.

  5. Click Save.


Delete a Date from a Holiday Calendar

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Calendar > Holiday Calendar.

  2. Select the Holiday Calendar using the filter fields at the top of the form. You can also click the quick link next to the Calendar Name field at the top of the form and select Lookup from the pop-up menu.

  3. In the grid section of the form, select the Post Date you want to remove and click Delete.

  4. Click OK to confirm the action.