

KPI (Key Performance Indicators) are common measurements used to indicate the performance of an organization: Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization.

KPI data is calculated based on Analytics rules defined in the Calc Rule form. These rules are combined into rulesets which are assigned to Ruleset Profiles. The Ruleset Profile is then assigned to specific events in a Process Policy. When a person posts the event, the system check’s the person’s Process Policy to see which Ruleset Profile is assigned to the event. This Ruleset Profile will become the event’s Process Name. The ANALYTICS service will process events that also have this Ruleset Profile as their Process Name.

KPI data can be viewed in the KPI Dashboard and KPI Report.

This section explains how to configure your rules, rulesets, Ruleset Profiles, and Process Policy in order to calculate the KPI data. It also explains how to configure and run the ANALYTICS service and view the KPI data.

See Also:


How Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization are Calculated

Define the Analytics Rules for KPI

Configure the KPI Rulesets, Ruleset Profiles, and Process Policy

Configure and Run the ANALYTICS Service

View the KPI Dashboard and Report


License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2.  On the License Modules tab, select the Module Name called KPI Analytics.

  3. The following boxes must be checked: Licensed and Module Enabled.


How Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization are Calculated

The KPI Dashboard and KPI Report display data for the following “Key Performance Indicators”: Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization. The equations used to calculate these KPI measurements are explained below.

The Attendance Hours, Earned Hours, and Production Hours used in the KPI equations are configured on the Calc Rule form using the Analytics context. See Define the Analytics Rules for KPI for more information.



An employee’s Efficiency is based on the amount of labor the employee performed compared to a labor standard (measured in hours per piece). The KPI Efficiency measurement is calculated as:

Efficiency = Earned Hours / Production Hours

Earned Hours for a transaction are calculated as the Quantity Completed times the Standard (the expected rate of production per unit time).

Production Hours are hours spent toward actual production (e.g., Labor event hours). Non-production hours may include training or team meetings.

For example, an employee works 4 hours and completes a quantity of 5. The labor standard is 1 hour/piece. In other words, the employee did 5 hours of work in 4 hours. The employee’s efficiency is calculated as Earned Hours / Production Hours. Earned Hours are Quantity * Standard (in this example, 5 * 1). Production Hours (time spent on “productive” work) are 4. The employee’s Efficiency is 5/4 = 125%.



Productivity measures the amount of labor an employee performed during the time they were present at work. It divides the employee’s Earned Hours (Quantity * Standard) by their Attendance Hours.

Productivity = Earned Hours / Attendance Hours

Attendance Hours are the total number of hours recorded for the day.

For example, an employee has 8 Attendance Hours and completes a quantity of 5. The labor standard is 1 hour/piece. Earned Hours are Quantity * Standard (in this example, 5 * 1). The employee’s Productivity is 5/8 = 62.5%.



Utilization is the measure of how well an organization is avoiding non-productive time.

Utilization = Production Hours / Attendance Hours

For example, an employee works 40 hours in a week but spends 5 hours in meetings (considered “non-production” time). The employee’s Utilization percentage for the week would be 35/40 = 87.5%.


Define the Analytics Rules for KPI

The Attendance Hours, Earned Hours, and Production Hours used in the KPI equations (see “How Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization are Calculated” above) are configured on the Calc Rule form using the Analytics context.

See Analytics Rules Operands for information on the operands you can use to create these rules.

The application comes with several system-defined rules and rulesets that calculate Attendance Hours, Earned Hours, and Production Hours. You can use these rules or copy and modify them to create your own rules.


Configure the KPI Rulesets, Ruleset Profiles, and Process Policy

Once you define your KPI rules, you need to create Rulesets and Ruleset Profiles. A Ruleset Profile is a sequenced collection of Analytics rulesets. A Ruleset Profile is assigned to specific events in a Process Policy.

In order to display KPI data, the ANALYTICS service must process Ruleset Profiles.

When a person posts an event, the system check’s the person’s Process Policy to see which Ruleset Profile is assigned to the event. This Ruleset Profile will become the event’s Process Name. The ANALYTICS service (which is configured to run for specific Ruleset Profiles) will process events that also have this Ruleset Profile as their Process Name.

1. Use the Rulesets form to create the rulesets that will calculate Earned Hours, Production Hours, and Attendance Hours for use in the KPI equations. You can use the system-defined rulesets that come with the application, copy and modify these rulesets, or create your own rulesets.

2. Use the Ruleset Profile form to create the sequence of rulesets that will be processed by the ANALYTICS service.

3. Use the Process Policy form to assign your Ruleset Profile to specific events.


Configure and Run the ANALYTICS Service

Use the Service Instance form to configure the instance of the ANALYTICS service that will process transactions for KPI measurements.

Use the service’s RULESET_PROFILE parameter to define the Ruleset Profiles that will be processed by the ANALYTICS service and the order in which they will be processed.


View the KPI Dashboard and Report

The KPI Dashboard (Main Menu > Reporting > KPI Dashboard) displays charts with Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization measurements. You can display this data for one or more employees. You can also select the date range for which to display this data. The KPI charts can be displayed as gauges or numeric charts.

You can use the Auto Refresh button in the KPI Dashboard to ensure that the KPI portlets display the most recent data. When this button is enabled, the KPI portlets will refresh automatically every 180 seconds (3 minutes). You can change the refresh time by modifying the form_refresh_time value on the Form Settings form. You can also refresh the information, at any time, by clicking Find in the KPI Dashboard.

The KPI portlets are also available in the Supervisor Dashboard.

The KPI Report displays the same KPI data in a report format.