Analytics Rules Operands

The Analytics rules are used to calculate Key Performance Indicators or KPI data. This data can be viewed in the KPI Dashboard portlets and the KPI Report.

The Analytics rulesets are assigned to Ruleset Profiles which are connected to events via a Process Policy. The ANALYTICS service uses the Ruleset Profiles in a person’s Process Policy to determine how to calculate the person’s Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization.

Analytics rules are created in the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

See Also:



List of Operands and Descriptions

Analytics Rule Examples



When you create rules, a combination of operands and operators make up the IF and THEN clauses. The combination of operands and operators must return a Boolean value or be a Boolean expression (True or False) in order for the rules to work. The IS operands will return a Boolean expression (True or False statement). The GET operands will return a value.

The list below defines the available operands for the Analytics rules.



Accumulators are special data stores that reflect data from multiple transactions, potentially over multiple pay dates and multiple time reporters. They contain a numerical value, usually representing either hours, rate, or a monetary amount (hours * rate). You can define Analytics rules that add to these accumulators and that retrieve values from these accumulators.

Currently there are three system-defined KPI accumulators: KPI_ATTENDANCE, KPI_EARNED, and KPI_PRODUCTION. These accumulators store attendance hours, earned hours, and production hours for a specific person and post date.

For example, the KPI_PRODUCTION accumulator is used in the rule example below, which calculates production hours. Production hours are used to calculate KPI Efficiency and KPI Utilization in the KPI Dashboard portlets and KPI Report.

Is Event Type( Labor )
Add To KPI Accumulator( KPI_PRODUCTION, Get Total Duration( ) )


Add To Accumulator

Add To KPI Accumulator

Get Amount From Accumulator

Get Amount From KPI Accumulator

Get Hours From Accumulator

Get Hours From KPI Accumulator

Get Total Duration

Get Transaction Quantity

Get Transaction Standard

Get Transaction Standard In Seconds

Has Transaction Standard

Is Event Name

Is Event Sub Type

Is Event Type

Is Unpaid Event



Stop Processing



Analytics Rule Examples

Add Attendance Hours When No Clock

This rule gets the Attendance Hours needed to calculate KPI Productivity and KPI Utilization.

Is Event Type( Labor )
Not( Is Event Sub Type( Attendance ( Clock ) ) )
Add To KPI Accumulator( KPI_ATTENDANCE, Get Total Duration( ) )


Add Earned Hours When Qty Complete Greater Than Zero

This rule gets the Earned Hours needed to calculate KPI Efficiency and KPI Productivity.

Get Transaction Quantity( Quantity completed ) Greater Than 0
Add To KPI Accumulator( KPI_EARNED, Get Transaction Quantity( Quantity completed ) Multiply Get Transaction Standard In Seconds( Labor standard per piece ) )
Stop Processing( )


Add Production Hours For Labor

This rule gets the Production Hours needed to calculate KPI Efficiency and KPI Utilization.

Is Event Type( Labor )
Add To KPI Accumulator( KPI_PRODUCTION, Get Total Duration( ) )