Supervisor Dashboard

The Supervisor Dashboard provides supervisors with a snapshot of supervisory data such as Current Situation Status, Employees on Shop Floor Today, Unsigned Employees, and Employee Events Posted. This data is view-only. The KPI portlets are also available from this dashboard.

Use the Portlets drop-down list at top of screen to select a portlet to display. The portlets that you can view in the Supervisor Dashboard must be enabled in your Security Role. You can also change the columns that display in a portlet by modifying them in your Form Profile.

The Supervisor Dashboard will only display employees that the logged-in supervisor currently has authority over.

See Also:

Displaying the Portlets

Filtering Data

Resizing the Portlets

Sorting Columns

Download Data

Current Schedules

Current Situation Status

Employee Events Posted

Employee Hours Classifications

Employee Status

Employees on Shop Floor

Time Card Entered

Time Card Not Entered

Unsigned Employees

KPI Portlets


Displaying the Portlets

Use the Portlets drop-down list at top of screen to select a portlet to display.

Check the box to display (open) a portlet. Uncheck the box to close the portlet.


Filtering Data

Click the  Filter button at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard to display the filter fields.

These filters can be used to change the employees that display in all the portlets. However, if a portlet has an additional filter (e.g., the Date Range Type filter in the KPI portlets), the individual portlet’s filter will override the filter at the top of the Supervisor Dashboard.

Click Clear to remove all the filter settings.

After you define your filter settings, you can use them to update all the portlets or update each portlet individually.

When you hold the cursor over the Find button in a portlet, it displays the last date and time that the portlet was refreshed.


Use the Employee field to search for employees by their First Name, Last Name, Employee, or Login Name. For example, to find Person Number 1101 named Jane Doe who has Login Name JDOE001, you can enter 1101, Jane, Doe, or JDOE001 in the Person field.

You can also use the * or % wildcard symbol in this field to search using partial values. The wildcard symbol can be placed anywhere in your search value to represent unknown characters. For example, to find employees whose First Name, Last Name, Login Name, or Employee Number starts with the letter b, enter b* in the Employee field. To find employees whose First Name, Last Name, Login Name, or Employee Number includes 007, enter *007* in the Employee field.

Posting Date

The Posting Date will be used to find the persons that the supervisor managed on that particular date, and their timecard transactions. Posting Date is the date when events post to timecards. The date can be in the past, present (today), or the future.

Click the and buttons to scroll to the previous or next day.

Click the button to display a calendar from which you can select another date.


To view only those persons assigned to a specific Facility, select the Facility from this drop-down list.

Supervision Type

Use this field to filter the person records by the type of supervisor the person has.

Include Direct

When this box is checked, persons that report directly to the logged in supervisor (are members of an Employee Group of type DIRECT_MANAGER) will be displayed on the form. This box is automatically checked when you select Direct from the Supervision Type field.


Resizing the Portlets

When you display the portlets, they automatically resize so they will all fit in your screen.

You can display up to three portlets across your screen horizontally.

The individual portlets resize horizontally according to the amount of data being displayed. You cannot manually resize the portlets horizontally.

You can drag the bottom of a portlet to resize it vertically.

You can also use the buttons in the top right corner of the portlet to minimize and maximize the window.

To minimize a portlet, click the minimize button. Only the title bar will display.

Click the button to return the portlet to its previous size.

To maximize a portlet, click the button. When the portlet is maximized, click the button to restore it to its previous size.

Click the button to close the portlet, or uncheck the portlet in the Portlets drop-down list. To open the portlet again, check the box next to it in the Portlets drop-down list.


Sorting Columns

To rearrange the columns, drag a column to its new location.

When you Lock a column, the column moves to the left side of the grid. The locked columns will remain visible when you scroll the form with the horizontal scroll bar. To Lock or Unlock a column, click the button on the right side of the column name and select the Lock or Unlock option.

The available Columns will depend on which columns are enabled for the form in your Form Profile. To show or hide the available columns, click the button on the right side of the column name and select the Columns option. Check the box next to a column to show it. Uncheck the box to hide the column.

To sort records by a particular column, click the button on the right side of the column name and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending from the pop-up menu. The icon in the column name indicates the data is sorted in ascending order (A - Z). The  icon indicates the data is sorted in descending order (Z - A).

Note: Sort Ascending and Sort Descending will be disabled if the column is not selected as a Sortable Field in your Form Profile.


Download Data

To download the records in a portlet, click the Download button. Your web browser will display a message asking if you want to open or save the .csv file. Open the file to view it immediately or click Save to save it to disk.

You can download data in these portlets: Employee Status, Time Card Entered, Time Card Not Entered, and Unsigned Employees.


Current Schedules

The Current Schedules portlet displays schedules that belong to the supervisor's employees for the current post date. The columns display each employee's full name and schedule. Any hours that the employee is scheduled to work are highlighted by a color. To view the schedule's start and end time, hover over the highlighted area.


Current Situation Status

The Current Situation Status portlet displays the number of the logged-in supervisor’s employees that are In, Out, Scheduled, Not Scheduled, or Absent.

You can view the data in a Pie Chart, Column Chart, or Bar Chart.

To view the percentage and number of employees who have a certain Status, hover over that section in the chart. Click a section in the chart to display a pop-up window with a list of the employees. If you are using a pie chart, click a legend item to add or remove the data from the chart.


Employee Events Posted

The Employee Events Posted portlet displays total hours per event type for a day, week, or pay period for the logged-in supervisor’s employees.

You can filter the data by Period type (Day, Week, or Period).

You can view the data in a Pie Chart, Column Chart, or Bar Chart.

To view the number of hours for each event, hover over the event name in the chart. Click a section in the chart to display a pop-up window with a list of the employees who posted the event. If you are using a pie chart, click a legend item to add or remove the event from the chart.


Employee Hours Classifications

The Employee Hours Classifications portlet displays the total hours per classification type (R, O, D, U, etc.) for a day, week, or pay period for the logged-in supervisor’s employees.

You can filter the data by Period type (Day, Week, or Period).

You can view the data in a Pie Chart, Column Chart, or Bar Chart.

To view the percentage and/or number of hours for each classification, hover over the hours classification in the chart. Click a section in the chart to display a pop-up window with a list of the employees who posted hours with that classification. If you are using a pie chart, click a legend item to add or remove the hours classification from the chart.


Employee Status

The Employee Status portlet displays the Full Name and Current Status of the logged-in supervisor's employees on a specified date.

You can sort the records by either column value (Full Name or Current Status).


Employees on Shop Floor

The Employees on Shop Floor portlet displays a summarized chart of the logged-in supervisor’s employees that are of Person Type Employee or Contractor and have clocked in today.

The data is further categorized by Full Time, Part Time, and Contractors. For example, the chart will typically display four categories of data:

You can view the data in a Pie Chart, Column Chart, or Bar Chart.

To view the percentage and number of employees in each category, hover over that area in the chart. Click a section in the chart to display a pop-up window with a list of the employees in that category. If you are using a pie chart, click a legend item to add or remove the category from the chart.


Time Card Entered

The Time Card Entered portlet displays any employees belonging to the logged-in supervisor who posted actions on the timecard themselves on a specific date (whether they were scheduled to work or not).

This portlet will not show records for employees who only had time posted by their supervisors. The Posting Date must include hours that the employees posted themselves in order for the employees to appear in this portlet.

The portlet lists First Name and Last Name. You can sort the records by either column value.


Time Card Not Entered

The Time Card Not Entered portlet displays any employees belonging to the logged-in supervisor who did not post actions on the timecard themselves on a specific date although they were scheduled to work.

This portlet will not show employees who posted hours themselves on the Posting Date. The Posting Date must only include hours that were posted by the employee's supervisor in order for the employee to appear in this portlet.

The portlet lists First Name and Last Name. You can sort the records by either column value.


Unsigned Employees

The Unsigned Employees portlet displays a list of the logged-in supervisor’s employees who are required to sign their timecard for the current period and have not done so. Employees are required to sign their timecards when they are assigned a Sign Policy for which the EMPLOYEE Sign Mode is ALWAYS.

The Unsigned Employees portlet displays the employee's Person Number and Full Name.

You can filter this data by Period type (Day, Week, or Period). You can sort the records by either column value (Person Num or Full Name).


KPI Portlets

The KPI portlets displays charts with Key Performance Indicators: Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization. You can display this data for one employee or for all of the employees you supervise. You can also select the date range for which to display this data. The KPI portlets can be displayed as gauges or numeric charts.

These charts can also be viewed in the KPI Dashboard (Main Menu > Reporting > KPI Dashboard).