
Attendance Reward Rule Operands

Attendance Reward Rules are used by the ATTENDANCE_REWARD service to determine a person’s eligibility to receive an attendance reward, as well as any attendance violations.

The Attendance Reward feature is used to award balance hours to employees who do not have any attendance violations in a specified period of time. The attendance violations are specific events you define in an Event Group. The award the employee receives is a specified number of hours in a balance. For example, you may want to award 4 hours of vacation time to employees who have not had any No Show, Late Arrival, or Early Departure events in the last three months.

Before you define the Attendance Reward Rules, you need to have the following items configured:

You need to define the Attendance Reward Rules using the Calc Rule form, and create a ruleset using the Rulesets form. You must also assign the Attendance Reward Ruleset to the Attendance Policy of the employees who will be receiving these awards and violations.



When you create rules, a combination of operands and operators make up the IF and THEN clauses. The combination of operands and operators must return a Boolean value or be a Boolean expression (True or False) in order for the rules to work. For example, the IS operands will return a Boolean expression (True or False statement) and the GET operands will return a value.

The following is a list of the available operands for the AttendanceRewardRuleset.

Get Transactions In Range

Is Transactions In Range

Mark Eligible For Range

Write Violations In Range


Stop Processing
