Attendance Rules Operands

The Attendance operands make up the rules listed in the Attendance rulesets that can be assigned to an employee or employee group's Attendance Policy. Attendance Rules determine how a specific event shall post on employee timecards when the event occurs. Note that the event in question must also be enabled in the person's Attendance Policy in order to post.

Attendance Rules are created in the Calc Rule form. Each rule is expressed as an IF-THEN statement. The IF portion contains one or more conditions, and the THEN portion contains one or more actions. When the condition is met, the action is executed.

See Also:


Sample Attendance Rules



Day Has Hours

Fix Unqualified Holidays

Get Duration in Hours

Get Duration in Seconds

Get Expected Hours

Get Hours On Event In Range

Get Last Activity Timestamp

Get Latest Schedule End Time

Get Number of Tardies in Pay Period

Get Number of Tardies in Pay Week

Get Posted Hours

Get Remaining Duration of Scheduled Paid Hours

Get Requested Event

Get Requested Hours

Get Total Hours on Tardy for Pay Period

Get Total Hours on Tardy for Pay Week

Get Total Hours on Tardy for Posting Date

Has a Level

Is a Gap Day

Is a Scheduled Day

Is Contractor

Is Current Time After The Latest Schedule

Is Event Duration Greater than Percent of Scheduled Hours

Is Event in Pay Period

Is Event in Pay Week

Is Event Posted Consecutive for N Days

Is Event Posted for Post Date

Is Event Posted Within Range

Is Event Type In Pay Period

Is Event Type in Pay Week

Is Event Type Posted for Post Date

Is Event Type Posted within Range

Is Full Time

Is Part Time

Is Post Date Not Signed By Employee

Is Post Date Not Signed by HR

Is Post Date Not Signed By Supervisor

Is Time Inside a Schedule


Post Event

Post Event with Points

Post Holiday

Post Holiday With Points

Reached Points In Range

Reset Level

Send Level Change Message

Set Level

Stop Processing

Supervisor Role


Worked Following Day by Amount

Worked Following Day by Schedule

Worked Prior Day by Amount

Worked Prior Day By Schedule


Sample Attendance Rules

Example 1: Late Arrivals

The following ruleset is designed for the Late Arrival configuration of the Attendance Policy. These rules determine whether an absence event or a tardy event will post when an employee clocks in late, and the number of penalty points the employee will receive.

Rule 1: If an employee clocks in more than 5 hours after their scheduled start time, an absence event posts with 1 penalty point.

IF: Get Duration in Hours( ) Greater Than 5.0
THEN: Post Event With Points( ABSENCE_HOURLY, Get Duration in Hours( ), 1.0 )

Rule 2: If an employee clocks in up to 5 hours after their scheduled start time, a tardy event posts with 1 penalty point.

IF: Get Duration in Hours( ) Less Than Equal To 5.0
Get Duration in Hours( ) Greater Than Equal To 0.01
THEN: Post Event With Points( TARDY_HOURLY, Get Duration in Hours( ), 1.0 )


Example 2: Attendance Levels

The following rule causes the person’s immediate supervisor to be notified when a person posts more than 12 hours of EARLY_DEPARTURE events in the current calendar date range. The rule also sets the person’s attendance level to Level 1 (the name of this level is Verbal Warning). The supervisor will only be notified if the person’s point level is going up.

IF: Get Hours on Event In Range( EARLY_DEPARTURE, Calendar Year To Date, 1, True, True, Sunday ) Greater Than 12
THEN: Set Level( 1, Verbal Warning )
Send Level Change Message( Up, Supervisor Role(No Role, 0, Supervisor Offset) )


Example 3: Holiday Hours

The following ruleset is designed for the Holiday configuration of the Attendance Policy. These rules determine how holiday hours will be posted when the holiday falls on a scheduled day or a gap day.

Rule 1: If the holiday falls on a scheduled day, the holiday listed in the Holiday Calendar will post for the number of paid hours the employee is scheduled to work (including overtime).

IF: Is A Scheduled Day( )
THEN: Post Holiday( Qualified Holiday, Get Expected Hours( Include Overtime ), None )

Rule 2: If the holiday falls on a gap day, the holiday listed in the Holiday Calendar will post for 8 hours.

IF: Is A Gap Day( )
THEN: Post Holiday( Qualified Holiday, 8, None )


Example 4: Penalty Points and Disciplinary Levels

The following rule states that when an employee reaches 12 penalty points in 12 months, their disciplinary level is set to 1.

IF: Reached Points In Range( 12, Previous X Months, 12, True, False, Sunday )
THEN: Set Level( 1, Verbal Warning )
Stop Processing( )