Use this screen to view voucher summary and detail information, vendor address information, and payment information for all your vendors. Use the subtasks from this screen to "drill-down" to more detailed information, including specific A/P and/or PO vouchers; PO detail, vendor labor and voucher notes; payment totals broken down by check number; and vendor contacts.
This screen is blank when you enter it. To view vendor information, use the Execute icon to access a range of information, limited by vendor ID or pay vendor ID, vendor name or pay vendor name, and location. If you want to view information for a single vendor, enter the vendor ID or vendor name or use Lookup in the Vendor or the Name field, then select the Execute button in the toolbar.
Whether the vendor ID or vendor name entered is the vendor or pay vendor depends on the radio button you selected in the Select Voucher Detail Based On group box.
To see information for all vendors, leave the header fields blank and select the Execute icon.
Note: If you change a vendor's name (which will also change the pay vendor's name) in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors), remember that the Vendor History Inquiry screen uses the name the vendor had when posted. |
The Vendor History Inquiry screen consists of a Selection Criteria block, a table window, and 16 subtasks which can be used as follows:
Use the Vouchers subtask to view summarized voucher and payment information for each vendor in the Vendor History Inquiry table window.
Use the Exchange Rates subtask to view the transaction and pay currencies, the exchange rate group, the exchange rate date, and the exchange rates used to value the voucher and pay currency.
Use the AP Voucher Detail subtask to view the detail voucher line information for the selected voucher. You originally entered this information in the Enter A/P Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) and Enter PO Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) screens.
Use the Currency Line subtask to view transaction, pay, and functional currency for key voucher line fields.
Use the Vendor Labor subtask to view labor information for a selected A/P Voucher Detail line. You originally entered A/P vendor labor information in the Vendor Labor subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
Use the Voucher Totals (AP) subtask to view a columnar presentation of A/P voucher total amounts in the transaction, pay, and functional currencies. If the voucher and pay currencies are the same as the functional currency of the company, you will see only one column.
Use the PO Voucher Detail subtask to view detail line information for the selected PO voucher. You originally entered this information in the Enter PO Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
Use the PO Currency Line subtask to view currency line information for the voucher line you highlighted in the PO Voucher Detail subtask.
Use the PO Accounts subtask to view the detail of the voucher of the row that you highlighted when you selected the PO Voucher Detail link.
Use the PO Voucher Totals subtask to view a columnar presentation of PO voucher amounts in the transaction, pay, and functional currencies for the PO voucher you selected in the Vouchers subtask.
Use the Checks Disbursed subtask to view check information related to a particular voucher. The amount paid will be displayed in the functional currency of the company and the pay currency of the vendor.
Use the PO Details subtask to view the source PO from which the selected voucher was entered. You can also view information, such as discrepancy amount and ordered quantity.
Use the Checks Disbursed subtask to view all the checks that have been issued to the selected vendor. You can view the pay currency of the vendor and the functional currency of the company used to pay the vouchers.
Use the Vouchers subtask to view summarized voucher information for each vendor in the Vendor History Inquiry table window.
Use the Address subtask to view the vendor address, the default billing address, and contact information. Every vendor must have a payment address that defaults into the Address subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers or the Enter PO Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers)screens.
Use the Contacts subtask to view contact information specific to each of the vendor's addresses.
Use this screen to view information regarding posted vouchers and any payments made against those vouchers. This screen can be especially useful to view voucher numbers, dates, and account information regarding how the voucher was charged. You can also see the check date, number, and amount information for checks that have been printed in Costpoint or manually entered into the system.
If you are licensed for Multicurrency, you can see the transaction currency and the exchange rates used.
Note: You can apply org security to this inquiry. Use this optional feature to grant or remove rights to view and/or update specific organizations to users. You must first select the Apply Organization Security checkbox in the System Settings screen (Administration\Configure\System). Next, you must set up organization security profiles (Maintain Org Security Profiles) and link them to organization security groups (Maintain Org Security Groups). You can then activate organization security by assigning users to organization security groups in the Users screen (Administration\Maintain\Users). |
Use this block to specify the selection criteria of your inquiry. You can view vouchers by vendor or by pay vendor depending on your selection here.
If you want to limit the rows shown in the table to a specific vendor, enter the vendor ID here or select a valid vendor using Lookup before executing the inquiry.
You can enter a vendor ID or a pay vendor ID depending on the radio button you selected in the Select Voucher Detail Based Ongroup box.
When you set up a vendor in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors), the vendor ID you enter will default into the Pay Vendor field in the Defaults tab of that screen.
This field is editable and is used when checks are paid against the vouchers.
If you select the Allow Edits to Pay Vendor on Voucher checkbox in the Defaults tab of the Vendor User Flow screen, you can change the pay vendor in the Address tab of the Enter A/P Vouchers or the Enter PO Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) screens.
The Vendor field will be blank if you populate the table using the Execute icon without entering a vendor ID.
Enter a 25-character, alphanumeric name for this vendor ID.
This field is particularly useful if you do not know the vendor ID but do know the vendor name. The name you enter must be an exact match. The system uses the value from the Name field in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
As with the Vendor field, the name will be controlled by the radio button you selected in the Select Voucher Detail Based On group box.
You can also use Lookup to locate a valid vendor name associated with this vendor. The vendor name is stored in the Vendor Address table.
Use this field to enter a six-character location code for this vendor. You can use this code to link vendors together. The information you enter in this field can be used to select vendors with the same location code. You can also use Lookup to locate a valid vendor location associated with this vendor.
The vendor location is stored in the Vendor table.
Select this radio button to view information by pay vendor. You originally linked pay vendors to vendors in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors). The pay vendor name is used when checks are issued against vouchers.
When you select this radio button and select the Execute button on the toolbar, the table window displays all pay vendors and only three fields - Vendor, Vendor Name and Location.
If you select this option and enter the vendor ID before executing, the table displays only the Vendor, Name, and Location fields.
This option is selected by default. Leave this radio button selected if you want to view information by vendor.
If you do not select a vendor, vendor name, or location, the only fields that will display are: Pay Vendor, Pay Vendor Name, and Pay Location. These fields are non-editable.
If any of the selection fields are completed, that field will not display and only the other two incomplete fields will display. For example if you complete the Name field, only the Vendor and Location fields will display.
This non-editable field displays all pay vendor IDs if no selection was made, or if the pay vendor ID is linked to the selected name and location.
This non-editable field displays the pay vendor's 25-character name from the Defaults tab of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
This field will display if you did not make a criteria selection or if you selected the Vendor or Location fields.
This non-editable field displays the pay vendor's location code, which is up to six digits long. You can link vendors by location code in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
This field will display if you did not make a criteria selection or if you selected the Vendor or Location fields in the Selection Criteria block.
All fields in the table window are non-editable. These fields display when you select the Vendor radio button.
This non-editable field displays the vendor ID. If the vendor is part of the selection, nothing will display in this field.
This non-editable field displays the vendor's 25-character name.
The name that displays is the name (not long name) associated with the selected vendor. Nothing will display if the vendor name is part of the selection criteria.
This non-editable field displays the vendor's location code (up to six digits long) that you set up in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors). If you select this field, you must also select the Vendor radio button in order to populate the table window.
Nothing will display in this field if you did not make a criteria selection or if you selected the Vendor or Location fields in the Selection Criteria block.
This non-editable field displays the vendor's terms from the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
This non-editable field displays the status you gave the vendor in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors). Possible statuses are: "W" (Give Warning), "H" (On Hold), and "O" (OK).
If you selected the Hold Payments checkbox in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors), "Y" displays in this field.
Placing a vendor on hold will cause the system to display a warning when you enter vouchers for this vendor; however, you will not receive a second warning and will be able to issue a check against the vouchers for a vendor that is on hold.
If you did not select the Hold Payments checkbox, "N" will display in this field.
This field displays the customer account number you entered in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors). You must also set up the customer account number in the Customers screen (Accounting\Maintain\Customers) before you can link it to a vendor.
Use this field to relate a vendor to a customer ID so that, if you want more information about a vendor who is also a customer, you can look here to find their customer number.
This field is used for reference purposes only.
Select this link to open the Vouchers subtask and access summary and detailed voucher information for a highlighted vendor, including A/P and PO voucher detail, exchange rates, and vendor labor. If no voucher information exists for a particular vendor, this link will be disabled. Information on this screen may be restricted due to activation of org security.
Select this link to open the Checks Disbursed subtask and view all checks disbursed for the selected vendor. You can view the pay currency of the vendor and the functional currency of the company used to pay the vouchers.
Select this link to open the Address subtask and view address and vendor contact information for a highlighted vendor.
The information displayed in the Vendor History Inquiry screen and its subtasks is stored in these tables. Included in the description of each table is a list of the Vendor History Inquiry screen subtasks that use the table and the information they take from it.
Purchase Order Line (PO_LN): This table contains all the purchase order information entered in the Enter POs screen (Materials\Transactions\Purchase Orders). The Enter PO Vouchers application (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) also accesses this table for purchase order information corresponding to the voucher being entered. The PO Detail subtask (accessed through the Vouchers subtask) uses the Purchase Order Line table to populate the fields in its table window. These fields display quantity and cost amount information from the purchase order.
Voucher Header History (VCHR_HDR_HS): The Voucher Header History table stores header information (i.e., information that is not included in the table window) for all posted vouchers. This table provides information for all the fields in the Vouchers subtask, as well as the header information for the Voucher Detail subtasks (both A/P and PO). It also provides all the header information for the Checks Disbursed subtask of the Vouchers subtask, and the voucher number and vendor ID, name, and location for the Vendor Labor subtask.
Voucher Labor Vendor History (VCHR_LAB_VEND_HS): After you have posted an A/P or PO voucher, this table stores the data you entered in the Vendor Labor subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) or PO Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) screens. It also contains a Billable Labor Category Code (PLC), which is linked to a PLC description in the Project Labor Categories screen (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories). The Vendor Labor subtask uses VCHR_LAB_VEND_HS (Voucher Labor Vendor History) to populate all the fields of its table window, except for the PLC Description.
Voucher Line Account History (VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS): This table stores account, organization, project, cost, and tax information for each voucher line after the voucher has been posted. It provides the data for all the fields in the Voucher Detail (A/P) subtask, except for the Line No and Description fields. It also provides account, organization, project, reference number and amount information for the Vendor Labor subtask.
Voucher Line History (VCHR_LN_HS): This table stores discrepancy, tax, and amount information for each PO voucher line after the voucher has been posted. It also stores line notes and line numbers for all vouchers after they have been posted. The Voucher Line History table provides information for all the fields in the Voucher Detail (PO) table window, as well as the information for the Notes subtask. It also populates the Voucher Detail (A/P) Line and Description fields.
Vendor (VEND): The Vendor table contains information you entered for vendors in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors), including for the 1099's group box, the hold payments status, terms, customer account number, and the vendor's ID, name, and location. This table provides the information for all the fields on the main Vendor History Inquiry screen, except for the Payments field.
Vendor Address (VEND_ADDR): This table stores the vendor address information you entered in the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors). All the information in the Address subtask comes from this table.
Vendor Address Contact (VEND_ADDR_CNTACT): This table stores the contact information you entered for the vendor in the Contacts subtask of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors). All the information in the Contacts subtask comes from this table.
Vendor Check History (VEND_CHK): The Vendor Check History table stores check number, date, posting, and cash account and organization information for checks that have already been printed in Costpoint or entered manually into the system.
When you print a check in the Print\Void A/P Checks screen (Accounting\Process\Pay), a system prompt will ask, when you exit the screen, whether you want to update the history tables. If you select OK, the system will write the checks to the history tables and they will be available in this table.
If you enter manual checks in the Check subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers) or the Enter PO Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers), the system will update this table when you post the voucher.
The Checks Dispersed subtask on the main Vendor History Inquiry screen uses this table to populate all the fields in its table window, as well as the Vendor field. This table also provides the information for the FY Posted, Pd Posted, Subpd Posted, Seq, Void Date, Void FY Posted, Void Period Posted, Void Subperiod Posted, Ref 1, and Ref 2 fields in the Checks Dispersed subtask on the Voucher History Inquiry screen.
Vendor Check History Voucher Detail (VEND_CHK_VCHR): The Vendor Check History Detail contains information that links checks to particular vouchers. This table is updated when you print checks in Costpoint and you choose to update the history tables upon exiting the screen. If you select OK, the system will write the checks to the history tables. If you enter manual checks in the Check subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers or the Enter PO Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers), the system will update this table when you post the voucher. This information includes the voucher's vendor ID, the amount of the check that was applied to the voucher (many vouchers can be paid by one check), and cash account and organization numbers. The Checks Disbursed subtask accessed through the Vouchers subtask in the Vendor History Inquiry screen uses this information to populate its Check No, Check Date, Voucher Amt Paid, Discount Taken, Cash Account, and Cash Organization fields.
Vendor Year-To-Date Payments (VEND_YTD_PMTS): The vendor's year-to-date payments are stored in this table.