Use this subtask to view detail voucher line information for the selected voucher. You originally entered this information in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers). You can view the accounts, organizations, and projects charged, as well as each voucher line amount, its associated taxes and discounts, if any.
The AP Voucher Detail subtask consists of a table window and two subtasks that can be used as follows:
Use the Vendor Labor subtask to view vendor labor PLCs, GLCs, hours, and the amount charged for a particular AP voucher line.
Use the Currency Line subtask to view transaction, pay, and functional currency for key voucher detail lines.
Use this subtask any time you need to display detailed information for the voucher on that line.
This non-editable field displays the vendor ID from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This non-editable field displays the vendor name from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This non-editable field displays the location from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This non-editable field displays the voucher from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This non-editable field displays the transaction currency from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This non-editable field displays the cost amount from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This non-editable field displays the amount remaining from the main screen and the Voucher subtask for the selected voucher line.
This field displays the voucher line number from the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field displays the account number charged on the voucher line in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field displays the organization number charged on the voucher line in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field displays the project number charged on the voucher line in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field displays the project account abbreviation code entered on the selected voucher line.
The project account abbreviation comes from the project account group linked to the project charged on the voucher line in the Project Account Groups screen. The abbreviation is used to link accounts to projects and can be used as a way of defaulting the account to a voucher line once the project is entered.
This field displays the transaction currency amount entered on the voucher line in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen (Accounting\Transactions\Vouchers).
This field displays the percent of the cost of the voucher line to the total voucher for the selected voucher line.
This field displays whether this voucher line is taxable. If a "Y" is entered, a tax code will be required.
This field displays the type of tax, such as "S" for sales tax or "U" for use tax.
This field displays the use/reverse tax amount computed on the selected voucher line.
This field displays the sales tax code. If the Tax field displays a value of "Y" and the Taxability field displays a value of "S," this field will display a sales tax code for the selected voucher.
This field displays the sales/VAT tax amount computed on the selected voucher line.
This field displays the total before discount on each selected voucher line.
This field displays the amount of VAT (Value Added Tax) that is recoverable.
This field displays the discount amount. The system computes the discount on each voucher line using the vendor terms when the voucher was entered. You can edit the discount amount until you post the voucher.
This field displays the total amount of the selected voucher line stated in the transaction currency.
If this checkbox is selected, the system will include the voucher line in the 1099 calculation for this vendor.
This checkbox will default as selected or unselected, depending on whether or not you selected the Print 1099-MISC Form checkbox in the Header subtask of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
This field displays the 1099 type linked to this vendor for this voucher line. The value in the 1099 field defaults from the Header subtask of the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
This field displays the description.
This field displays the organization abbreviation for the selected voucher line. You linked organization abbreviations to organizations in the Organization Structures and Organization Elements screens (Accounting\Maintain\Organizations).
Use organization abbreviations to speed data entry to default organizations.
This field displays the project abbreviation for the selected voucher line. You linked project abbreviations to the Project User Flow screen (Projects\Maintain\Projects).
Use project abbreviations to speed data entry to default projects.
This field displays reference 1 for the selected voucher line. Reference numbers will display only if they are used in data entry.
This field displays reference 2 for the selected voucher line. Reference numbers will display only if they are used in data entry.
This field displays the account name of the account entered on the voucher line.
This field displays the organization name of the organization entered on the voucher line.
This field displays the project name of the project entered on the voucher line.
This field displays the reference 1 name of the reference number entered on the voucher line.
This field displays the reference 2 name of the reference number entered on the voucher line.
This field displays notes, if any, for the selected voucher line.
Select this subtask link to open the Currency Line (AP) subtask to view the transaction, pay, and functional currencies for key voucher detail fields.
Use this subtask link to view Vendor Labor information for the highlighted voucher line. You originally entered A/P vendor labor information in the Vendor Labor subtask of the Enter A/P Vouchers screen.
If the voucher line contains no vendor labor detail, the line will be blank.
This screen accesses the VCHR_HDR_HS (Voucher Header History), VCHR_LN_HS (Voucher Line History), VCHR_LAB_VEND_HS (Voucher Labor Vendor History), VCHR_LN_ACCT_HS (Voucher Line Account History), and the VEND_CHK_VCHR (Vendor Check Voucher) tables.