Delete a Booking You can also remove bookings from your calendar as needed. To delete a booking: Go to Self Service > My Plan. If needed, switch to your preferred calendar view. Choose from the following options: Day Week Month On the top right corner of the booking you want to delete, click the vertical ellipsis, and then select Delete bookings. In the confirmation dialog box that displays, click Delete. Maconomy removes the booking from your calendar view. Parent Topic: My Plan Procedures HomeSelf ServiceMy PlanMy Plan ProceduresDelete a Booking
Delete a Booking You can also remove bookings from your calendar as needed. To delete a booking: Go to Self Service > My Plan. If needed, switch to your preferred calendar view. Choose from the following options: Day Week Month On the top right corner of the booking you want to delete, click the vertical ellipsis, and then select Delete bookings. In the confirmation dialog box that displays, click Delete. Maconomy removes the booking from your calendar view. Parent Topic: My Plan Procedures HomeSelf ServiceMy PlanMy Plan ProceduresDelete a Booking