System Parameters Group Vendor
This section describes the system parameters under the Vendor group.
Parameter | Description |
Manual Purchase Order Numbers | If this parameter is enabled, you are allowed to manually enter a purchase order number when creating a purchase order. |
Allow fully received purchase orders only | If this parameter is enabled, vendor invoice allocations on which a purchase order has been specified can only be submitted if the purchase order has been fully received. A purchase order is fully received when the quantity of received items/services corresponds to the number of items/services on all non-closed lines on the purchase order. |
Allow purchase for multiple jobs |
If this parameter is disabled, you can only enter purchase order lines that pertain to the same job on a purchase order. The job is specified in the Purchase Orders workspace. If you enable this parameter, you can enter different job numbers on the individual purchase order lines. |
Aut. Appr. of Purchase Transactions |
If this parameter is enabled, vendor invoices are automatically reconciled against the corresponding purchase transactions. If this parameter is disabled, this reconciliation must take place manually in the Invoice Reconciliation workspace in the Accounts Payable module. In the Margin, Appr. of Purchase Transactions system parameter, you can specify the maximum difference permitted for the purchase transaction and the vendor invoice to be reconciled automatically. See also the Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice system parameter. |
Aut. company specific vendor creation |
With this parameter, you can specify that Maconomy is to automatically create a company-specific vendor when registrations are attempted on a non-existent company-specific vendor. If you enable this parameter, Maconomy will automatically create company-specific vendors when you try to make entries on a non-existent company-specific vendor, for example, in the General Journal, Vendor Invoices List, and Item Purchase Orders workspaces. If this parameter is disabled, Maconomy shows an error message saying that you are attempting to register information for a company-specific vendor which does not exist in the system and that the company-specific vendor must therefore be created manually in the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace before the entry can be made. |
Automatically approve fully invoice allocated entry for payment | If you enable this parameter, vendor entries assigned to invoices fully allocated in the Invoice Allocation workspace are automatically approved for payment. |
Automatically approve fully reallocated entry for payment | If this parameter is enabled, fully reallocated vendor entries are automatically approved for payment. |
Block for repeated vendor inv. no. | If this parameter is enabled, Maconomy will disallow multiple vendor invoices to have the same invoice number. |
Check for reused vendor inv. no. only this year | If this parameter is enabled, Maconomy will disallow multiple vendor invoices to have the same invoice number in the same year. Vendor invoices with the same invoice number will be allowed as long as they were created in different years. |
Cost Adjustment at posting of vendor invoice | If this parameter is enabled, the cost price on item movement is adjusted at the posting of the vendor invoice. |
Centralized vendor creation only |
By enabling this parameter, you specify that vendors may only be created centrally, that is, in the Vendor Information Card workspace. If the parameter is enabled, a company-specific vendor cannot be created in the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace unless the vendor has already been assigned to a previously created vendor. Maconomy shows an error message, if you attempt to create a company-specific vendor with no associated vendor. If this parameter is disabled, you can freely create company-specific vendors in the Company Specific Vendor Information Card workspace. |
Use Invoice Date as Reference Date |
In this parameter, you can specify whether Maconomy should suggest the entry date/reallocation date or the invoice date in the Reference Date field on vendor invoice allocation and invoice reallocation lines in those cases where no reference date has been specified manually and no reference date can be found on the vendor invoice itself. If you enable this parameter, the invoice date will be suggested as the reference date on such lines. If you disable this parameter, the entry date (in the case of invoice allocation) or reallocation date (in the case of reallocation) is used. |
Allow Negative Purchase Orders | If you enable this parameter, you can enter a purchase order with a negative amount. |
Allow Reconciliation of Non Approved Vendor Entries | This company-specific parameter enables you to reconcile non-approved vendor entries. |
Allow Users to Manually Set Allow Fields on Vendors to Yes |
If this parameter is disabled, a user does not have the ability to change an Allow field to Yes. If the submitter would like to use the company vendor in a certain area, they can change an Allow field to Requested. The system can be set up so that, after approval during a specified step in the workflow, that Allow field changes from Requested to Yes. For example, you may have set up approval hierarchy to change the Allow Payments field value from Yes to Requested if the payment information for a company-specific vendor is changed after the company vendor has been approved. This prevents payments from being made to the vendor until the new information has been approved. You can then set up the system to change the Allow Payments field value back to Yes after the new information is approved. |
Automatically approve expense sheets for payment |
If you enable this parameter, vendor entries created as a result of posting expense sheet lines to be settled through a vendor are automatically approved for payment. When posting expense sheet lines to be settled through a vendor, Maconomy creates one or more vendor entries covering the expense sheet lines. The vendor entries created in this process must be approved for payment before reimbursement can take place. However, as the approval of both expense sheet lines and vendor entries can be considered redundant, you can enable this parameter to have Maconomy automatically approve the vendor entries for payment. |
Automatically approve mileage sheets for payment |
If you enable this parameter, vendor entries created as a result of posting mileage sheet lines to be settled through a vendor are automatically approved for payment. When posting mileage sheet lines to be settled through a vendor, Maconomy creates one or more vendor entries covering the mileage sheet lines. The vendor entries created in this process must be approved for payment before reimbursement can take place. However, as the approval of both mileage sheet lines and vendor entries can be considered redundant, you can enable this parameter to have Maconomy automatically approve the vendor entries for payment. |
Automatically submit vendor invoices when posting | If you enable this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy automatically tries to submit and approve all vendor invoices when the posting action is selected. |
Close unreceived purchase order lines | |
Consecutive check numbers required | Using this parameter, you can specify that when printing checks, the user can only enter a check number corresponding to the next check number according to the check book setup in the Popup Fields workspace. |
Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice |
If this parameter is enabled, payment information will be copied completely from the reference invoice, and it cannot be changed afterwards. If this parameter is disabled, payment information will only be copied when the field is blank on the new invoice. |
Default Company Vendor State | This system parameter specifies the default state that should be assigned to newly created company vendors. |
Default Vendor Aging Principle | This system parameter specifies the initial aging principle to be set when opening the Print A/P Aging Report workspace. This can be changed by the user before printing the report. |
Default Vendor State | This system parameter specifies the default state that should be assigned to newly created vendors. |
Derive Vendor Allocation Code At Posting | Maconomy will create the allocation lines when the vendor invoice is created, if the system parameter is disabled, or when the vendor invoice is posted. The allocation lines will only be created if the vendor invoice is not allocated before posting. |
Include non due credit memos in payment selections | If this parameter is enabled, non-due credit memos are included when doing payment selections. |
Margin, Remainder on Vendor Invoices |
In this parameter, you can specify the maximum remainder allowed on vendor invoices to allow the selection of the action Allocate Remainder action in the Invoice Allocation workspace in the Accounts Payable module. The margin can be specified either as an amount or a percentage. Maconomy will use the tightest margin to determine whether any remainder on the current invoice can be allocated using the action. Specify an amount of 0 if you do not wish to apply a specific amount as the margin, and a percentage of 100 if you do not wish to apply a specific percentage as the margin. Set the percentage to a larger amount, if needed, to avoid generating errors. This parameter allows you to set a value in the Company Specific Values table. |
Margin for automatic correction of tax |
This parameter is used for making it easier to allocate invoices on which the tax amount (as specified by the vendor) is incorrect. On lines created in the Invoice Allocation workspace, the tax amount is calculated from the amount including or excluding tax. This means that if a tax amount remains when the full amount excl. tax has been allocated (for instance, because you changed the tax amount on the invoice because the vendor stated an incorrect tax amount), you must manually change the tax amount on one of the allocation lines before the allocation can be approved. However, if the amount excl. tax entered on a line causes the remainder excl. tax to be fully allocated, and the difference between the tax remainder and the calculated tax for the line is within the margin specified in this system parameter, the tax remainder is automatically allocated to the line (rather than calculated from the amount excluding tax on the line), regardless of whether this tax amount is correct according to the amount and tax code on the line. The margin can be expressed as an amount, a percentage or both. If you specify an amount, the tax remainder is allocated in the situation described above if the difference between the calculated tax amount and the tax remainder is lower than or equal to the amount specified in the parameter. If you specify a percentage, the tax remainder is allocated in the situation described above if the difference between the calculated tax amount and the tax remainder represents this percentage or less of the calculated tax. If you specify both an amount and a percentage, the remainder is only allocated if it is within both margins. This parameter allows you to set a value in the Company Specific Values table. |
Margin for Purchase Order Reconciliation |
This parameter is used in connection with automatic purchase order reconciliation in the Vendor Invoices, Invoice Allocation, and Reallocate Invoices workspaces. If you enter a value in this parameter, Maconomy will automatically check whether reconciliation of vendor invoices and assigned purchase orders can be carried out in accordance with the value entered in the parameter. In this parameter, you can enter the highest deviation allowed for Maconomy to perform automatic reconciliation. The margin can be specified as an amount or a percentage. In this way, you can specify a margin allowing a difference of, for example, plus USD 3.00 to minus USD 3.00, or a given percentage. If you specify an amount, it should be specified in the enterprise currency of the system. When checking remainders, the amounts specified in the parameter will be converted into the currency registered on the current vendor invoice. This currency conversion is made based on the exchange rate table for purchase. If you enter an amount or a percentage in the parameter, Maconomy will automatically reconcile purchase order lines against a registered vendor invoice at the time of posting and close the purchase order if the difference between the amount on the vendor invoice and the amount on the purchase order is within the margin specified in the parameter. Maconomy automatically uses the margin (amount or percentage) resulting in the lowest amount. If you do not specify a margin, and the current difference between a vendor invoice and a purchase order is greater than the margin, or if the difference cannot be allocated, the allocation and closing of the purchase order must be done manually. See also the Copy Payment Information From Reference Invoice system parameter. This parameter allows you to set a value in the Company Specific Values table. |
Recalculate Tax Amount from Amount Including Tax |
With this parameter, you can specify how Maconomy is to calculate tax amounts in the Invoice Allocation workspace. The parameter influences tax calculation behavior in two situations: When creating an allocation line and when changing the tax code on an existing allocation line. Creation of new allocation line: The parameter affects how amounts are suggested on allocation lines based on the amounts on the invoice. If you disabled the parameter, creating an allocation line will cause the invoice amount excl. tax to be transferred to the Amount Excl. Tax field on the new line, and the tax amount and amount including tax to be calculated on the basis of this amount and the selected/derived tax code. If the parameter is enabled, the invoice amount including tax will be suggested in the Amount Incl. Tax field on the line and the tax amount and amount excluding tax will be calculated on the basis of this amount and the selected/derived tax code. Changing tax code on existing allocation line: If you disable the parameter, changing the tax code on an invoice allocation line will cause the tax amount on the line to be recalculated according to the new tax code and the amount excluding tax, while the amount including tax will be recalculated from the amount excluding tax and the updated tax amount. This may cause a mismatch between the invoice amount and the total amount including tax. If you enable the parameter, changing the tax code on an existing allocation line will cause the tax amount and amount excluding tax to be recalculated based on the amount including tax and the new tax code, thus keeping the allocated amount including tax in line with the invoice amount. |
Standard Note for Purchase Lines |
In this parameter, you can specify the standard note to be assigned to purchase lines created in the tables of the Requisitions, Requests for Quote and Purchase Orders workspaces in the Accounts Payable module. If you specify a note, Maconomy will automatically create a copy of the specified note each time a purchase line is created, and assign the new note to the purchase line. This functionality is used for adding a number of extra fields in which the user can enter information about the individual purchase lines. In the Activities and Tasks workspaces, you can also assign a standard note to each activity or task, and specifying an activity or task with a standard note on a purchase line will cause the note from the activity or task to be assigned to the line instead of the note specified in this parameter. If a standard note has been specified for both the activity and the task, the Standard note is derived from Activity before Task system parameter determines whether to use the note from the activity or from the task. If a standard note has been specified neither here nor on the activity and task entered on a given purchase line being created, no note is automatically assigned to the purchase line. The following method is used for setting up additional fields for further specification of purchase lines:
Submit Only Fully Allocated Vendor Invoices | This parameter prevents the submission of vendor invoices that are not fully allocated. |
Suggest Company Vendor Name as Entry Text | If this parameter is enabled, Maconomy will automatically fill the Entry Text with the chosen vendor's name when creating general journal lines. |
Suggest Quantity Received on Vendor Invoice |
In this parameter, you can specify how Maconomy should interpret a quantity received of zero on purchase order lines when automatically creating invoice allocation lines based on purchase orders. The parameter comes into play when a purchase order number (but no packing slip number) is specified in the Vendor Invoices workspace or the Invoice Allocation workspace, and allocation lines are automatically created from the lines on this purchase order. If the quantity received is zero on a given line on the specified purchase order, the quantity on the allocation line created from this purchase order line will also be set to zero if this parameter is enabled. If the parameter is disabled, the quantity on the allocation line will be set to the quantity remaining to be invoiced on the purchase order line, as Maconomy will then assume that the purchase receipt functionality is not used and that the vendor invoice is for all units of the purchased items. |
Transfer payer identification from invoice to intercompany vendor invoice | Select this parameter to enable the transfer of the payer identification number from the invoice to the corresponding intercompany vendor invoice. |
Use Company Vendor Name as Entry Text | If this parameter is enabled, Company Vendor Name will be transferred to Entry Text field on finance entries when posting vendor invoices. |
Use Context Tax Codes on Vendor Invoices |
This company-specific system parameter controls where the tax code is derived from when creating invoice allocation lines on a vendor invoice. The tax code on the invoice allocation line is always derived from the G/L tax table based on the information on the invoice allocation line. Maconomy will always use an already entered tax code or a derived tax code, but if no tax code is entered or derived, and this system parameter is enabled, Maconomy will use the tax code from the vendor invoice on the invoice allocation line. This parameter allows you to set a value in the Company Specific Values table. |
Use Invoice Date as Exchange Rate Date on Vendor Invoices |
Enable this parameter to use the invoice date as the exchange rate date. Disable this parameter to use the entry date as the exchange rate date. |
Use Vendor Invoice Entry Text as Invoice Allocation Entry Text | If this parameter is enabled, the Entry Text on Vendor Invoice will be transferred to invoice allocation lines. |
Margin, Appr. of Purchase Transactions |
In this parameter, you can specify the maximum difference allowed between the amount on a purchase transaction and a vendor invoice to allow the automatic approval of the reconciliation. The margin can be specified either as an amount or a percentage. Maconomy will then use the tightest margin to determine whether a reconciliation can be approved. Any deviation will be posted to the account specified by means of a dimension combination in the Balance field in the Warehouse Information Card in the Inventory module. Automatic approval of purchase transactions is selected in the Aut. Appr. of Purchase Transactions system parameter. Specify an amount of 0 if you do not wish to apply a specific amount as the margin, and a percentage of 100 if you do not wish to apply a specific percentage as the margin. This parameter allows you to set a value in the Company Specific Values table. |