System Parameters Group General Ledger

This section describes the system parameters under the General Ledger group.

Parameter Description
Calculate operating result in reports

In this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy must show an operating result on balance and balance sheet printouts. If the parameter is enabled, printouts from the Print A/R Balance List, Print A/P Balance List, and Trial Balance workspaces show a sum of the balances of the profit and loss accounts in the chart of accounts.

This sum is shown on the year-end closing account. The printout thus simulates a year-end closing without creating the entries which would normally be created because of closing a year. This way, the printout shows what the balance sheet of the company would look like if the year was closed at the time of the printout.

Create Intercompany Invoicing Basis

In this parameter, you can specify whether you want to settle your intercompany transactions manually or by means of intercompany invoicing. A redistribution of funds between individual companies in the organization results in several automatically created intercompany balances. Intercompany balances are G/L entries created to ensure that the accounts of all companies involved in each transaction balance.

If this parameter is enabled, Maconomy will not only create the relevant intercompany balancing entries but also several intercompany entries when you post registrations involving more than one company. When the parameter is enabled, intercompany balancing entries cannot be reconciled in the Finance Reconciliation workspace. Instead, they are reconciled automatically when the intercompany entry covering the intercompany balancing entry is included in an intercompany invoicing in the Intercompany Invoicing workspace.

If this parameter is disabled, posting registrations involving more than one company will only result in the creation of intercompany balancing entries, no intercompany entries will be created. Consequently, it is not possible to perform intercompany invoicing in the Intercompany Invoicing workspace. Instead, you must reconcile your intercompany balancing entries manually in the Finance Reconciliation workspace.

Intercompany tax balancing

With this parameter, you can specify that tax on expenses should be posted in the company to which the expense pertains, of the company recording the expense transaction.

One example could be vendor invoices, where this parameter determines if the tax should be posted in the company specified on the vendor invoice (that is, the company recording the expense transaction) or in the company specified on the individual invoice allocation lines for the vendor invoice (that is, the company to which the expense pertains).

If this parameter is disabled, tax amounts regarding expenses are posted in the company recording the transaction. In the Vendor Invoices workspace, this is the company specified for the current vendor invoice journal, whereas in other workspaces, for example, Expense Sheets, it is the company responsible for the job to which the expense sheet lines pertain. If the expense is allocated or reallocated to another company, Maconomy will only move the expense amount excluding tax to the company to which the expense is allocated, whereas the tax amount remains in the original company.

If this parameter is enabled, the tax is posted in the company to which the expense is charged. This means that if, for example, a vendor invoice is recorded in one company, and the vendor invoice is allocated to another company in the Invoice Allocation workspace, Maconomy will move the entire expense amount, including tax, to the company to which the invoice is allocated.

In both cases, the amount is moved by means of several intercompany postings between the affected companies.

The parameter is effective in all workspaces in which expenses can be recorded, for example, Vendor Invoices, Expense Sheets, and General Journal.

Option List for Derived Dimensions You can specify default option list that will be assigned to derived dimensions when they are created.
Reallocation of tax at job reallocation

With this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy is to include value-added tax when job entries are reallocated. It is sometimes a problem to reallocate tax entries, especially if the tax has already been reported to the tax authorities and the entry is reallocated to another company (legal entity) in the Maconomy multi-company model.

If the parameter is disabled, Maconomy will include tax entries when reallocating entries in the Job Cost module.

Text on division by 0 in G/L rep. With this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy is to print a given text or a 0 if a division by 0 takes place in a calculation in a G/L report. A division by 0 can, for example, take place if you wish to divide a given value by the value in a certain field, but the field contains a blank value or a 0. If you specify a text in the Text on division by 0 in G/L rep. field, G/L report columns where a division by 0 takes place will show the specified text. If you do not enter a text in the field, a 0 is shown instead. Note that if a calculation in a G/L report contains references to another column where a division by zero takes place, the result of the calculation will also be the text specified in this parameter.
Update balance on account information card

With this parameter, you can specify if Maconomy should update the values in the Balance, Enterprise, Balance, Currency, Quantity, and Quantity 2 fields in the Account Information Card workspace.

If this system parameter is disabled, these fields are not updated when posting or year-end closing. Note that if the parameter is enabled, you can only perform a year-end closing if all companies in the system are using a fiscal year template which contains a fiscal year for the current year and the next year.

Allow Accrual Periods Outside Open Posting Interval If this system parameter is enabled, Maconomy will allow accrual periods outside the open posting period.
Allow Accrual to Exceed Price on Purchase Order Line Select this parameter to allow accrual amounts that exceed the price on the purchase order line. When you disable this system parameter, you cannot accrue for more than the price on the purchase order line.
Allow to Block Companies with Open Assets If this company-specific system parameter is enabled, Maconomy allows you to block a company even if it has assets that are not fully depreciated.
Calculate Dimension Task Periods

Select this parameter to enable Maconomy to create, calculate, and maintain dimension task periods.

If this system parameter is disabled, Maconomy does not create or update the dimension task periods when you post finance entries.

This system parameter is disabled by default.

Company specific transaction number check

If this parameter is enabled, you can enter a given transaction number on manual registrations such as general journal entries, fixed asset entries, vendor invoices, and so on, if it has not been used before in the company. As a result, it becomes possible for the same transaction number to be used in multiple companies.

If this parameter is disabled, a given transaction number can only be specified on a manual registration if it has not been used before on any other manual transaction in the system, regardless of company.

Complete Dimension Derivation at Registration If this parameter is enabled, Maconomy performs a complete dimension derivation during registration.
Complete Dimension Derivation at Posting If this parameter is enabled, Maconomy considers all dimensions during dimension derivation, regardless of whether dimension values were changed. If a dimension has overwrite selected, Maconomy also rederives that dimension and overwrites the value specified by the user. Enabling this parameter allows Maconomy to derive dimensions from other derived dimensions.
Create Unrealized Exchange Rate Variances For Control Accounts

If this parameter is enabled, you can create unrealized exchange rate variances for control accounts in the Print Currency Report workspace.

Disable this parameter to include unrealized exchange rate variances only for manual accounts.

Currency Reevaluation Based on Original Amount

Enable this parameter to set the default print layout in the Print Currency Report workspace to Original.

Disable this parameter to set the default print layout in the Print Currency Report workspace to Standard.

Derive Customer Number From Job On Reallocate This company-specific system parameter allows you to choose whether the reference customer number should be rederived from the job if a job-related entry is reallocated in G/L reallocation.
Do not check currency amount when posting a journal Normally, if a transaction only contains lines in one currency, the sum of currency amounts must also be 0. However, if this parameter is enabled, it is possible to post a journal where the sum in currency is not 0 for each transaction.
Do Not Rederive Dimensions on Fixed Assets

Enable this parameter to indicate that changing dimensions or any other field on the asset will not force Maconomy to derive dimensions.

Disable this parameter to rederive dimensions upon the creation of the asset.

Empty Fields Match Everything on G/L Tax Table Lines
Reallocate Sub Module Dimensions All sub module dimensions are kept if this system parameter is enabled; no sub module dimensions are kept if this system parameter is disabled (when reallocating).
Recalculation of tax at job reallocation

Normally, Maconomy does not reallocate the incoming tax on an external expense (vendor invoice, expense sheet, general journal) when you reallocate a job entry. However, if you enable this parameter, Maconomy rederives the tax code at job reallocation. You can also change the tax codes manually.

Maconomy adds the new tax code fields to the job reallocation entry. You cannot enter a tax code for reallocation if the original job entry does not have a tax code.

Maconomy uses the original tax code if no tax code is entered or selected in the job reallocation entry.

You can only change the incoming tax codes on job entries created after the introduction of this functionality.

Use dimensions from invoice line on tax entries

This parameter allows you to specify whether dimensions on tax-related G/L entries should be retrieved from the invoice line rather than from the invoice. The parameter applies to incoming invoices (vendor invoices) as well as outgoing invoices (job invoices and sales order invoices).

By default, this field is disabled, which means Maconomy will retrieve dimensions from the related invoice, not from each invoice line.

Use Enterprise Currency in Intercompany Interest Calculation and Grouping When this parameter is enabled, intercompany interest calculation and intercompany entry grouping will use enterprise currency instead of original currency.
Use Local Account Target Group in Finance Reconciliation

If this parameter is enabled, the Local Account No. field in the Finance Reconciliation workspace is represented as an interval field, for example From Local Account No. - To Local Account No.. This allow users to reconcile multiple local accounts at the same time.

If disabled, the Local Account No. field in the Finance Reconciliation workspace is not represented as an interval field. It will only be possible to specify and reconcile one local account at a time.

Use local accounts for unrealized exchange rate variances

If you enable this parameter, then the report contains lines on the local account level and Maconomy creates finance entries for each needed local account.

If you disable this parameter, Maconomy creates finance entries only for global accounts. The Print Currency Report workspace takes direction from local accounts.

Use local spec. 1-3 for unrealized exchange rate variances
Use Reference Date as Exchange Rate Date If enabled, Maconomy will use the Reference Date as exchange rate date on general journal lines. If disabled, Maconomy will use the Entry Date as exchange rate date on general journal lines.
Tax On Customer Exchange Rate Variance Entries If you enable this system parameter, Maconomy calculates the tax in base currency by converting the tax in job currency to base currency (in particular, it will be zero for 0-invoices). If you do not have a scenario where not having this functionality causes problems, do not enable this parameter.
Validate Bank Statement Date If you enable this company-specific system parameter, Maconomy validates whether the bank statement date is in the open posting period for the default transaction type specified on the bank statement header. This happens when the statement is approved. There is no validation if you have removed the default transaction type.