Create a Booking

Employees can create bookings to allocate time for tasks assigned to them.

To create a booking for yourself:

  1. Go to Self Service > My Plan.
  2. If needed, switch to your preferred calendar view. Choose from the following options:
    • Day
    • Week
    • Month
  3. Double-click your preferred time slot on the calendar.
    Note: To create an all-day appointment, double-click the all day slot at the top of either the Day or Week view, or double-click a day in the Month view.
  4. In the Create Booking dialog box that opens, fill out the fields as needed. Only the Hours field is mandatory.
    Note: To create an all-day appointment that spans multiple days, specify the first date in the Start field and the last date in the Finish field.
  5. Click Create.
    Maconomy displays your new booking on the calendar view.