Set up the .NET Project

To use the Cobra Web Service ClientAPI in your application, you must set up your .NET project by adding the ClientAPI file as reference in Visual Studio Projects.

The Cobra Web Service ClientAPI uses the following files:

  • Cobra.Model.WebService.dll is a .NET dynamic link library file that contains contract objects that are being exchanged by the Cobra Web Service Host and Cobra Web Service Client API.
  • Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.dll is a .NET dynamic link library file that contains objects used to call Cobra functionalities on the Cobra Web Service Host.
  • Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.dll.config is a configuration file that contains the network location and settings used by the library file to communicate with the host.
  • Cobra.Model.WebService.xml and Cobra.WebService.ClientAPI.xml are code documentation XML files. These files can be use by Visual Studio to provide IntelliSense of code documents of objects found in the libraries.