Data Import Using Files
With the Integration wizard, you can import project data into Cobra using import files.
You can import a Cobra project from a file saved in Excel ® or text format. This file includes activity information, baseline resources, forecast resources, status, coding, code assignments, and notes. You can import budget, forecast, and status data either individually or during the same import process.
You must import notes by themselves and cannot be combined with other actions on the Action Selection page of the Integration wizard.
You cannot use this process to import ancillary data such as resources, rates, calendars, and codes.
Before importing from files, you must create a Cobra project with the necessary ancillary files assigned.
- Related Topics:
- Import Files for Activity and Resource Assignments
The import file must contain the required columns when importing data from a CSV file or an Excel spreadsheet. - Import Files for Budget and Forecast Information
The import file must contain the required columns when importing data from a CSV file or Excel spreadsheet. - Import File with Data from Multiple Projects
When loading data into Cobra using Integration » File, you can import data for multiple projects from a single file, without loading against a master project. - Import File Example
An import file can an activity file, resource file, or a combination of both. - File Level Security
Cobra enforces file level security when you use the Integration wizard. - Template Resource Files
Template resource files help you build a calculation for the resources that you are importing from a schedule. The resources are calculated during the import process. - Run the Integration Wizard
You must complete the information required on each page of the Integration wizard.