Advance Calendar Preferences

Use this dialog box to select the options for advancing the calendar.


Field Description
Automatically change the status of LOE Work Packages to in-progress Select this option to allow Cobra to automatically open Level of Effort (LOE) work packages in the project at the end of the advance calendar process. If selected, Cobra opens planned work packages with a forecast start date before the project status date. If a control account contains an LOE work package that was opened, the control account is also opened.

Cobra uses the value of this option if you run the Advance Calendar API process and do not include the UseStatusDateAsActualStartDateForLoE setting in the API script.

Cobra displays an error if the Secure check box for this option is selected and the value of this setting does not match the value of the UseStatusDateAsActualStartDateForLoE setting in the API script.

Selected Select the check box for any of the options makes the option selected by default in the process wizard where it is located.
Secure Select the check box for any of the options prevents users from changing the setting for that particular option in process wizards where these options are also located. Cobra uses this feature to secure certain options while users run processes against projects.

If the Secure check box is selected, this option cannot be modified on the options pages of the Cobra process wizards. Select this option to ensure that all users are using the same settings when running Cobra processes.