Development Tab

Use this tab to view up to six sections of information related to employee development: Competencies & Skills, Development Plans, Project Teams, Career Paths, Succession Plans, and Mentoring. This tab displays when your organization enables one of the following Development features (Development, Development Plans, Competency Profile, or Skills Profile). What you can view and do on this tab depends on your role and permissions, and whether the feature that controls a section is enabled.


Competencies & Skills: This section displays when the Competencies and/or Skills features are enabled for your role.


Field Description
Competency Name This is the name of the competency, as defined by an Administrator (for example, Accountability).
Category This is the name of the competency category to which the competency belongs. For example, Core or Job
Source This indicates how the competency was earned. For example, a competency may be earned via an Appraisal, by passing a Course, or through a manager's approval of a Competency self-nominated through the employee's Total Talent Profile.
Score This is a ratio that indicates the rating earned for this Competency (for example, 5/5 for the Decision Making Competency indicates the highest rating: Identifies and considers all workable alternatives before making decisions).
Approved Date This is the date the Competency was approved. If your manager has not yet approved it, Awaiting Approval displays.
Actions Depending on your role and permissions, you may have several actions available from the Actions menu Actions. For example, managers will have the ability to Approve or Reject an item that is awaiting approval for a direct report, or to Withdraw approval for a previously approved competency. Employees will have an Edit option, which opens the Competency Profile where they can add or delete competencies.


Field Description
Skill Name This is the skill name, defined by an Administrator on the Manage Skills screen. For example, User Support Skills.
Skill Category This is the category to which the skill belongs. For example, Information Technology.
Skill Level This indicates the degree of experience the employee has with this skill. For example, Intermediate or Advanced.
Skill Usage This indicates how long the skill was used. For example 5-6 Years.
Skill Last Used This indicates a range of time, in years, when the skill was last used. For example 0-1 years ago.
Date Added This date indicates when the skill was earned or approved for this employee.
Date Updated If the skill has been edited, this field indicates the date the change(s) was made.
Actions Depending on your role and permissions, you may have several actions available from the Actions menu Actions:. For example, managers will have the ability to Endorse or Remove endorsement for a direct report's skill, or to Reject a skill and remove it from the list. Employees may have an Edit option, which opens the Skills Profile where they can add or delete skills.

Development Plans: This section displays when the Development Plans feature is enabled for your role. Current and Past plans display.

Field Description
Plan/Items This is the name that the plan creator gave the plan (for example, Observation and Feedback Skills). Click this name to see details about the plan, including all of the courses and other activities in the plan.
Start Date This is the date on which you are supposed to begin performing the tasks in the development plan.
Target Date This is the date on which you are supposed to finish performing the tasks in the development plan. If your plan is based on a template, this field is populated with the latest date entered in the Goal End Date fields for individual template plan items.
Completion This is a percentage to indicate how far along the employee is to completing the plan.
Actions Depending on your role and permissions, you may have several actions available. For example, View Details allows you to view specific items or tasks in a given plan. The Manage Development Plans link opens the Development Plans screen on a new tab, where you can view and manage Development Plans.

Project Teams: This section displays when the Project Teams feature is enabled for your role.

Field Description
Project Team This is the name of the project on which the team is working (for example, Employee Appreciation Event). Click the project name to display information about the project and its team members.
Duration This is the planned start date and end date of the project.
Actions View/Hide Details: Click to view or hide details associated with the team, such as team member names.

Career Path:This section displays if the Career Path feature is enabled for your role. This displays any Career Paths a manager created for an employee. An employee can have more than one career path, but only one career path is active at a time.

Field Description
Career Path Name This is the name of the career path. Click the name to open the Career Path screen where, depending on whether you are an employee or a manager viewing a direct report's profile, you can view details about all your current Career Paths (My Career Path) or all of the Career Paths defined for your direct report.
Actions Depending on your role and permissions, you may have several actions available. For example, employees can request a job be added to their Career Path using the Add option from the Actions menu. Managers can add jobs and perform additional actions such as activating, editing, or deleting a plan.

Succession Plans: The Succession Plans section is divided into four sub sections, which display information about positions for which the employee is a potential successor, potential successors for the employee's current position, succession plans in which the employee is a participant, and for managers, the risk of loss for their direct report.

Field Description
Succession Plans on Which the Employee Sits These are the succession plans in which you are a potential successor for another position in the company.
Potential Successors This section lists those employees who would be a good fit for your position, if you were to be promoted or leave the company. Each employee name links to that employee’s Total Talent Profile.
Succession Plans on Which the Employee Participates These are the succession plans that you own or in which the employee participates.
Risk of Loss This section displays for managers when viewing the Total Talent Profile of an employee. The Risk of Loss section looks at various factors (active career paths, class attendance, performance, tenure, and so on), and calculates the chance (as a percentage) that the employee will leave the company.

Mentoring: The Mentoring section displays when the Mentoring Relationships feature is enabled for your role. This section lists all of an employee's mentoring relationships, where they are the mentor or the mentee.

Field Description
Relationship as Mentor This section lists details about employees the logged in user is currently mentoring. Details include the name of each mentee, status of the relationship (For example, Approved or Awaiting approval), and Start and End date of the relationship. Several actions may be available (For example View, Approve, or Reject a requested mentor relationship, and View Details/Hide Details.
Relationship as Mentee This section lists details about the logged in users's relationship with someone else as the mentor and them as the one being mentored. Details include the name of each mentor, the status of the relationship (For example, Waiting on mentor), and the Start and End date proposed for the relationship. Several actions may be available (For example, click the View icon to open the Mentoring Relationship screen.


Field Description
Expand/Collapse Panels Each section has an Expand/Collapse Panels button for ease of use. Expand to view details in each sub-section. Collapse to hide details.