Contents of the External Certifications Screen

The External Certification screen displays the following fields.


Field Description
Acronym (if applicable)

Enter an abbreviation for the certification (for example, CPR for a class on cardiopulmonary resuscitation).

Certification Name

Enter the name of the certification (for example, Certified Public Accountant).


Enter a description for the certification.

Issued By

Enter the name of the institution that granted the certification.


Enter the date on which the certification became effective.

Expiration Date

Enter the date on which the certification expires.

Required to Perform Job Duties

Select this option if this certification is required to perform your job duties.

Number of Days to Notify Before Expiration

Enter the number of days before the certification expires that you want to receive a reminder of the expiration. For example, enter 30 to start receiving reminders 30 days before the certification expires.

Frequency (Days) of Reminders Before Expiration

Enter the number of days between reminders before the certification expires. For example, enter 2 to receive a reminder every other day before the certification expires.

Frequency (Days) of Reminders After Expiration

Enter the number of days between reminders after the certification expires. For example, enter 1 to receive a reminder every day after the certificate expires.

Number of Days to Notify After Expiration

Enter the number of days after the certification expires that you receive reminders. For example, enter 30 to stop sending reminders 30 days after the certification expires.

Reminder Notification Recipient

Select the people who should receive reminders: yourself, your manager, and/or the learning administrator.

To select a role, click the role and use the right arrow to move it to the right field.

Upload File

To upload a copy of the certificate or diploma you received, click Browse and browse to the file.