Contents of the Manage Earned Awards Screen

The screen displays the awards that have installment plans.

The table displays the same columns as the Awards Pending Approval screen but with two additional columns.


Column Description
Next Payment/Disbursement This column displays the date of the next disbursement of the award.
Next Payment/Disbursement Amount This column displays the amount of the award to be disbursed.


The icons in the Actions column perform the following functions.

Action Description
Approve next payment disbursement Click this icon to approve the next disbursement of the award.
View installments Click this icon to view the details of the assigned award installment. A new screen displays showing the number of award installments, the interval (in days) of the disbursements, the amount per disbursement, the installment approval date, and the name of the approver.

When the final disbursement is made, the award will be removed from the Manage Earned Awards screen and moved to the Earned Awards History screen.