Inbox Options Subtask

Use this screen to define your preferences for refreshing the activity and message inboxes.

To access this screen, select Set Inbox Options in the Options menu. You can define how often the system checks the database and whether or not to beep and/or display a message when there are new workflow activities and messages.

When you select OK, your options will be used to refresh the inboxes and your preferences will be saved to the database.

Activity Tab

Use the options in this tab to define your preferences for refreshing the activity inbox. The Activity tab is always active.

Field Description
Refresh Every __ Minutes

Enter the frequency, in minutes, of refreshing the activity inbox. Enter zero if you do not want the activity inbox to be automatically refreshed.

New Entry in Inbox

Field Description

Select this checkbox if you would like the screen to beep when a new activity is displayed in the activity inbox.

Show Message

Select this checkbox if you would like the screen to display a message when a new activity is displayed in the activity inbox.

Message Tab

Use the options in this tab to define your preferences for refreshing the message inbox. The Message tab is always active.

Field Description
Refresh Every __ Minutes

Enter the frequency, in minutes, of refreshing the message inbox. Enter zero if you do not want the message inbox to be automatically refreshed.

New Entry in Inbox

Field Description

Select this option if you would like the screen to beep when a new message is displayed in the message inbox.

Show Message

Select this option if you would like the screen to display a message when a new message is displayed in the message inbox.