CMS Locations Subtask

Use this subtask to specify one or more CMS locations (a combination of CMS, repository, content type, and base folder).

This subtask enables you to access multiple CMS locations for a given Costpoint content type. If you want to assign user/user group access rights (that is, rights assigned by CMS location), you must fill in one or more rows on this subtask. The original CMS/Repository from the main screen must be included.

All specified content locations must include all the CMS content property fields designated on the Content Data Fields subtask. They must also share the same Data Type and Queryable value.

You cannot delete or modify a record that has content files that are linked to Costpoint records.


Field Description
CMS Location ID

Enter a unique name to identify this CMS, repository, and folder.


The CMS ID from the main screen defaults into this field for new rows. Enter, or use to select, the ID of the CMS from which this content is accessed. Clicking displays the CMSEndpoint and Endpoint Name from the file created by the Costpoint Configuration utility.

Attention: For more information about using the utility, see the Deltek Costpoint 7.0 Configuration Utility document included with this release.
CMS Name

This non-editable field displays the CMS name from the file.

CMS Repository Name

The Repository Name from the main screen defaults into this field for new rows. Enter, or use to select, the name of the CMS repository from which this content is accessed.

CMS Content Type Name

The Content Type Name from the main screen defaults into this field for new rows. Enter, or use to select, the name of the CMS content type that is used as the source for the Costpoint content type.

CMS Base Folder

The Base Folder from the main screen defaults into this field for new rows. Enter, or use to select, the CMS folder that is used as the top-level location for content of this type. Clicking displays a list of folders in the entered repository for the selected CMS.


Subtask Description
Assigned Users/User Groups Click this link to open the Assigned Users/User Groups subtask and link the profile to existing users and user groups. This subtask is enabled only if the Apply User/User Group Access Rights check box is selected on the main screen.