Add Costs to a Work Package

Use this procedure to add costs to a new work package (WP) as part of the change request.

Before you begin, see Rules for Editing Change Details Data.

To insert a work package:

  1. On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » Change Management » select a Change Request.

  2. In the List View, select the Change Request.

  3. On the General tab of the Change Request Form, click the Change Details button. The Change Details view and barchart displays.

  4. On the Costs Tab, click Insert.

  5. On the Add Resource Assignment dialog box, enter the value and other details for the new work package.

  6. Click Save.

What do you want to do?

Edit a work package

Delete a work package

Insert an activity

Delay the start of an activity

Add a predecessor or successor activity to define when an activity occurs

Add a relationship to an activity

Assign a resource to an activity

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