Examples of chart widgets

Select a chart type below to see some examples of different charts you can build in the widget designer.












Chart Type: Bar

Example of widget Balances widget
Purpose Show the balance left in different accounts.
Widget Base Home
Columns used
  • Cash
  • Payable Balance
  • Receivable Balance
  • WIP Balance
Filter/Sort/Group None
What it would look like

Chart Type: Column

Example of widget Aging widget
Purpose To see the aging of Payable, Receivable, and WIP Balance
Widget Base Home
Columns used
  • Payable Balance
  • Receivable Balance
  • WIP Balance
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Date > Aging
What it would look like

Chart Type: Scatter

Example of widget Bank Account Balance for past 6 months
Purpose To show the bank account balance for past 6 months
Widget base Bank Account
Columns used
  • Bank Balance
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by date past 6 months
What it would look like

Chart Type: Line

Example of widget Trends
Purpose To see the trend over past months for Payables, Receivable, WIP, and Cash
Widget base Home
Columns used
  • Cash
  • Payable Balance
  • Receivable Balance
  • WIP Balance
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Date
What it would look like

Chart Type: Area

Example of widget YTD Profit Margin – Project Type
Purpose To compare profit Margin by Project Type
Widget base Project Type
Columns used
  • Billed
  • Cost
  • Project Type
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Project Type
What it would look like

Chart Type: Pie

Example of widget Receivable Balance - Client Type
Purpose To show the receivable balance by Client type
Widget base Client Type
Columns used
  • Receivable Balance
  • Description
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Description
What it would look like

Chart Type: Donut

A donut chart contains the same visual attributes as a pie chart with a hollow center. In the widget designer, chart options allow you to control:

  • Start/End Angle which controls if the chart is displayed at 180, 360 or in between
  • Inner size which determines the size of the thickness of the donut
  • The placement of the donut in the chart area.
Example of widget YTD Utilization - Hours
Purpose To show the Year to date Utilization by description
Widget base Transaction
Columns used
  • Hours
  • Utilization Description
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Utilization Description
What it would look like

Chart Type: Funnel

A funnel chart is a graphical representation used to visualize how data moves through a process, for example a sales process. In a funnel chart, the dependent variable’s value diminishes in the subsequent stages of the process. By viewing the subsequent stages of a process, readers can quickly identify bottlenecks.

Example of widget BD Pipeline by Stage
Purpose To see how things are moving through stage processes like BD Stage process
Columns used
  • Current Stage
  • Contract Amount
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Current Stage
What it would look like

Chart Type: Bubble

Bubble charts tell a story visually between different data sets using three fields of data. Bubble charts are used when data needs a third dimension to provide richer information to viewers. Bubble charts are not ideal if you want to see exact values, if you want to plot more than two values on the x/y axis, if there are overlapping bubbles, or there are negative or zero values. Bubble charts also provide a way to visually identify outliers.

Note: Links are disabled for bubble charts.
Example of widget Compares Cost Against Billed + WIP and Profit %
Purpose It makes it easy to see which departments have the highest Revenue and Cost, as well as identifying which ones have the highest profit percent. In this example, you can see that Portland Architecture has the highest Revenue & Cost and a smaller profit percent. While projects with smaller Revenue & Cost have larger profit percent.
Columns used
  • Billed + WIP (as the X-Axis)
  • Cost (as the Y-Axis)
  • Profit % (as the Z. This determines the size of the bubble)
Filter/Sort/Group Grouped by Department
What it would look like