Designing tabs

Tabs group similar content and help you navigate quickly.

Before you begin

To design tabs

  1. Click > to open Design mode.
  2. Go to the Tab Security area and confirm that you are the only person who can access the tab.


If security on a tab is blank, that tab is visible only in Design mode. As soon as you assign a tab to a role or employee, it appears in those people's dashboards. So, set tab-level security for others only after completing a tab and testing it.

  1. In the Home page area, click Add Tab. New Tab appears as the last dashboard tab.
Note: When adding a tab, the tab will default to the current tab group.
  1. Enter a name for the tab.
  2. Select one or more of the following:
    • Desktop if the tab is viewable on a desktop computer, ON will display.
    • Tablet if the tab is viewable on a tablet computer, ON will display.
    • Copy Tab Creates a new tab by copying an existing tab. Enter a new name and select its display properties.
    • Delete Tab Removes an existing tab.
  3. In the Group drop down menu, select a tab group to add the tab to or select Link Only to have the tab be only accessible via a link on a page.
Note: If a tab is set to Link Only, it can only be accessed via a link on a page or while in Design Mode.
  1. In the Notes field, enter information that explains or provides context for the tab. This text appears only in Design mode.
  2. In the Target Resolution field, select the display resolution. This field allows you to view the tab as if you were using a computer with any of the following screen resolutions:
    • Default
    • 1920x1080 (HD 1080)
    • 1600x900
    • 1366x768
    • 1280x720 (HD 720)
    • 1152x864 (XGA+)
    • 1024x768 (XGA)
    • 800x600 (SVGA)
  3. Add the following type of widgets:
  1. Change the tab layout.