Workflow Security

Workflows provide you with a way to assign something outside of the schedule to a user. Examples are giving someone a simple to-do task or sending them a form for approval. The Control Account Manager and other personas use this feature to create and assign tasks to themselves and others.

Only the assignee (or their out of office delegate) can perform an action. The workflow on the current step indicates the assignee. This is the only person who can approve a workflow. For other users, the action menu options do not appear in the menu. You can define the assignee in the Steps grid on the Workflow Steps tab of Workflow Type Configuration. You can view the current assignee in the Assignments grid on the workflow Progress tab (for example: the Baseline Change Request Progress tab).

Workflow security uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) to give lists of users or groups of users access to a securable entity. These lists are defined on the following tabs:

Each Access Control tab has the same features and uses the same toolbar.

The primary role controls all access to menu options and tabs in Workflow Type Configuration.

Access Control Grid

An Access Control grid is available for each workflow type. Only an assignee or a delegate of the assignee (if the assignee is out-of-office) can perform an action. For other users, the action menu options do not display on the menu. The action menu options include the following:

For more information on Access Control, see Access Control Overview.

What do you want to do?

View a workflow

View the workflows you created

View the workflows assigned to you

Create a new workflow

Create a new workflow type

Edit a workflow

Delete a workflow

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