Access Control Tab

The Access Control tab contains a grid with a list of users or groups of users who have access to a securable entity (such as a project, report, and a General Import and Export configuration form). In Dashboards, Dashparts, and Reports forms, you can access the list by clicking the Access Control button.

Dashboard Name/Dashpart Name/Report Name

This field is only available on the Dashboard, Dashpart, or Report form. Enter the name of a dashboard or a dashpart. Alternatively, you can click to display the Dashboard Search dialog box or Dashpart Search dialog box.

The Report Name field is read-only.


Enter the name of the entity owner from the list of User IDs defined in the EPM Security Administrator (SA). You can also click to display the User Search dialog box.

This field has the Quick Find functionality. After you enter characters, the Quick Find feature performs a type-ahead search, and locates the domain that best matches the characters that you have entered. You can specify either a single character, such as the letter "a", or a string of characters, such as "ab".

The default owner is the user creating the project or workflow. However, any user who has rights to Access Control can change the owner. The owner and any member of the SYSADMIN group have full rights to the entity, including the ability to change the owner. If you click Save without specifying an owner, an error message displays.

The user who created the entity displays by default. The displayed value has the <first name><space><last name> format.

In addition, this field has the IM Presence functionality, which allows communication with other users who appear online via instant message or email. It uses an IM ball next to the user field to indicate the selected user's status, such as busy or available.

Access Control Grid

This grid displays the Access Control List (ACL), which you can access under one the following conditions:

Grid Toolbar



Access Control

  • Print — Select to display the Print Preview window of the grid's content.

  • Export to Excel — Select to display the grid's content in Microsoft Excel.

Insert Users

Click to add one or more users to the ACL using the User Search dialog box. If you select duplicate entries and then click Save, an error message displays.

Insert Groups

Click to add one or more groups to the ACL using the Group Search dialog box. If you select duplicate entries and then click Save, an error message displays.


Click to delete a selected row. You can select multiple records by pressing either the CTRL key or the SHIFT key and then clicking the selected records.

Grid Columns

Field Name


User ID

This column displays User IDs using the <first name><space><last name> format after you select a user. Select a value from the User Search dialog box, which you can access by clicking Insert Users. You can select multiple users.

The IM presence functionality is enabled for this column. The IM ball displays the user's current status, indicating whether you can communicate to the user via instant messaging and/or email. The IM ball, however, only displays if Microsoft Office Communicator is installed on the user's computer and Microsoft Office Service is configured correctly.

Group ID

This column displays Group IDs. You can either enter or select a value from the Group Search dialog box, which you can access by clicking Insert Groups. You can select multiple users.


This column displays a checkbox in each row. Selecting the Read-Only option allows you to restrict the user or group's access to an entity by setting it to read-only mode. By default, this option is not selected.

  • When you add a user to the ACL (either as an individual user or a member of a group) of a project, PM Compass ignores the read-only flag for the project for workflows, and uses the standard workflow access control instead.

  • When you add a user to the ACL (either as an individual user or a member of a group) in Workflow Type Configuration with read-only access,  the following conditions apply:

  • Only the originator and the current assignee can edit a workflow.

  • The read-only flag remains on other entities, unless specified otherwise.

The Read-Only option ensures that only the owner or a member of the SYSADMIN group can modify any saved settings.

  • If you have read-only rights to a project, the Project Form View and the Links tab on the Cost Analysis and Schedule Analysis forms are also read-only.

  • If you have read-only rights to a workflow type, you cannot change the contents on the Workflow Type Configuration form for that workflow type. You can only create a workflow for that workflow type in All Workflows if you have access to the New option.

What do you want to do?

Add a user or group to the Access Control List

Remove a user or group from the Access Control List

View location

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