Primary Roles and Special Groups in PM Compass

This section defines the primary roles and special groups in PM Compass.

Primary Roles

Primary roles define the type of operations the user can perform, for example, update baselines, set budget equal to actual costs, and update data. PM Compass does not all allow overwriting of the primary role like other EPM products.

When Deltek EPM Security Administrator (SA) runs, you create roles that identify super users, which usually include analysts, from novice users (Control Account Manager). For example, assume that an EPM application has eight users. You add these eight users through the EPM SA using Active Directory.

You can define each of these users to have one of the following roles as primary role:

For each of these primary roles, you define the menu options to which the user has access. For each user, you select the role as their primary role. You then assign these users a license to a product that they should be able to access.  

If a user is not given a primary role, the role titled DEFAULT is used to identity the menu options that the user has rights to access.

Special Groups

There are two special groups in PM Compass:

The owner of the file also has full rights to the Access Control tab.

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