EPM Security Model for PM Compass

The PM Compass security features enable the system administrator to grant or restrict your access to forms and processes in PM Compass. To define your rights to the application, the system administrator creates user "roles" that reflect your organization's business rules using the Deltek EPM Security Administrator (SA). The system administrator then assigns each user or a group of users to a role.

The EPM SA allows you to define the security rights for all EPM applications, such as PM Compass, Cobra, and Open Plan. These applications offer different options but they all follow the same premise.

Access rights determine a role's admittance to the forms, tabs, and reports that are available in PM Compass.

For more information, access the Deltek EPM Security Administrator Help.

You use the EPM SA to perform several tasks, such as the following:

Since you can use the EPM SA for all EPM products, you do not have to create and maintain separate user lists for any of the EPM products. When you first install the EPM SA, you must define the system settings. You must define the email configuration before using workflow in PM Compass.

To implement security quickly in EPM SA, take the following actions:

  1. Use the active directory to import the list of users.

  2. Specify users who have a license to PM Compass.

  3. Create groups to define the major programs that separate file access.

  4. Add the users to the appropriate groups.

If you want to control menu level access, define various roles and provide each user with a primary role. Assign the users to a product license. In various EPM applications, add the appropriate group to the Access Control of each file.

There are reports provided in EPM products to show who has access to what data in the products. In addition, EPM SA includes reports for security auditing.

You can access the EPM SA by going to the designated EPM SA URL and then clicking Run.


The PM Compass documentation uses the following terms:

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