PM Compass Tab in EPM Security Administrator

The PM Compass tab in EPM Security Administrator (SA) allows you to set permissions for a particular role. The users' primary roles define what they can do by securing menu options. Each securable workflow displays in a tree view, which you can expand or collapse.

For more information, see EPM Security Model for PM Compass.

In general, the parent or top node of the tree view on this tab matches the panes or group bars in the Navigation menu of PM Compass. The child nodes match the forms or menu settings on the pane or group bar. The lowest level options represent the menu settings in the application. Not all areas in the tree view, however, fit into this model. One example is Workflows, which PM Compass categorizes using the List Table. Only the workflow category displays in the tree view of selectable options.

You can select the parent and child permissions individually on this tab. However, if one of the children has been visible and you set the parent to visible, the child permission is automatically reset to visible. By default, the Visible and Enabled permissions are assigned to each group for the areas discussed in this section.

Context Menu Options

For each area listed on the application tab (in this case, PM Compass), you can define whether it should be enabled for users and groups assigned these roles. When you right-click a line, EPM SA displays a context menu with the following options, which define the type of access required for each role:

There are cases wherein selecting the Enabled option or invisible (not selecting Visible) option are ignored. If disabling an area is not supported, only the menu settings become invisible. For example, you cannot disable any of the following areas of PM Compass:

If you do not select Enabled, these areas become invisible.

Some of the parent nodes are not securable options. You only use them to group the child options. For example, clicking Projects » Form View » Links only allows you to group securable options on the Links tab in PM Compass. It does not indicate that you can disable the tab. Similarly, the node Reports » Report Categories allows you to group various categories and does not refer to a securable option.

View location

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