Cost Actions Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to perform actions such as deleting, replanning, and moving workflow packages. The grid includes a collapsed list of control accounts selected on the workflow form that can be expanded to the work package level. After the action is completed, PM Compass displays the effects of the change in the Cost grid on the workflow form General tab. This dialog box is only available when you integrate with Cobra version 8.4 or later.

Deltek recommends that you perform the actions in this dialog box before starting the workflow. This ensures that changes to activities linked to the work packages are added to the change baseline and merged into the project baseline, and that the changes are included in the analysis performed by the Scheduler.

You can only edit the records if you are assigned to the current workflow step. If you are not assigned to the current workflow step, the record options are disabled.

You can reorder and resize the columns, but you cannot add any additional columns. PM Compass remembers your column settings the next time you access the view. The columns that you can edit have a white background.

Grid Toolbar




Use this menu option to find a specific control account or work package in the grid.

Place your cursor in the Cost Actions grid column in which you want to search. Right-click in the cell and select Find, or click Find in the grid toolbar, or click Ctrl+F to display the Cost Actions Find dialog box. If your cursor is not active in any cell or is in one of the option cells (for example, Delete or Replan), the Find feature defaults to searching for the text in the first control account field (usually the WBS).

Expand All

Click to expand the rows to display the work packages.

Collapse All

Click to collapse the rows and only display the control accounts.

Cost Actions Grid



<Control Account Key Fields>

The first three columns are the control account key fields. The column headings are set in the project.

For example,

  • WBS code (work breakdown structure)

  • OBS code (organizational breakdown structure)

  • CBS code (cost breakdown structure)


This column displays the work package ID. The column heading is set in the project.


This column displays the control account or work package description.


This option is only enabled for records where you are assigned to the current workflow step.

Select this option to delete a work package. If activities are linked to the work package, they are also deleted. When PM Compass executes the Delete Work Package cost actions process, the following occurs:

  • The activities that are linked to the deleted work package are deleted from the sandbox. This includes resource assignments, relationships, steps, and so on.

  • The work package is deleted from the sandbox project and Update Totals is run to update the control account value.

  • The process log is added to the Links tab.

  • Entries are added to the cost and schedule change log so that when the Apply Cost Changes and Apply Schedule Changes step actions are executed during the complete step, the work package as well as the activities that are linked to the work package are deleted from the live project.

You cannot delete a control account.

When you select this option, PM Compass disables Replan, Move, and Reportable.

This option is disabled for completed work packages, when the baseline start date is before the period beginning date, and when the Create or Delete Work Packages option is not selected on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration.


This option is only enabled for records where you are assigned to the current workflow step. It is disabled for a record where you have selected Delete.

Select this option to replan the record. Typically, a project manager replans when the budget no longer reflects the work to be performed. For information about how Cobra handles the budget before and after the status date, see Replan: Budget Before and Beyond Status Date.

When you select it for a control account, PM Compass also selects Replan for all child work packages. If you deselect one of the child work packages, PM Compass also deselects the control account.

When you click Next, PM Compass displays the Replan Options dialog box where you can specify how you want to replan as well as provide a name for the replanned work package (if required).

For more information about the process, see the Replan Options dialog box. For more information about replanning, see Replan: Budget Before and Beyond the Status Date.


This option is only enabled for records where you are assigned to the current workflow step.

Use this option to move a work package to a different control account. When you select Move, PM Compass displays the Move Work Package dialog box. After you close the dialog box, PM Compass displays the control account and work package ID to which the work package will be moved in the Move To column. Activities linked to the work package have their code assignments updated to maintain the link with the schedule.

You can only use the Move option for work packages. You cannot move control accounts.

When you click Finish on the Cost Actions dialog box, PM Compass sends the job to the process queue. The process name includes the workflow ID. PM Compass sends you an email when the Move process is complete. You should not run another Cost Action until you receive the process complete email. You can see where you are in the process by looking at the Process Status log. For more information, see View the Status of a Process.

When you reload the workflow, the work package that was moved now displays in the new (Move To) location. When you move a work package within the same control account, the work package is renamed. PM Compass changes the code assignments for all activities that are linked to the moved work package so that they are now linked to the new control account/work package.

If you chose to move a work package that is relevant to a replan, the replan runs before PM Compass moves the work package.

You can view details of the move in the Cost/Schedule Change Log.

You can access the process log by clicking the hyperlink on the Workflow Links tab.

This option is disabled when you select Delete and for all completed work packages.

Move To

This column works together with the Move column. It displays the control account and work package ID to which the work package will be moved. When you click the hyperlink, PM Compass displays the Move Work Package dialog box with the work package you selected.


This column displays the control account or work package status. For example, Planned, In-Progress, or Completed.


This column displays the work package EVT setting.

Baseline Start

This column displays the control account or work package baseline start date.

Baseline Finish

This column displays the control account or work package baseline finish date.



This button is disabled.


If you click Next and you selected Replan for any record, PM Compass displays the Replan Options dialog box. If you did not select Replan, PM Compass displays the Cost Actions Summary dialog box where you can verify the processes that will run.


Click to close the dialog box and execute the processes. PM Compass sends you an email when the process is complete. You should not run another Cost Action until you receive the process complete email. You can see where you are in the process by looking at the Process Status log. For more information, see View the Status of a Process.


Click to close the dialog box without making any changes.


Click to view the related help topic.

What do you want to do?

Move a Work Package

View location

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