Change Log Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to view the list of schedule and cost changes for a change request including what was added, updated, or deleted, and the last user to change a particular record. This is helpful when you are trying to find out what has changed. 

If there is an activity linked to a work package, users creating a Forecast Change Request should not be changing the work package dates. If they do need to change the dates, it should be obvious to the approver that the dates were changed. You can use the grid to search for work package dates as a change record. 

Similar to the schedule change log, the cost change log displays the control accounts and work packages that have changed, followed by the old and new value. Using this grid, an approver can scan the list to see which fields changed and by how much. The log only captures manual changes made to a work package in the Change Details view. It does not include changes made as part of an import, in the sandbox project, or by the schedule integration. The cost change log does not capture time-phased changes. If the change involves a resource assignment, the system adds a resource assignment update record to the log. The cost change log will still include changes even when the work package has already been deleted from the live project.

Subsequent changes, deletions, or updates made to an added record are not captured in the change log. For example, if the CAM adds an activity, and then the scheduler changes the duration for that activity, the update made by the scheduler does not display in the schedule change log. Also, when the CAM adds an activity and the scheduler then deletes it, the updates are not included in the change log.

Tip: After the change request is complete, this information is no longer available from the workflow form. To save a copy of the Change Details report and the cost/schedule change logs, add the Export Change Details step action to your workflow Complete step before the Apply Schedule Changes, Apply Cost Changes, and Remove Temporary Data step actions. The information is exported to an Excel spreadsheet and attached to Links tab in the workflow form. For steps, see Export the Change Details Report And/Or Change Logs.

Change Log Entries for Activities/Steps/Relationships Not Linked to a Work Package

When you edit an activity, step, or relationship as part of a change request that is not linked to a work package, the Schedule Change Log still includes details of the change. For example, if you change the duration, the log shows the original and new values.

Change Log Entries for Created / Deleted Activities and Deleted Relationships

Change Log Entries for Resource Assignments


The grid includes the following information, sorted by Last Updated Data (default):

 For related cost and schedule examples, see Omit below.

For related cost and schedule examples, see Omit below.


Click to save your selections in the Omit column and close the dialog box. This button is only available when the workflow action is Continue Complete or Continue Approve and the Omit column is editable.


Click to close the dialog box without saving any changes. This button is only available when the workflow action is Continue Complete or Continue Approve and the Omit column is editable.


Click to close the dialog box. This button is available when the workflow action is anything other than Continue Complete or Continue Approve.


Click to display the help topic for this dialog box.

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