This dialog box displays when you select Replan for a record on the Cost Actions dialog box. Typically a project manager replans a project when the budget no longer reflects the work to be performed. Use this dialog box to select the options for replanning a control account or work package.
After you complete the entries on the Replan Options dialog box, and you review the Cost Actions Summary dialog box and click Finish, PM Compass uses the Cobra web service to perform the Replan process on the sandbox project which includes:
New work packages are added if the replan work package option was selected
Work package statuses are changed where necessary
The replanning adjustments to the replan budget and performance cost classes are added
Replan budget, performance, and actual costs are moved to the new work package if the option to create a replanned work package was selected. Similarly, if this option is selected, the completed activities have their code assignments updated so that they link to the completed/replanned work package.
If you chose to move a work package that is relevant to a replan, the replan runs before PM Compass moves the work package.
When the workflow is completed, the results of the replan are moved to the live Cobra project.
Note: Replan is not performed on the live project during the complete step. Instead, the results of the replan performed in the change request are applied to the live project. For example, if actual costs are loaded into the Cobra project after the workflow is started, they are not considered in the replan adjustment.
For more information about replanning, see Replan: Budget Before and Beyond the Status Date.
Select this option to instruct Cobra to make an adjustment in the current period when replan is performed.
If this option is not selected, Cobra replaces the historical budget and earned value records based on the method selected. This removes all historical variances. If this option is selected, Cobra places an adjusting entry in the current period so that the cumulative cost and schedule variance are zero, depending on the method selected. All historical data is retained.
This setting defaults to the Cobra sandbox project properties selection. This option is read only if the Secure flag is set in Cobra on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
This option only applies if you selected the Replan by Adjusting Entry on the Current Period option and the status date is after the baseline finish date of the work package.
If the status date is after the work package baseline finish date, the work package baseline finish date is changed to the day after the status date. The adjustment of the date ensures that the replanned entry is within the work package dates.
This setting defaults to the Cobra sandbox project properties selection. This option is read only if the Secure flag is set in Cobra on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
Select this option to instruct Cobra to create a new work package for Replanned Budget/Earned/Actual Costs during the replan. This option puts the adjustment in the new work package that you are given the opportunity to name. If you do not select this option, the adjustment is added to the source work package. If actual costs are stored at the Control Account level, this option is required.
This setting defaults to the Cobra sandbox project properties selection. This option is read only if the Secure flag is set in Cobra on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
Select this option to replan work packages that have not yet started. If this option is not selected, a work package that has not yet started will be skipped even if there is actual cost for the work package. If this option is selected, the baseline start date for the work package will be moved to the status date so that the replanned entry occurs within the work package dates.
This setting defaults to the Cobra sandbox project properties selection. This option is read only if the Secure flag is set in Cobra on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
Select this option to replan completed work packages. If this option is not selected, you can only replan incomplete work packages.
If the work package has a baseline finish date that is set before the status date, the work package baseline finish date is moved to the day after the status date so that the adjustment entry occurs within the work package dates.
This setting defaults to the Cobra sandbox project properties selection. This option is read only if the Secure flag is set in Cobra on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
If you replan a work package, Cobra
stores the earned value of the replanned
work package in the class that you specify here. Click
to display the Class Search dialog
box, where you can select the class that will store the replanned
work package. By default, earned value
is stored in the Earned class.
This option affects only the Replan process.
This setting defaults to the Cobra sandbox project properties selection. This option is read only if the Secure flag is set in Cobra on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
Budget = Earned = Actuals: This option sets the budget and the earned value equal to the actual costs.
Budget = Earned: This option sets the budget to equal the calculated earned value.
Use these options to enter a name and description for the new work package that the replan process will create.
Enter a name for the new work package. When you click Next, PM Compass checks the sandbox project to see if a work package already exists with the same name (including the prefix/suffix if applicable). If it does exist, the system displays a message letting you know that you need to enter a different name.
When naming new work packages, you should consider how they will be ordered in the list of work packages for future replans. For example, if you want to have replanned work packages at the bottom of the list because they are already closed, you should name them in a manner that will put them at the bottom of the list alphanumerically. In addition, if you intend to perform more than one replan during the life of the project, you should not use the name Replan for new work packages.
This field is required if one of the following is true:
The level at which actual costs are collected is not work package and you select Budget = Earned = Actuals
You select the Create a New Work Package for the Replanned Budget/Earned/Actuals option
Specify whether the new name is applied as a prefix or suffix to the existing work package name. If only one work package is created due to actual costs being collected at the control account level, the Prefix and Suffix options are disabled and the name that you provided as the new name of the work package is used.
Enter a description for the new work package.
Click to close this dialog box and return to the Cost Actions dialog box.
Click to display the Cost Actions Summary dialog box where you can verify the processes that will run. After you click OK, PM Compass executes the processes.
This button is disabled. Click Next to continue.
Click to close the dialog box without running replan or any of the cost actions processes. PM Compass returns you to the Model Changes view or the Workflow Form view, depending where you were when you selected Cost Actions.
Click to display the related help topic.
Replan a Control Account or Work Package