Class Search Dialog Box

Use the Class Search dialog box to select an unapproved class to be used for the change request.

The grid displays only unapproved classes based on the project selected in the Workflow Type Template Project field. In Cobra, an unapproved class is one that does not have the Include in totals option selected. This means that it is not included in the project’s budget, actual, or earned totals. You cannot change the setting for this field after the class has been created. You can either create a new class, or select a class in Cobra that does not have the Include in totals option selected.   

For more information, see Classes and Cost Sets.

The Class Search Dialog Box displays the following fields and options:

Display Type

This field is read-only and displays Standard.


After changing the information on the dialog box, you must click this button to populate the list box of results. The records that PM Compass displays in a grid depends on the search filters that you define. The columns in the grid vary, depending on the display type that you select.


This field is optional. It allows you to enter the name of saved search, or it displays your selection after clicking and then selecting a saved search.  


Click this button to display the Organize Options dialog box, which allows you to save your search and give it a name.

Search By

From the drop-down list of this field, select one of the following options:

After selecting the field, click the Search button to populate the list box with results from the selected Search By.

Search Text

This text box allows you enter a value a stored in the selected Search By field, or click at the end of the text box to retrieve a pick list. After entering the search text, click any where in the search results grid or click the Search button to populate the list box with results from the selected Search By.

Search Results Grid

This grid displays the Class and Description search results. The column headings of this grid vary depending on the field that you select from the Search By drop-down list.

Total Rows

This field displays the total number of records that are available in the result set of the search.


Select a class from the grid and then click this button to display the corresponding record. You can select multiple records by pressing either the CTRL key or the SHIFT key and then clicking the selected entries. The search dialog box displays the first record that best matches the criteria, following the numerical-alphabetical order for all records.

This button is disabled until you click a record in the grid.  

PM Compass remembers the last search results the you get such that when you open the same search dialog box again, the previous set of results displays in the grid.


Click this button to exit the dialog box.


Click this button to display the help topic for this dialog box.

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Perform a quick search

Perform a standard search

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