The Search field is available
on most PM Compass forms. Clicking
displays the corresponding search dialog
If you enter one character in the field, the search filters all available records and then attempts to display a list of records which ID or description starts with the specified character. If it finds matches, it displays corresponding records in a list. You can click your preferred record, populating the form with the corresponding data.
If you enter more than one character, the search filter displays all records which ID and description contains the specified characters. For example, entering "shuttle" finds a project in the Project lookup with the description "Space shuttle."
If you enter a value in the field and the system finds only one record, the specified record displays in the Search field.
PM Compass remembers the previous search that you make. When you access the same form again, the set of results from the last search displays.
If a field with a search capability is disabled, the search is also disabled.
The Project advanced search grid contains labels set up on the Custom Fields tab of the User-Defined Data form, with the Area field set to Projects.
A workflow advanced search grid contains labels set up on the Custom Fields and Source Fields tabs in User-Defined Data, with the Area field set to All Workflows.
The control account advanced search grid contains labels set up on the Source Fields tab in User-Defined Data, with the Area field set to Cost.
The activity account advanced search grid contains labels set up on the Source Fields tab in User-Defined Data, with the Area field set to Schedule.
Searches within the Reports area of PM Compass vary depending on the type of data that display on a report. For example, the Variance Analysis report in Cost Analysis contains the Project field.