Custom Fields Tab of the User-Defined Data Form

You can add custom fields to workflows or projects and define a default value for the field, or a list of valid entries, and specify if they are required fields. There behavior varies depending on the area to which they are added.

Before you can add a custom field to the workflow or Projects form, you must add the field to the database using the User-Defined Data form.

See Custom Fields Overview for more information about this field type.

New Field vs. Relabel

If you are adding a custom field because you need a field with a different label, consider changing the label of an existing field instead of adding a new field. For example, you could change the Scheduler label to Planner. See Edit a Custom Field Label for steps.

Custom Fields Grid

The Custom Fields tab is enabled when you set the Area field on the User-Defined Data form to All Workflows, or Projects. The available grid columns depend on the Area field setting that you select. The selection in the Area field specifies the form to which you want to add the field - a workflow or Projects form.

See User-Defined Data Overview for more information about each Area selection and when to select each one.

Click on a link below to see the Custom Fields grid column and field descriptions that relate to each Area field setting.

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Custom Fields

User-Defined Data

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Add a custom field to the workflow table

Add a custom field to the Projects form

View location

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