Cost Actions Find Dialog Box

Use this dialog box to find a specific record in the Cost Actions dialog box grid.

Place your cursor in the Cost Actions grid column in which you want to search. Right-click in the cell and select Find, or click Find in the grid toolbar, or click Ctrl+F to  display this dialog box. If your cursor is not active in any cell or is in one of the option cells (for example, Delete or Replan), the Find feature defaults to searching for the text in the first control account field (usually the WBS).

Find What

Enter or select the text for which you want to search. If the search column is a date column, this field becomes a date picker. If the search column is EVT, this fields becomes a dropdown list with EVT options.


This field displays the name of the selected column in which to perform the search. This is the column in which your cursor was active when you clicked Find. If you didn't place your cursor into any cell, or if you placed it in one of the Options columns (Replan, Move, Delete) before clicking Find, this field defaults to the first control account field (usually the WBS).

Find Options


Find Next

When you click this button, PM Compass expands the grid contents and sets the focus on the first/next record in the Cost Actions dialog box grid that matches your search.


Click to close the dialog box without making any changes.


Click to view the related help topic.

View location

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