Use this procedure to add resource assignments to an activity.
To assign a resource to an activity, complete the following steps:
On the Navigation menu, click Workflows » Change Management » select a Change Request.
In the List View, select the Change Request.
On the General tab of the Change Request Form, click the Change Details button. The Change Details view and barchart displays.
Select the activity to which you want to assign a resource.
On the Resources tab, select the row below which you want to insert the new resource assignment.
Click Insert.
In the Resource
ID field, click to
search for and select the new resource. The information used in the
look-up comes from your scheduling system. The list is filtered to
include only those resources that have been assigned to the project.
If you need to assign a resource that is not already assigned to the
project, make a note of that resource in the Notes
tab. When you select a Resource ID,
the Description and the Unit will automatically be displayed.
In the Quantity field, enter the total number of units (not available percentage) you want to assign to the resource. For example, enter 40 hours to represent working on an activity 8 hours a day for a week. The one exception is the last curve (Quantity per [Schedule Duration Units]). When this curve is selected, the quantity represents a rate.
For example, if Schedule Duration Units on the Projects Progress tab is set to Day and you use this curve type, then the quantity is expressed in a rate per day. When you use Open Plan, it is important that the settings in PM Compass are the same as they are in Open Plan because Open Plan will interpret the quantity to be a rate per the Duration Default Unit defined on the Project Properties Preferences tab.
In the Spread Curve field, select the resource curve type.
Click Save.
Select the Create, Edit, or Delete Activities option
Add time phased data at the WP and CA level for manual entry of costs
Edit time phased data at the WP and CA level for manual entry of costs