Project Workload report
unavailable in ajeraCore
Use this report to forecast future requirements and view past trends, all in one report. The report displays contract remaining amounts for phases, and it forecasts when those amounts will be spent. It builds the forecasts using a straight-line estimate, and the start and end dates assigned to the phase.
Note: |
Entering an actual start or end date in the Project Command Center overrides the estimated start or end date in this report. From that point on, the report uses the actual date. |
With this report, you can:
- Identify future revenue.
- See workload by company, department, or principal.
- Determine your ability to handle a new project according to the timeframe requested by the client.
- Select to show the effect of your Business Development pipeline on future workload.
To see the information for each employee working on a project, print the Employee Workload report.
Project manager
Producing the report
From the >
Forecasting potential workload
Along with future actual workload, you can also choose to review a factored forecasted amount for work you are currently pursuing.
When working with the BD phase, you enter your percent chance of winning the work (on the Marketing Info subtab of the Business Development subtab). You also link the production phase to the BD phase by selecting the BD phase in the Marketing Phase field on the General subtab. Ajera then calculates the factored amount by multiplying the percent chance of winning (as entered for the BD phase) by the proposed contract amount and hours for the linked production phases.
For example, your firm is trying to win a job which requires 300 hours of work. Your firm is competing against two other firms, and it is a new client for all firms, so you expect you have an even chance of winning - a 1 in 3 chance or 33%. That 33% appears as roughly 100 hours of potential work on the report. It appears in green so you can easily distinguish projected work from actual work.
When considering just one project, the potential workload projection may seem overweighted. However, when the Project Workload report includes many potential projects, all with different percent chances of winning, this factored amount can provide a realistic forecast of future workload.
Including potential workload in the report
(Customize) and do the following:
- In the Amount Type field, select Hours.
- Select the Include marketing effort (Ajera only) check box.
Report options
Option | Description |
Company |
Multi-company only. The report contains information for all companies in your organization, unless you select a specific company in this field. |
Project |
The report contains information for all projects for the period selected, unless you select a specific project in this field. |
View as of |
The report contains information up to today's date, unless you select a different date in this field. |
Customize options
Option | Description |
Report title |
You can change the title of the report. |
Sort order |
Sorts the report by project manager, billing manager, principal-in-charge, project, project type, client, or department. If you use multi-company, you can also sort by company. |
Period |
Prints the report for the next consecutive six periods, either weeks or months, from the View As Of date. |
Amount type |
Prints either hours, spent amounts, or cost amounts |
Limit by |
Only prints projects associated with the |
Project status |
Prints all projects or projects of a specific status. You can also select a status of Marketing. |
Include overhead in cost |
If selected, it includes overhead in the cost amount. |
Include overhead projects |
If selected, it includes overhead projects in the report. |
Include marketing effort |
Includes your open Business Development efforts. To calculate amounts for this potential work, Ajera multiplies the contract amount entered on linked production phases by the percent chance of winning the work. |
Print graph |
If selected, a graph of the information appears on the report. |
Use drilldown |
If you select this check box and you are sorting by something other than project, the report summarizes information based on the sort. If you clear the check box, projects are also displayed. If sorting by project, selecting or clearing the check box displays projects. |
Print customize options on reports |
If selected, it prints a list of the options that you select. |
Report contents
Note: | Information for the Status through End Date columns does not appear until you are viewing the project or phase level of the report. The information in the Remaining as of column is based on the current date. Information in the columns to the right of the Remaining as of column is based on the View as of date you selected on the report window. |
Column | Description |
Project |
The ID of the project |
Description |
The name of the project or phase |
Status |
The current status of the project: A - Active P - Preliminary M - Marketing W - Work hold H - Hold B - Billing hold C - Closed |
Start Date |
The date work began on the project or phase |
End Date |
The date work was complete on the project or phase |
Labor Budget |
The amount budgeted for labor on the project or phase |
Remaining as of |
The amount of budgeted labor currently remaining as of the date you produce the report. The amount remaining is calculated based on spent. |
subsequent six weeks or months |
The amount of budgeted labor for each of the next six weeks or months starting with the current date or the date you entered in the View As Of field on the report window. Depending on the starting date of the reporting period, these columns can contain historical, current, and projected amounts, which are displayed as follows: Red - Prior historical amounts Purple - Current amounts Blue - Future projected amounts |
Ajera uses a straight-line method to spread the contract remaining amount evenly across remaining days at the lowest phase level. It sums those amounts to higher-level phases, projects, and then your portfolio of projects.
For example, if a phase has $10,000 remaining and is scheduled for 10 more days until completion, the spent value appears as $1,000 per day for the next 10 days.
If there are no spent amounts for the last period, the graph does not appear.
Color | Description |
Red |
Amounts that are actually spent |
Blue |
Forecasted amounts based on project manager estimates rolled up from phases |
Purple |
A mix of actual spent and forecasted spent For example, if you produce the report to show months and run it on the 15th of the month, the report shows the amount spent for that month through the 15th and the projected amount you will spend from the 16th until the end of the month. |
Green |
A factored forecasted amount based on estimates rolled up from production phases |