Contents of a Paragraph

On the element form of the project workspace, use the different options and contents of a project element paragraph to move, modify, and specify values for the paragraph.

Navigate to the following contents:


The following options are available for each paragraph:

Button Description
Dotted Icon This icon indicates the size of the paragraph.
Activate Content or Inactivate Content Click this button to activate or inactivate the paragraph.

When you inactivate a paragraph, you disable modifications for the paragraph (and all subparagraphs under it) without discarding any existing changes. You also temporarily hide specification contents for the paragraph from the preview and output. When you activate a paragraph, you enable modifications for the paragraph and show specification contents for the paragraph in the preview and output.

For more information, see Activation of Element Contents and Inactivation of Element Contents.

Manage Options This option is available only to paragraphs that contain an option set.

Click this button to display the option set controls which you can use to reset or deactivate all options within the paragraph's option set.

For more information, see Option States and Option Set Controls.

Add Content Click this button to add a new paragraph immediately after this paragraph as a sibling.

For more information, see Addition of Element Contents.

Tip: To add a subparagraph to a given paragraph, add a new paragraph and demote the new paragraph as a subparagraph of the given paragraph.
Remove This option is available only for user-added paragraphs.

Click this button to remove the paragraph.

For more information, see Removal of Element Contents.

Menu Click this button to view the available options for the paragraph.
The following options are available:
  • Notes
    • All Notes: Open the Notes window and view notes for the project element.
    • Create New Note: Add a project note to the paragraph.

The availability of these options are based on your user permission.


Use the following example of a paragraph to learn about the available items within a paragraph:

On this form, a combination of the following items are available for each paragraph:

Item Description
Property Title (Key) For user-added paragraphs, click the property title and enter text to modify the title.

This serves as a title for the paragraph or property in the family, section, or product type element. Typically, Specpoint uses this as a key in product type properties for your project's product selection. The paragraph's property title is unique among its sibling paragraphs under a given parent paragraph or article.

In the given example, the following is the property title:

Condensation-Resistance Factor (CRF)

Paragraph Content (Value) Click the paragraph content and enter, delete, cut, copy, or paste text to modify the content.

This indicates the actual information for a given element such as a paragraph, a single sentence, or phrase. The available specification content varies per paragraph/property. Typically, the paragraph content provides a description about the project element or adds context to the option set.

In the given example, the following is the paragraph content:

Provide aluminum windows tested for thermal performance according to AAMA 1503, showing a CRF of <Option Set>.

Option Set Use these options to select or enter values in a paragraph and specify properties according to your project requirements. Examples of these properties for selection are measurements, materials, and inclusions.

In the given example, the following is the option set:

(45) (52) [Insert value]
As an administrator or author, you can perform any of the following as applicable:
  • In the text field ([Insert]), enter the value that is required by the paragraph/property and the value's unit of measure, if applicable.
  • Enter multiple values. Values that you entered display in pills and you can click the x in each pill to delete the value.
  • Select one or multiple options that are available.

For more information, see Option Set.

For more information, see Modification of Element Contents.