Activation of Element Contents

Use this reference to learn about the multiple rules that apply and the changes that Specpoint makes to related content items when you activate the contents of a project element.

Rules and Automated Changes

Content Item Rules Automated Changes
  • You can activate only the contents of an added and active project element.
  • You can activate only articles and paragraphs that are inactive on the element form.
  • You enable modifications for the article or paragraph.
  • You show specification contents for the content item in the preview and output.
  • Specpoint adjusts the numbering of affected articles and paragraphs in the preview and output.
Performance Requirement You cannot activate performance requirements. None
Article None Specpoint activates all paragraphs and all the paragraphs' subparagraphs under the article.
Paragraph or Property Set None
  • Specpoint activates its parent article, if inactive.
  • For subparagraphs, Specpoint activates all paragraphs directly above the subparagraph.
  • Specpoint activates all subparagraphs in all levels directly under the paragraph, if any.
Shared Property None When you activate a shared property, Specpoint activates all instances of the paragraph in all families, sections, and/or product types that share it.
Manufacturer Paragraph None Specpoint inactivates the BOD product paragraph in the same article in the same product type. Specpoint also discards all selections and entries in the option set for comparable products.
BOD Product Paragraph None Specpoint inactivates the manufacturer paragraph in the same article in the same product type. Specpoint also discards all selections and entries in the manufacturer list.