Deltek Vantagepoint 6.5 (Build 6.5) Release Notes
Release Date: August 25, 2023
Last Updated: June 18, 2024

Welcome to the Deltek Vantagepoint 6.5 Release Notes, which describe the new features and enhancements introduced in this release.

These release notes address all of the modules associated with Deltek Vantagepoint 6.5.0, some of which your firm may not use. Skip the sections that do not apply to your implementation of Deltek Vantagepoint.

EnhancementsSoftware Issues Resolved



FEC File Generation

When you generate an FEC Data File in Accounting » FEC File Generation, the output file now displays the opening balances before the accounting entries.

AP Invoice Approvals

Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) for AP Invoice Approvals

To automate creation of AP Invoices, Vantagepoint now uses intelligent character recognition (ICR) to read details from an uploaded AP Invoice file and automatically populates the following fields in the AP Invoice Approval form:

When you set the Enable Approval Workflow option to Yes, the new Use Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) option displays on the Options tab of the Accounts Payable settings form (Settings » Cash Management » Accounts Payable).

Set the Use Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) option to Yes to enable Vantagepoint to read uploaded AP Invoice files and prefill fields on the AP Invoice Approvals form. If you use multiple companies, you must configure this option for every company in the organization.

Uploading AP Invoice Files

When you upload an AP Invoice file, the document displays on the Preview AP Invoices pane at the right of the AP Invoice Approvals form. If you upload multiple files, all uploaded files for the AP Invoice are displayed. Use the controls in the Preview AP Invoices pane to navigate between files or to select a file in the AP Invoices grid to display. You can collapse the pane to view just the AP Invoice record or expand the pane to view the uploaded file and the record contents side-by-side.

After you upload an AP Invoice file, Vantagepoint validates that the vendor and the vendor address captured from the uploaded document match the information of a vendor record in the database. If there is no matching vendor and/or address record, the Vendor and/or Address field is not populated and a dialog box displays to suggest the next actions that you must complete (for example, select a vendor and/or address). If the ICR did not capture values for the Invoice, Invoice Date, Invoice Amount, or Currency fields, those fields are left blank.

Invoice Amount Field

When ICR reads an uploaded AP Invoice file, the total amount for the invoice is populated in the Invoice Amount field on the AP Invoice Approvals form. This field is now always editable. The value of the Invoice Amount field should match the total amount listed in the Project Information grid; if it does not, a warning message is displayed when you submit the AP Invoice.

Adjustable Right Pane for AP Invoice Approvals

When you navigate to the Transaction Center and view the AP Invoice Approvals form in Detail View, you can now display a PDF of the AP invoice in a preview pane on the right side of the form. This enables you to view the invoice while you continue to edit invoice and project information. You can adjust the width of the preview pane.

AP Transaction Entries

Vendor Address Field now Displays Complete Address Information for AP Transaction Entries

On the AP Voucher, AP Disbursement, and AP Invoice Approvals forms in the Transaction Center, you can now view the vendor's full address and not just the address description. This streamlined access means that you can see the complete vendor address without navigating to the Firms hub.

For more information, see Contents of the AP Disbursements Form, Contents of the AP Vouchers Form, and Contents of the AP Invoice Approvals Form in the Help.


Expose AP Invoice Approval API Endpoints

AP invoice approval API endpoints are now available. These new API endpoints honor existing validations and restrictions as well as security requirements at the application level.

Expose Third-Party Integrations API Endpoints

Third-Party Integrations API endpoints are now available. These new API endpoints honor existing validations and restrictions, as well as security requirements at the application level.

Expose the PUT Post Timesheet Entry API Endpoint

To enable posting of a timesheet for a single employee, or posting timesheets for several employees, use the new PUT Post Timesheet Entry API endpoint. This API endpoint honors existing validations and restrictions as well as security requirements at the application level.


Vantagepoint User Interface Updates

The Vantagepoint 7.0 release includes a comprehensive set of updates to the user interface that provide visual enhancements as well as navigational and functional improvements.

Update the API Error Response Messages

The API error response messages have been updated to include a list of additional error information in the "Errors" response. This detail will sometimes contain specific information for each error, including:the key for the record (PKey), the database table, and the field for that table. The additional detail is dependent on the error returned and may not always be set.

The "Message" response will continue to be returned for legacy purposes. It is the same error message information that is returned in the Errors list, but displays as a single string.

Batch Billing

New Option to Resubmit Previously Submitted Draft Invoices that Were Rejected or Not Approved

This enhancement applies if you use approvals for billing invoices.

In previous Vantagepoint versions, draft invoices with a rejected or submitted status could not be submitted again in Billing » Batch Billing unless you unsubmitted them first. When you unsubmitted them, all previous comments and markups were removed.

Now a Draft, Submit and Resubmit (for Invoice Approvals) option is available in the Run Type section on the Invoice Creation tab of Batch Billing. With this option, you can resubmit draft invoices that have a rejected or submitted status, without unsubmitting them first, which allows the previous comments and markups to be retained on the resubmitted invoices.

You see the previous comments and markups on a resubmitted invoice when you click the Revision icon on the Draft Preview tab of the Interactive Billing form (Billing » Interactive Billing) or the Draft Invoice Approvals form (Hubs » Projects » Draft Invoice Approvals).

In the project search in the Project Selection field on the Invoice Creation tab, you can now filter projects by invoice status to specify that only Submitted or only Rejected invoices be resubmitted when you select the Draft, Submit and Resubmit (for Invoice Approvals) option.


Deprecated GovWin IQ Integration

To remove duplicate functionality and reduce maintenance, the following GovWin IQ integration-related settings and features have been removed, for Vantagepoint 6.5 and subsequent releases:

Deltek recommends that you instead take advantage of the latest IQ connector that is configured in GovWin IQ. The latest Vantagepoint / IQ connector includes more functionality, including syncing analyst updates and documents, adding the full spectrum of GovWin opportunities to Vantagepoint (including SAMs and Opportunity Manager opportunities), mapping the fields synchronized, and linking existing Vantagepoint firms to the GovWin IQ buying organization. Contact your GovWin IQ Customer Success Manager (CSM) to configure the latest integration.


Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Dashpart Type

Create a new KPI dashpart when you want to highlight a metric that you find useful in evaluating data. You can specify a background and text color for the KPI dashpart, which displays in a dashboard as a colored tile showing the value of the key data that you want to see.

You can also specify sorting, date ranges, calculations, filters, drill-to’s, and presentation currencies for the KPI dashpart. In addition, when comparing the value of a KPI dashpart to a static value (or making another comparison), you can use conditional formatting to change the tile colors.

This new dashpart type does not apply for the following dashpart bases:

[image] KPI dashparts are indicated with a KPI icon in the Dashpart Library. 

Firm Dashpart Base

Use this new dashpart base to create dashparts that display firm related information from the Firms hub for a single firm type--vendor, client, competitor, or government agency--or for any combination of them.

Add a dashpart with this dashpart base to your dashboard so you can quickly access firm related information from your dashboard without the added step of searching for the firm record in the Firms hub.

As with other hub based dashpart bases, you can customize dashparts with the firm dashpart base in the Dashpart Designer. Apply sorting, groupings, filters, date ranges, and other display options to fine tune the information that you want to display in the dashpart. You can also add calculated fields, and associate drill-to dashparts to display more information that is not included in the list of available columns.

Role-Based Security for More Dashpart Bases and Columns

In Vantagepoint 6.0, we added the ability to apply role-based security settings to the employee dashpart base and its columns. You can now also apply role-based security settings to the following dashpart bases and columns:

You configure these settings on the Access Rights tab of the Roles form (in Settings » Security » Roles).

Timesheet Floor Check System Dashpart

To perform employee timesheet floor checks from a dashboard, add the new Timesheet Floor Check system dashpart to your dashboard. All actions that are available in the Floor Check dialog box in My Stuff » Timesheets are also available in this dashpart, including the following: sending reminders to your employees via emails or notifications, opening or printing timesheets, and checking timesheets from different timesheet periods.

To use the new dashpart in Dashboards, you need Group, Company, or System access to the Timesheet application (as you do to access the Floor Check dialog box).

Dashpart Calculations

You can now create dashpart calculations for your dashparts, based on columns that you select in the current dashpart. Filtering and date range settings for the columns that you include in the formula are also applied to the dashpart calculation.

Dashpart calculations differ from calculated fields, which you can formulate from all available fields of a dashpart base and which do not consider the filters or date ranges applied to the column in the calculation. Also, dashpart calculations are only available for the dashpart with which you are currently working, while calculated fields are available for the dashpart base that you used to create them.

To create a dashpart calculation:

  1. With the dashpart displayed on the Dashpart Designer form, click Calculated Field.

  2. On the Calculated Field Options dialog box, click + New Dashpart Calculation.

  3. On the Dashpart Calculation dialog box, create the dashpart calculation formula.

As with calculated fields, you can use SQL statements in addition to the options on the Dashpart Calculation dialog box.

  1. Save the dashpart calculation.

When you save a dashpart calculation, it is displayed in the column table area of the Dashpart Designer, under Calculated Fields.

  1. To edit an existing dashpart calculation, click the double pen icon to display the Dashpart Calculation dialog box and complete your changes.

  2. Customize the dashpart calculation with filters, drill to-s, and other column settings in the Dashpart Designer.

New Columns for the Project Detail Dashpart Base

Additional columns for the Project Detail dashpart base are now available to improve cash flow visibility for clients with consultants that use Paid when Paid payment (PWP) terms.

The following columns were added to make this information accessible from dashparts with the Project Detail dashpart base:

Update to the AR Comment column in the AR Detail Dashpart Base

You can now add or edit AR comments from drill to dashparts with the AR Detail dashpart base, when the dashpart includes the AR Comment column.

Files Administration Utility

Files Administration Utility Now in the Browser Application

You can now access Files Administration in the browser application, in Utilities » Files Administration. Previously, this utility was located in the desktop application.


Download Dialog Box Displays When You Run Reports from the Desktop Application


When you run a report from the desktop application, a Download dialog box now displays instead of the report preview.

New Indicators and Messages for Invalid or Missing Entries in Required Fields

Some Vantagepoint forms, tabs, and dialog boxes require data in certain fields before you can save the record, select another record, navigate to another tab, or close the form. Required fields are indicated by a red star and yellow background. Tabs that contain required fields may be displayed with a red star next to the tab name.

If you initiate a save and a required field is missing an entry, or contains an entry that is not valid, a message displays describing the problem and highlighting the field that caused the save to fail so you can correct the entry. Incomplete values in required fields are identified with one or more of the following indicators: red star, red border, red inline text, or yellow background.

General Ledger

General Ledger Groups Now in the Browser Application

You can now access the General Ledger Groups application in the browser application, in General Ledger » General Ledger Groups. Previously, this application was known as the General Ledger Budgeting Groups application and was located in the desktop application.

For more information, see the General Ledger Groups topics in the Help system.


New Find Field Option Added to Actions bar and Other Actions Menu for All Hubs

The Find Field option is now available on the Actions bar and Other Actions menu in most hubs. Use this option to quickly search for any field name or database column on a hub form. When multiple matches are found, use the paging control to page back and forth through the results on the hub form, including all of its tabs. As you page through the field search results, the hub form locates and highlights either a specific field or the grid, lookup, or drop-down list that contains the field. You can then add or update information in the field as needed.

For more information, see the Find a Field on a Hub Form online Help topic.

Interactive Billing

Voided Invoices and Credit Memos Are Now Saved in Vantagepoint

Invoices and credit memos that you void in Billing » Interactive Billing are now saved in Vantagepoint so that you can view and print them at any time. A “Void” watermark displays across each page of a voided invoice, credit memo, the Billing Backup report, and supporting documents.

Voided invoices and credit memos are retained in Vantagepoint only when all the following criteria are met:

After you void invoices and credit memos, you can view and print them from the following applications.


How to View and Print

Billing » Interactive Billing

On the Invoice History tab, select a voided invoice or credit memo in the invoices grid and click Print on the action bar.

Hubs » Firms » AR Review


  1.  In the Accounts Receivable grid on the AR Review form, click [image] at the end of a project’s row.

  2. In the Invoice Summary grid, click the voided invoice or credit memo’s number.

You can also view and print voided invoices by completing either of the following actions in the Invoice Summary dialog box:

  • Click [image](Preview) at the end of a voided invoice’s row.

  • Click [image] at the end of a voided invoice’s row and select Preview Invoice.

Hubs » Projects » Invoices


  1.  In the Invoices grid on the Invoices form, click [image]at the end of an invoice's row that has a voided invoice or a voided credit memo and select Invoice Details.

  2. On the Invoice Details dialog box, click the invoice or credit memo number.

You can also view and print voided invoices by completing either of the following actions in the Invoices grid:

  • Click [image](Filed Invoice) at the end of a voided invoice’s row.

  • Click [image] at the end of a voided invoice’s row and select Filed Invoice.

Interactive Billing and Draft Invoice Approvals

Record Name and Number Now Display in Certain Fields on Dialog Boxes

In Billing » Interactive Billing and Hubs » Projects » Draft Invoice Approvals, the fields on the dialog boxes listed in the table below now display both the project name and number, instead of only the name or number, when you make a selection in the field.

On the Interactive Billing form and Draft Invoice Approvals form, you open the dialog boxes from the Labor, Expenses, and Units tabs when you add a transaction to the grid on the tab or when you click Transfer on the grid toolbar. 


Dialog Box


  • Phase (WBS level 2)

  • Task (WBS level 3)

  • Billing Labor Insert dialog box

  • Billing Expense Insert dialog box

  • Billing Unit Insert dialog box

  • Billing Labor Transfer dialog box

  • Billing Expense Transfer dialog box

  • Billing Unit Transfer dialog box


  • Billing Labor Insert dialog box

  • Billing Unit Insert dialog box


Billing Unit Insert dialog box

Invoice Approvals

You Can Now Open Interactive Billing from Invoice Approvals

From the Invoice Approvals form in Billing » Invoice Approvals, you can now open Interactive Billing.

In the Invoices grid on the form, hover over an invoice’s row, click [image]at the end of the row, and then select Open in Interactive Billing. Interactive Billing opens in a separate browser tab. The project for the selected invoice is displayed on the Interactive Billing form. The Open in Interactive Billing option applies for submitted, approved, and rejected invoices and displays only if your security role gives you access to Interactive Billing.


Switch from ADAL to MSAL for Azure AD

For applications that used the Azure Active Directory Library (ADAL) protocol:

Applications were automatically migrated to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). There are no Vantagepoint updates required.


End Active Mobile Session when Password or Security Role has been Updated 

To further enhance security for Vantagepoint Mobile, an active Mobile session ends if either your password or security role is changed in Vantagepoint. 

Upgrade Touch Server to PHP 8.2.5

The Touch Server for this version of the Vantagepoint mobile application has been upgraded to support the PHP 8.2.5 security release.

Mobile CRM

Marketing Campaign Field in Mobile CRM

The Marketing Campaign field is now available in Activities in Mobile CRM, if CRM Plus is enabled in Vantagepoint. This field displays below the Project field on the Activity Details, Add Activity, and Edit Activity screens. To select a marketing campaign, tap the field and scroll down. Alternatively, you can enter a part of a marketing campaign name or number in the lookup field and then select one from the list that displays.

Mobile Time and Expense

Mobile T&E Supports Auto-population of Holiday Hours in Timesheets

Vantagepoint Mobile Time & Expense supports the new auto-populate holiday hours feature of Vantagepoint. Use this feature to help employees fill out timesheets more quickly in Mobile T&E.

Mobile T&E Supports the Timesheet Warning Indicator

Vantagepoint Mobile Time & Expense now supports the timesheet warning indicator feature of Vantagepoint. If the Timesheet Date Range Period does not include today's date, a yellow warning indicator displays in the header of the timesheet. This warning message indicates that you might be entering time for the wrong timesheet period, before you save and submit the timesheet; it helps you validate entries before submitting the timesheet.

My Preferences

Enable Dark Mode

To make text easier to read, you can now set your theme to dark mode or classic mode, or to the theme that you have specified for your operating system. The new dark mode option displays light text against a dark background. Set your theme using the Default Theme option on the Defaults tab in My Preferences.


Fill Labor Resource Assignments with Planned Hours

On the Labor tab of the Plan form, use the new Fill Hours Per Day row tool option to assign planned hours to work days for labor resources on your plan, based on a certain number of hours or on a percentage of hours per day. 

Select the Fill Hours Per Day option for a work breakdown structure (WBS) and labor code structure row or for an existing single employee or generic resource assignment row. Then use the dialog box to specify the established date range to be updated and either a set number of hours per work day or a percentage of the employee's hours per day.

For more information, see Contents of the Fill Hours Per Day Dialog Box.

Unit Planning

The following enhancements have been made to Unit Planning:

Plan Expenses and/or Consultants in Calendar Periods 

If you own the Resource Planning module and your company has enabled planning for expenses and/or consultants, you can now plan expense and/or consultant amounts in calendar periods in Hubs » Projects » Plan. To enable this feature, set the Allow Expense Planning in Calendar Periods and/or Allow Consultant Planning in Calendar Periods options to Yes in Settings » Resource Planning » Plan Settings. If this option is enabled and your role has the appropriate access rights, you can also modify this setting for individual plans.  

Use the calendar section in the Plan form grid to enter planned amounts for expense and consultant assignments and to view how cost and/or billing amounts are allocated to each period. You can display actual, baseline, and planned sub-rows on the calendar grid. How the amounts are entered and displayed in each calendar field depends on a combination of the following factors: the plan's budget type, applied markup settings (rate method or billing multiplier), and whether the project is in a single or multiple currency database.

The estimate-to-complete (ETC) calculations have been adjusted so that when the calendar is in use in a plan, the ETC is the sum of the planned amounts in the future date range. When the calendar is not in use in a plan, the ETC is calculated as it has been in previous Vantagepoint versions.  

To support planning for expenses and/or consultants in calendar periods, additional enhancements in this release include the following: 

Revenue Forecast: Spread Planned Billing

The Revenue Forecast application now includes the option to update forecasts with project plan billing values. This feature can be leveraged for projects where the project plans are set up with a budget type of billing or cost and billing.

Select the Spread Planned Billing row tool at any work break down structure level to update the either the ETC Revenue or the Planned Revenue forecast values.

For more information see Spread Planned Billing into a Revenue Forecast in the online Help.

Show the Critical Path on the Gantt Chart

You can now show the critical path for your project on the Schedule tab of the Plan form. The critical path is a sequence of tasks or phases that cannot be delayed without affecting the completion date of the entire project. When you turn on the Show Critical Path toggle switch above the schedule grid, the Gantt chart displays the critical path in red for any levels that directly impact the project end date. As you move and reschedule the elements on the Gantt chart, items that cannot slip any further without impacting the end date turn red and become part of the critical path.

To view the entire project schedule on the Gantt chart, click the new Expand/Collapse All button.

For more information, see Show the Critical Path in the Help.

Process Server Utility

Scheduling Reports

A Scheduled tab has been added to the Reporting application. This tab lists all scheduled reports and associated details, including the report status and description, assigned profile, start and end dates, and the individual who submitted the report. While reviewing a report on the Scheduled tab, you can also select the report to open it in a separate browser window and then edit and save your updated options.

The Queue Manager in Utilities » Process Server also includes a grid option that you can use to edit a scheduled report. Select the report to open it in a separate browser window in Reporting and then edit and save your updated options.

Most users can only view and edit the reports that they created and scheduled. However, a system administrator can access all reports and complete edits, if necessary.

Project Review

New Columns Added in the Project Review Financials Grid

In Hubs » Projects » Project Review, on the Financials tab, you can now use the Show option in the Financials grid to display planning information for a project.

When you set Show to Cost/Burden, these columns are now displayed:

When you set Show to Billing, these columns are now displayed:

For more information, see the following online Help topics:

Purchase Orders and Screen Designer

Screen Designer is Now Available for Purchase Orders

You can now use the Screen Designer to customize fields, tabs, options, and other screen elements in the Purchase Orders application. Access the Screen Designer in either of the following ways:

When you do a purchase order search, all user-defined fields and its values will be included in the search.


Important: When you upgrade your Vantagepoint instance from v6.0 to 6.5, please confirm that appropriate access rights are given to impacted roles.  Due to the additional Screen Designer functionality that is now incorporated into the Purchase Orders application, some tab access may be removed and will need to be reapplied.

Features related to using the Screen Designer for Purchase Orders will be available in phases:

Removed Support for Non-Standard HTTPS Ports

Security and HTTPS Ports

Deltek has discontinued support for non-standard HTTPS ports in Vantagepoint to align with modern security practices. 

Resource Management

Filter the Resource Search Results in Resource View

After searching for resources, you can now use the Hide if ETC is Zero filter to hide resources or projects that have no estimate to complete (ETC) hours in the selected forecast range. This simplifies the results that display on the Resource View form and makes it easier for you to focus only on resources or projects that have ETC hours in the selected forecast range.

When you select the Hide if ETC is Zero option on the Resource View form, you can choose Hide Resources with Range ETC =0 and/or Hide Projects with Range ETC =0 to exclude these items from view. For more information, see Contents of the Hide if ETC is Zero Dialog Box in the online Help.


Enhanced Search Record Filter for Hub, Application, and Settings Forms

When you search for records in the Find [record] field, you can now use the Active Only toggle to filter returned records. During your initial record search, the Active Only toggle is idsplayed at the bottom right of the records drop-down list. To return only active records in the search results, set the Active Only toggle to the On position. The toggle setting is preserved across sessions until you change it.

The Active Only toggle is available on most hub forms and on the following application and settings forms:

Search for Projects by Billing Invoice Status

In Project fields throughout Vantagepoint, you can now select projects based on billing invoice status. Use the search function in a Project field to add the Invoices » Invoice Status field as search criteria and then select Submitted, Approved, or Rejected as the value. This feature can be especially useful when you are selecting, reviewing, and processing invoices in Batch Billing, Interactive Billing, and Draft Invoice Approvals.

Security Settings

End Active Sessions when a Password or Security Role has been Updated

When you change your password or security role, all active Vantagepoint sessions are terminated and you are prompted to log in again.

System Requirements

Support for Microsoft SQL Server and SSRS

Vantagepoint now supports Microsoft SQL Server 2022 and SQL Server Reporting Services 2022.

Time and Expense Posting

Reverse Hours and Amounts of Posted Timesheets

Use the new Timesheet Corrections tab in Transaction Center » Time and Expense Posting to select and reverse specific timesheets posted in the active period (the one in which you are currently working), instead of unposting an entire batch of completed timesheets or manually correcting entries.

On the Timesheet Corrections tab, you can reverse original timesheets immediately after posting them. To do this, in the Timesheet grid, select the posted timesheets that you want to reverse and then click the Post - Reversal action to start the process. If you instead want to start the process at a later time, click Schedule To Post - Reversal.

When you complete any of these actions, Vantagepoint creates a new timesheet posting that reverses the hours and amounts for the original posted timesheet. If applicable, units that are associated with the timesheets are also reversed. Reversed timesheets are subsequently displayed on the Timesheet tab of the Time and Expense Posting form. If necessary, you can make updates to these timesheets and post them again.

Reversing a timesheet does not undo the original timesheet posting or any prior processing related to the original timesheet, such as:


Warning to Prevent Submitting a Timesheet for the Wrong Period

If the Timesheet Period Date Range does not include today's date, a yellow warning indicator with a message displays in the header of the timesheet. This warning message indicates that you might be entering time for the wrong timesheet period, before saving and submitting the timesheet. It helps you validate entries before submitting the timesheet.

Auto-populate Holiday Hours on Timesheet

To help employees save time in filling out their timesheets, you can now specify that holiday hours be auto-populated. In Settings » Time » Time Categories, select the Auto Add Holiday Hours

To help employees save time in filling out their timesheets, you can now specify that holiday hours be auto-populated. In Settings » Time » Time Categories, select the Auto Add Holiday Hours checkbox for the appropriate time category.

You must complete the following prerequisites for this feature:


Application Workflows: After Completion

The Application workflow now offers an After Completion workflow type. Use this workflow type to perform additional actions on a transaction after it is posted to the database. 

Approval Workflows: Support for Alternate Approvers

To enable alternate assignments of approvers and to maintain impartial approval of application records, use these new options in the desktop application:

Software Issues Resolved

Billing >> Invoice Approvals

Defect 1875076: This issue occurred if more than one employee was an approver for the billing invoice approval process. For invoices with an In Progress, Rejected, or Approved status, the approver who was logged in to Vantagepoint was shown as the person who made an invoice comment, instead of the employee who actually made the comment.

Cash Management >> Bank Reconciliation

Defect 1958389: When you opened a record that used bank codes containing a forward slash (/), you received this error message: "Internal Server Error."

Cash Management >> Credit Card Review

Defect 1955571: The total amounts did not display at the bottom of the Imported Amount and Posted Amount columns on the Credit Card Review form.


Defect 1890919When you created a project, Vantagepoint did not honor the Sequence Number Position that you specified for auto numbering project records in Settings » Workflow » Numbering.

Hubs >> Employee >> Employees

Defect 1955556: This issue occurred when you displayed the Employees form in list view and, on the Accounting tab of the form, updated the value in the ADP Rate Code field. Even if you specified a valid value, you received the following error message: "Adp Rate Code Ceridian Distribution Code: ADP Rate Code should only contain the following characters: ( A - Z, 1 - 9 )."

Hubs >> Firms

Defect 1717684: This issue occurred in the list view of the Firms form. An error message displayed when you tried to use the filter option for the following columns:

Hubs >> Projects >> Project

Defect 1907365: This issue occurred when you selected a project record and updated a field in one of the record rows. If you clicked another field to edit while the changes were still saving, you received the following error message: "Cannot read properties of null(reading 'PlanNeedsToBePublished')."

Defect 1910391: When you added an employee to at least two key projects/pursuit records, saved the changes, and then removed and added back the employee, you received this error message: "Employees are assigned to the same role more than once."

Defect 1914543: On the Overview tab of the Projects form, the Key Project Employees section continued to display the employee's email address even when you set the security settings of the Email field to Hidden in Screen Designer.

Defect 1930338: When you provided a value in the Primary Client field for a lost project record, you were not able to save the project because a value for the Billing Client field was still required.

Defect 1939003: This issue occurred when you copied a promotional project to create a new project. In the new project, the Revenue Method field on the Accounting tab defaulted to N - No Revenue Recognition, instead of copying the B - JTD Billings setting from the promotional project.

Defect 1958669: This issue occurred when you enabled autonumbering for projects and you created a project from an existing record that did not have an associated primary client or contact. When you later populated the Primary Client or Primary Contact field on the Edit Project Structure form, Vantagepoint did not display the role of the firm or team member as Owner on the Team tab of the new project.

Hubs >> User Defined

Defect 1837020: When you loaded a user-defined hub with a large number of user-defined drop-down fields, you experienced a performance issue.

My Stuff >> Approval Center

Defect 1870098: When you used an approval workflow that also required the approval of timesheet line items, the line items of submitted timesheets did not display on the Approval Center form.

Defect 1909941: This issue occurred for roles with the following settings specified on the Record Access tab of the Roles form (Settings » Security » Roles):

When a user who is associated with the affected role tried to access the Approval Center, they received an error message.

My Stuff >> Reporting

Defect 1066984: This issue occurred in the Timesheet Audit Detail report. The Task (WBS3 level) column displayed even though the project record had no tasks associated with it.

Defect 1901649: This issue applies for the Role Audit Detail report. When the user's employee record only had a last name in Hubs » Employees, the report displayed a blank Mod User field for updates made by that user.

Defect 1934476: This issue occurred on the Profit Planning Monitor report. The following column headings were shaded (grayed out) in the report, but they should not have been included at all because they are not applicable for Vantagepoint:

My Stuff >> Timesheet

Defect 1320234: When an approver edited an approved timesheet, the Restart Approval button did not display on the Actions bar of the Timesheet form. This error occurred if you selected a language other than English in the Language field on the login page.

Defect 1434953: This issue applies if, for your selected Time Approvals workflow, you did not select the Automatically Approve Submitted Timesheet With Zero Hours checkbox in Settings » Workflow » Approval Workflows in the desktop application. When you submitted a timesheet with no hours on the Timesheets form, you did not receive a warning message saying that you will not be able to line approve or unsubmit the timesheet.

Defect 1917148: In the drop-down list of the search field on the Timesheets form, when the corresponding record count of the All Pending Approval Timesheets search filter exceeded two digits, the labels overlapped and did not display properly.

Proposals >> SF330

Defect 1899646: In the desktop application, merged text that had cedilla diacritical marks displayed as special characters that were different from the original text content.

Defect 1908026: This issue occurred when you, in Section E of the SF330 Proposals form, selected multiple employees to participate in a contract. If you set the Name Format field to [First], [Last],[Suffix] on the form, employee names without a suffix were not displayed in the Name field in the resumes that Vantagepoint created.

Purchasing >> Purchase Orders

Defect 1815191: This issue occurred for blanket purchase orders that did not have line items. When you used an approval workflow that had conditions pertaining to PR.Org, blanket purchase orders skipped the first step in the approval process.

Purchasing >> Purchase Requisitions

Defect 1842861: This issue occurred if an item that you selected had a primary vendor with no address. Even when the Need Price Quote option was not selected, when you clicked outside the line item grid you received this error message: “Please correct the related Suggested Vendors below."


Defect 1907923: This issue occurred when you ran an advanced search on the New Project Search dialog box. If you deleted the default criteria Status = Active, selected Apply All, returned to the Projects hub, and performed another advance search, the Status = Active criteria was added back to the Search Criteria grid.

Settings >> General Ledger >> Account Group Tables

Defect 1925447: You were able to delete an account group table from the Account Group Tables form, even though the account group table was set as the default in Settings » General Ledger » Options.

Settings >> General >> Calculated Fields

Defect 1925476: When you used a formula to calculate the difference between two date fields, you received a misleading error message. The message has been updated to provide a better description.

Settings >> Labels and Lists >> Lists

Defect 1945876: You could delete the Touchpoint activity type from the Activity Type Settings dialog box.

Settings >> Security >> Users

Defect 1912666: In List view on the Users form, when you selected the Windows Authentication checkbox for certain users and tried to make an entry in the Domain field, the field was not enabled. However, you received a message telling you that an entry in the field was required.

Settings >> Workflow >> Numbering

Defect 1882558: When you used the Expression Configuration dialog box to modify the structure of identification numbers for projects by changing the value of the Sequence Number Length field, you received a validation error. This issue occurred if the new expression did not meet the value of the Sequence Number Length.

Settings >> Workflows

Defect 1962931: This issue occurred when you created a new approval workflow by copying an existing one. When you saved your new approval workflow, you received an error message stating that this workflow already exists and cannot be added.

Transaction Center >> AP Invoice Approvals

Defect 1955627: When you did not select the Allow Approvers to Reassign checkbox in Settings » Workflow » Approval Workflows in the desktop application, the Reassign action was not available for approval administrators on the AP Invoice Approvals form.

Transaction Center >> Transaction Entry >> Cash Receipts

Defect 1842294: When you used grid filters in the Project Information grid and clicked the Invoice Lookup icon, you received this error message: "Invalid column name ‘Client Name’."

Transaction Center >> Transaction Entry >> Journal Entries

Defect 1681990: When you approved and posted a journal entry, you received this error message: " Journal Entries file ; no data to post." When you returned to the list of journal entries, the grid still showed the transaction and amount, but when you opened the item it did not contain any information. This issue occurred even when you successfully processed the Labor Cross Charge entry in Accounting » Labor Cross Charge.

Utilities >> Imports & Exports >> Exports

Defect 1932542: When you exported the PRExpenses data pack, it did not include transactions that had the following account types:

Utilities >> Integrations >> Connect

Defect 1757152: On the Create Contact dialog box in Outlook, when you selected a firm and clicked the Client Location text box, you received an error message. This issue occurred if the firm that you selected was an existing record with an address in Vantagepoint.

Defect 1757165: If you were using Vantagepoint Connect and edited a contact that had a firm with an existing value entered for the client location, clicking the Client Location field resulted in the location being cleared from the field.

Defect 1946469: This issue occurred when you created a contact in the Vantagepoint Outlook Connect add-in from Microsoft Outlook. The ContactID field was required when you tried to create a contact. (The ContactID field should not have been displayed.)

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