Contents of the Fill Hours Per Day Dialog Box

Use the Fill Hours Per Day dialog box to assign planned hours to one or more work days on labor resource assignment rows. You can choose a set number of hours per work day or a percentage of the employee's hours per day.


You can select the Fill Hours Per Day option for an existing work breakdown structure (WBS) or labor resource structure row and any child assignment rows or for a single employee or generic resource assignment row. Using the dialog box, you determine the established date range to be updated and then choose to use a set number of hours per work day or a percentage of the employee's hours per day.

If the plan is checked out but the current ETC date is after the WBS1 plan end date, the Fill Hours Per Day option is disabled.

Choose a date range from the Assignment Range choices and then indicate whether to assign a set number of hours to each day or a percentage of the employee's hours per day.

Field Description
Resource and Plan Structure Branch

The names of the currently assigned resource and of the elements that comprise the branch of the plan WBS to the level of the assignment display in the upper-left corner of the dialog box. Click the text to display a tooltip containing more details.

Assignment Range The Assignment Range field provides the following options:
  • ETC Assignment Date Range: This is the default setting. For this option, the From and To fields are read-only. The ETC date or assignment start date (whichever is later) is the From date. The latest assignment end date is the To date.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a WBS structure row, the dates default to the ETC assignment date range that is within the Assignment Start and Assignment End date range on the child assignment rows in the branch. For example, if the ETC date is 9/1/2023 and widest assignment date range for all the child assignment rows is 8/1/2023-10/31/2023, the date range defaults to 9/1/2023-10/31/2023 for this option.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a resource assignment row, the dates default to the ETC assignment date range that is within the Assignment Start and Assignment End on the row.

    If the entire assignment date range for the selected row is before the ETC date, Vantagepoint displays an error message.

  • Specify Date Range: Enter the dates in the From and To fields. The ETC date or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) defaults as the From date. The latest assignment end date defaults as the To date. The From and To dates you enter must be on or after the ETC date or WBS1 row Plan Start date (whichever is later) through the WBS1 row Plan End date.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a WBS structure row, the From date defaults to the Assignment Start or the ETC date (whichever is later) on the child assignment rows on the branch, and the To date defaults to the latest assignment end date range on the child assignment rows.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a resource assignment row, the dates default to the ETC assignment date range that is within the Assignment Start and Assignment End on the row.
  • Number of Days: Use this option to specify the number of days to assign hours. Choose the starting date of the assignment range in the Starting field and enter the number of days to assign hours in the How Many Days field. The Starting date must be on or after the ETC date through the WBS1 row Plan End date.
    For example, you might want to assign 4 hours per day for working days within the next 10 days, starting with 9/1/2023. Vantagepoint assigns hours to working days within the resulting range. Any non-working days within the range have no hours assigned.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a WBS structure row, the Starting date defaults to the ETC or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) on the child assignment rows in the branch.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a resource assignment row, the Starting date defaults to the ETC or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) on the row. The End field indicates the end date based on your selections in the Starting and How Many Days fields. This could be either a working or a non-working day.
  • Number of Weeks: Use this option to specify the number of weeks to assign hours. Choose the starting date of the assignment range in the Starting field and enter the number of weeks to assign hours in the How Many Weeks field. The Starting date must be on or after the ETC date through the WBS1 row Plan End date.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a WBS structure row, the Starting date defaults to the ETC or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) on the child assignment rows in the branch.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a resource assignment row, the Starting date defaults to the ETC or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) on the row. The End field indicates the end date based on your selections in the Starting and How Many Weeks fields. This could be either a working or a non-working day.
  • Number of Months: Use this option to specify the number of months to assign hours. Choose the starting date of the assignment range in the Starting field and enter the number of months to assign hours in the How Many Months field. The Starting date must be on or after the ETC date through the WBS1 row Plan End date.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a WBS structure row, the Starting date defaults to the ETC or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) on the child assignment rows in the branch.
    • If you launched this dialog box from a resource assignment row, the Starting date defaults to the ETC or Assignment Start date (whichever is later) on the row. The End field indicates the end date based on your selections in the Starting and How Many Months fields. This could be either a working or a non-working day.

    If you select Specify Date Range or Number of Days/Months/Weeks under Assignment Range, the dates you specify could cause a change to the assignment date range on the assignment rows. If that happens, Vantagepoint prompts you to update the structure plan dates. The ETC Assignment Date Range option does not cause a change to the assignment start/end dates.

Assign to Each Work Day (hours) Enable this option to specify the number of hours to assign to each of the generic resource or employee's work days. The Hour Decimal Places selection in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings determines whether the field accepts a number with no decimal, with one decimal, or with two decimals.
Assign % of Employee's Hours per Day to Each Work Day Enable this option to specify the percentage of the employee's assigned Hours/Day (as specified on the Employment Details tab in Hubs > Employee > Employees) to assign for each working day in the selected range.

This option is available only for employee assignment rows because generic resources do not have an Hours/Day setting. If you opened this dialog box from a WBS structure row that has a combination of employee and generic assignment child rows, the specified percentage does not apply to the generic resource assignments.

Fill Click this button to apply the settings to the selected row.

If you selected Specify Date Range or Number of Days/Months/Weeks under Assignment Range, the dates you specified could cause a change to the assignment date range on the assignment rows. If the changes to the assignment dates require updates to any of the parent structure plan dates, Vantagepoint displays a message informing you that some or all of the new assignment date range is outside the parent row's plan date range. You can continue with the changes or cancel the operation. If you confirm that you want to keep the assignment date changes, the plan dates are adjusted and the grid is refreshed before the changes are processed.

If the parent structure row is a successor and if the change means that the new plan start will fall before the earliest possible start based on a structure row's predecessor restrictions, Vantagepoint displays a Dependency Restriction message and you cannot continue with the Fill Hours Per Day operation. You must modify or remove the dependency in order to add hours on an earlier date.