Financials Grid and KPIs: Regular Project at Billing

Use the grid and key performance indicators on the Financials tab of the Project Review form with the Show option set to Billing to review budget, plan, and job-to-date (JTD) amounts at billing rates for a project with the Regular charge type. You can review data for the project as a whole or for any lower level work breakdown structure element.

While JTD billing hours and amounts are based on actual time, expense, and consultant transactions to date, they do not reflect what has actually been billed to clients.

If you use multiple currencies and Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is selected on the Labor Options settings form (Settings > Accounting > Labor Options), billing amounts are displayed in the billing currency. If Use Billing (Not Project) Currency for Reporting is not selected, billing amounts are displayed in the project currency.

The Financials tab also provides the option to view amounts at cost rates. For descriptions of tab contents when Show is set to Cost or Cost/Burden, refer to Financials Grid and KPIs: Regular Project at Cost or Burden.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are distributed to the appropriate Project Review Planned categories based on the accounts used for the unit. All other categories are unaffected by the Enable Unit Planning setting. Units are always handled as expenses or consultants (direct or reimbursable) in Project Review. In the case of labor units, they are treated as an expense (direct or reimbursable).

What information displays on the Financials tab form depends both on options that you select in the Options dialog box for the tab and on a number of important system settings. Refer to Contents of the Options Dialog Box and How Key Settings Affect Project Review for more information.

In this grid, unlike in most other grids, you cannot resize columns, with the exception of the first column. You also cannot change the order of rows, and you cannot change the order of columns from within the grid itself. You can, however, change the order of columns using the Grid Settings dialog box.

Direct Labor Grid Fields

If you select the Selected Period End option in JTD Hours and Amounts Through on the Options dialog box, the ETC Planned Billing and EAC Planned Billing grid columns do not display.

Field Description
Total Labor: Contract/Fee This grid cell displays the total compensation amount that you expect to receive for direct labor for the WBS element.

This amount is the same regardless of the option you select in Show.

Total Labor: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the total budgeted billing amount for direct labor for the WBS element: Sum of budgeted direct labor billing amounts.
Direct Labor Hours: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the budgeted direct labor hours for the WBS element: Sum of budgeted direct labor hours.
Average Rate/Hour: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the average budgeted hourly billing rate for direct labor for the WBS element: Budgeted direct labor billing amount / Budgeted direct labor hours.
Total Labor: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the planned billing amount for direct labor for the WBS element: Sum of planned direct labor billing amounts.
Direct Labor Hours: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the planned direct labor hours for the WBS element: Sum of planned direct labor hours.
Average Rate/Hour: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the average planned hourly billing rate for direct labor for the WBS element: Planned direct labor billing amount / Planned direct labor hours.
Total Labor: Budgeted Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the direct labor compensation amount and the budgeted direct labor billing amount for the WBS element: Direct labor compensation - Budgeted direct labor billing.
Total Labor: Planned Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the direct labor compensation amount and the planned direct labor billing amount for the WBS element: Direct labor compensation - Planned direct labor billing.
Total Labor: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the total JTD direct labor billing amount for the WBS element: Sum of JTD direct labor billing amounts. If Include Unposted Time is selected on the Options dialog box, billing amounts for unposted time records are included.

If your security role allows access, this amount displays as a link. Click the link to open a dialog box that initially displays subtotals of hours and amounts by employee. You can then expand an employee row to show hours and amounts for individual labor transactions. Refer to Contents of the JTD Labor Dialog Box for more information.

Direct Labor Hours: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the actual JTD direct labor hours for the WBS element: Sum of JTD direct labor hours. If Include Unposted Time is selected on the Options dialog box, hours for unposted time records are included.

If your security role allows access, this amount displays as a link. Click the link to open a dialog box that initially displays subtotals of hours by employee. You can then expand an employee row to show hours for individual labor transactions. Refer to Contents of the JTD Labor Dialog Box for more information.

Average Rate/Hour: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the average hourly billing rate for actual JTD direct labor for the WBS element: JTD direct labor billing / JTD direct labor hours.

If Include Unposted Time is selected in the Options dialog box, hours and billing amounts for unposted time records are included.

Total Labor: ETC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the total ETC direct labor billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget: Sum of ETC budgeted direct labor billing amounts.
Direct Labor Hours: ETC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the budget: Sum of budgeted ETC direct labor hours.
Average Rate/Hour: ETC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the average hourly billing rate for ETC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the budget: ETC budgeted direct labor billing amount / ETC budgeted direct labor hours.
Total Labor: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct labor billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of ETC planned direct labor billing amounts.
Direct Labor Hours: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of ETC planned direct labor hours.
Average Rate/Hour: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the average hourly billing rate for ETC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the plan: ETC planned direct labor billing amount / ETC planned direct labor hours.
Total Labor: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the total EAC direct labor billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Sum of EAC budgeted direct labor billing
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Sum of (JTD direct labor billing + ETC budgeted direct labor billing)
Direct Labor Hours: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the EAC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Sum of EAC budgeted direct labor hours
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Sum of (JTD direct labor hours + ETC budgeted direct labor hours)
Average Rate/Hour: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the average hourly billing rate for EAC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: EAC budgeted direct labor billing / EAC budgeted direct labor hours
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: (JTD direct labor billing + ETC budgeted direct labor billing) / (JTD direct labor hours + ETC budgeted direct labor hours)
Total Labor: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the total EAC direct labor billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of (JTD direct labor billing + ETC planned direct labor billing).
Direct Labor Hours: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the EAC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of (JTD direct labor hours + ETC planned direct labor hours).
Average Rate/Hour: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the average hourly billing rate for EAC direct labor hours for the WBS element, based on the plan: (JTD direct labor billing + ETC planned direct labor billing) / (JTD direct labor hours + ETC planned direct labor hours).
Total Labor: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays sum of the planned direct labor billing amounts in the saved baseline plan for the WBS element.
Direct Labor Hours: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays the planned direct labor hours in the saved baseline plan for the WBS element.
Average Rate/Hour: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays the saved Baseline hourly billing rate for direct labor for the WBS element: Saved Baseline direct labor billing amount / Saved baseline direct labor planned hours.
Total Labor: EAC Planned Variance This grid cell displays the total EAC planned variance amount for the WBS element, based on the labor plan at billing : Total Labor compensation amount - JTD Labor at billing - ETC Labor at billing.

Direct Expenses and Consultants Grid Fields

Whether or not the Directs section of the grid includes direct expense amounts and direct consultant amounts depends on the options you select on the Options dialog box. Also, if you select the Selected Period End option in JTD Hours and Amounts Through on the Options dialog box, the ETC Planned Billing and EAC Planned Billing grid columns do not display.

Field Description
Direct Expenses: Contract/Fee This grid cell displays the compensation amount that you expect to receive for direct expenses for the WBS element.
Direct Expenses: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the budgeted billing amount for direct expenses for the WBS element: Sum of budgeted billing amounts for direct expense accounts.
Direct Expenses: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the planned billing amount for direct expenses for the WBS element: Sum of planned billing amounts for direct expense accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Expenses: Budgeted Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the direct expenses compensation amount and the budgeted direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element: Direct expenses compensation - Budgeted direct expenses billing.
Direct Expenses: Planned Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the direct expenses compensation amount and the planned direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element: Direct expenses compensation - Planned direct expenses billing.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Expenses: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the JTD direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element: Sum of JTD billing for direct expense accounts.
Direct Expenses: ETC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget: Sum of ETC budgeted billing for direct expense accounts.
Direct Expenses: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of ETC planned billing for direct expense accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Expenses: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the EAC direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Sum of EAC budgeted billing for direct expense accounts
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Sum of (JTD billing for direct expense accounts + ETC budgeted billing for direct expense accounts)
Direct Expenses: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the EAC direct expenses billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of (JTD billing for direct expense accounts + ETC planned billing for direct expense accounts).

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Expenses: EAC Planned Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the compensation amount for direct expenses and the EAC planned direct expenses at billing.
Compensation: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays the compensation baseline billing amount for the WBS element, based on what is selected to be shown:
  • Show = Cost: Displays the sum of saved baseline total labor at billing and direct expenses at billing of the column.
  • Show = Cost/Burden and Include Cost and Overhead Instead of Burden selected: Displays the sum of saved baseline total labor at billing and direct expenses at billing of the column.
Compensation: All Columns The grid cells on this row display the sum of the Total Labor amount and the Direct Expenses amount for each column.
Direct Consultants: Contract/Fee This grid cell displays the compensation amount that you expect to receive for direct consultants for the WBS element.

This amount is the same regardless of the option you select in Show.

Direct Consultants: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the budgeted billing amount for direct consultants for the WBS element: Sum of budgeted billing for direct consultant accounts.
Direct Consultants: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the planned billing amount for direct consultants for the WBS element: Sum of planned billing for direct consultant accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Consultants: Budgeted Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the direct consultants compensation amount and the total budgeted direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element: Direct consultants compensation - Budgeted direct consultants billing.
Direct Consultants: Planned Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the direct consultants compensation amount and the planned direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element: Direct consultants compensation - Planned direct consultants billing.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Consultants: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the actual posted JTD direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element: Sum of JTD billing for direct consultant accounts.
Direct Consultants: ETC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget: Sum of ETC budgeted billing for direct consultant accounts.
Direct Consultants: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the ETC direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of ETC planned billing for direct consultant accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Consultants: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the EAC direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Sum of EAC budgeted billing for direct consultant accounts
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Sum of (JTD billing for direct consultant accounts + ETC budgeted billing for direct consultant accounts)
Direct Consultants: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the EAC direct consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of (JTD billing for direct consultant accounts + ETC planned billing for direct consultant accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Direct Consultants: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays sum of the baseline billing for direct consultant accounts for the expense plan + direct consultants planned for units at billing.

Direct Consultants: EAC Planned Variance This grid cell displays the EAC Planned variance for the WBS element and is the difference between the compensation amount for direct consultants and the EAC planned direct consultants at billing.
Total Directs: All Columns The grid cells on this row display the sum of the Total Labor amount, Direct Expenses amount, and Direct Consultants amount for each column.

Reimbursable Grid Fields

Whether or not the grid contains data for reimbursable expenses and reimbursable consultants depends on the options you select on the Options dialog box. Also, if you select the Selected Period End option in JTD Hours and Amounts Through on the Options dialog box, the ETC Planned Billing and EAC Planned Billing grid columns do not display.

Field Description
Reimbursable Expenses: Contract/Fee This grid cell displays the compensation amount that you expect to receive for reimbursable expenses for the WBS element.

This amount is the same regardless of the option you select in Show.

Reimbursable Expenses: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the budgeted billing amount for reimbursable expenses for the WBS element: Sum of budgeted billing for reimbursable expense accounts.
Reimbursable Expenses: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the planned billing amount for reimbursable expenses for the WBS element: Sum of planned billing for reimbursable expense accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Expenses: Budgeted Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the reimbursable expenses compensation amount and the budgeted reimbursable expenses billing amount for the WBS element: Reimbursable expenses compensation - Budgeted reimbursable expenses billing.
Reimbursable Expenses: Planned Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the reimbursable expenses compensation amount and the planned reimbursable expenses billing amount for the WBS element: Reimbursable expenses compensation - Planned reimbursable expenses billing.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Expenses: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the actual posted JTD reimbursable expenses billing amount for the WBS element: Sum of JTD reimbursable expenses at billing rates.
Reimbursable Expenses: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the ETC reimbursable expenses billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of ETC planned billing for reimbursable expense accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Expenses: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the EAC reimbursable expenses billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Sum of EAC budgeted billing for reimbursable expense accounts
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Sum of (JTD billing for reimbursable expense accounts + ETC budgeted billing for reimbursable expense accounts)
Reimbursable Expenses: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the EAC reimbursable expenses billing amount for the WBS element, as of today, based on the plan: JTD billing for reimbursable expense accounts + ETC planned billing for reimbursable expense accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Expenses: EAC Planned Variance This grid cell displays the EAC Planned variance for the WBS element and is the difference between the compensation amount for reimbursable expenses and the EAC planned reimbursable expenses at billing.
Reimbursable Expenses: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays the saved baseline billing amount for reimbursable expenses relevant to the WBS structure.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Expenses: EAC Planned Profit This grid cell displays the EAC Planned profit for the WBS element and is the difference between the compensation amount for reimbursable expenses and the EAC reimbursable expenses planned cost.
Reimbursable Consultants: Contract/Fee This grid cell displays the compensation amount that you expect to receive for reimbursable consultants for the WBS element. This amount is the same regardless of the option you select in Show.
Reimbursable Consultants: Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the budgeted billing amount for reimbursable consultants for the WBS element: Sum of budgeted billing for reimbursable consultant accounts.
Reimbursable Consultants: Planned Billing This grid cell displays the planned billing amount for reimbursable consultants for the WBS element: Sum of planned billing for reimbursable consultant accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Consultants: Budgeted Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the reimbursable consultants compensation amount and the budgeted reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element: Reimbursable consultants compensation - Budgeted reimbursable consultants billing.
Reimbursable Consultants: Planned Variance This grid cell displays the difference between the reimbursable consultants compensation amount and the planned reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element: Reimbursable consultants compensation - Planned reimbursable consultants billing.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Consultants: JTD <JTD date> Billing This grid cell displays the actual posted JTD reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element: Sum of JTD reimbursable consultants at billing rates.
Reimbursable Consultants: ETC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the ETC reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget: Sum of ETC budgeted billing for reimbursable consultant accounts.
Reimbursable Consultants: ETC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the ETC reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: Sum of ETC planned billing for reimbursable consultant accounts.

When Enable Unit Planningis set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Consultants: EAC Budgeted Billing This grid cell displays the EAC reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Sum of EAC budgeted billing for reimbursable consultant accounts
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Sum of (JTD billing for reimbursable consultant accounts + ETC budgeted billing for reimbursable consultant accounts)
Reimbursable Consultants: EAC Planned Billing This grid cell displays the EAC reimbursable consultants billing amount for the WBS element, based on the plan: JTD billing for reimbursable consultant accounts + ETC planned billing for reimbursable consultant accounts.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings for the project's company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Reimbursable Consultants: Baseline Billing This grid cell displays the reimbursable baseline billing amount for consultants for the WBS element, based on the sum of the baseline billing for the reimbursable consultants accounts for the consultants plan + baseline reimbursable consultants at billing planned for units.

Reimbursable Consultants: EAC Planned Variance This grid cell displays the EAC Planned variance for the WBS element and is the difference between the compensation amount for reimbursable consultants and the EAC reimbursable consultants at billing.
Total Reimbursables: All Columns The grid cells on this row display the sum of the Reimbursable Expenses amount and Reimbursable Consultants amount for each column.

Total Grid Fields

Field Description
Total: All Grid Columns The grid cells on this row display the sum of the Total Directs amount and Total Reimbursables amount for each column.

Key Performance Indicators: Revenue

Field Description
JTD Earned Revenue This field displays the JTD amount of actual revenue for the WBS element: (LedgerAR.AmountField + LedgerAP.AmountField + LedgerEX.AmountField + LedgerMISC.AmountField) where account type = Revenue.
Total Billed This field displays the total amount billed for the WBS element. (Billed + Tax Billed amount on posted invoices)

Key Performance Indicators: Variance

If you exclude all budget columns or all plan columns from the Project Review grid, the budget-based or plan-based key performance indicators are hidden also.

Field Description
JTD Earned Variance This field displays the difference between the JTD earned revenue and the JTD amount billed, as of the date you specified in the Options dialog box, along with the variance percentage:
  • Variance Amount: JTD earned revenue - JTD labor billing - JTD reimbursable expenses billing - JTD direct expenses billing - JTD reimbursable consultants billing - JTD direct consultants billing
  • Variance Percentage: (JTD earned variance amount / JTD earned revenue) x 100
EAC Budgeted Variance This field displays the difference between the total compensation amount and the EAC budgeted billing amount, along with the variance percentage. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget)::
  • Variance Amount - Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Total compensation - EAC budgeted direct labor billing - EAC budgeted direct expenses billing - EAC budgeted reimbursable expenses billing - EAC budgeted direct consultants billing - EAC budgeted reimbursable consultants billing
  • Variance Amount - Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Total compensation - JTD direct labor billing - ETC budgeted direct labor billing - JTD direct expenses billing - ETC budgeted direct expenses billing - JTD reimbursable expenses billing - ETC budgeted reimbursable expenses billing - JTD direct consultants billing - ETC budgeted direct consultants billing - JTD reimbursable consultants billing - ETC reimbursable consultants billing
  • Variance Percentage: (EAC budgeted variance amount / Total compensation) x 100
EAC Planned Variance This field displays the difference between the total compensation amount and the EAC planned billing amount, along with the variance percentage.

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings and the project is in a unit planning company, any amounts planned for units are included.

  • Variance Amount: Total compensation - JTD direct labor billing - ETC planned labor billing - JTD direct expenses billing - ETC planned direct expenses billing - JTD reimbursable expenses billing - ETC planned reimbursable expenses billing - JTD direct consultants billing - ETC planned direct consultants billing - JTD reimbursable consultants billing - ETC planned reimbursable consultants billing
  • Variance Percentage: (EAC planned variance amount / Total compensation) x 100

If you select the Selected Period End option in JTD Hours and Amounts Through on the Options dialog box, this key performance indicator does not display.

Key Performance Indicators: Ratios

If you exclude all budget columns or all plan columns from the Project Review grid, the budget-based or plan-based key performance indicators are hidden also.

Field Description
Realization Ratio This field displays the realization ratio as of the date you specified in the Options dialog box: JTD net revenue / JTD direct labor billing.

JTD net revenue = JTD earned revenue - JTD direct expenses billing - JTD direct consultants billing - JTD reimbursable expenses billing - JTD reimbursable consultants billing

Budgeted Ratio This field displays the budgeted ratio for billing: Direct labor compensation / Budgeted direct labor billing.
Planned Ratio This field displays the planned ratio for billing: Direct labor compensation / Planned direct labor billing.
EAC Budgeted Ratio This field displays the EAC ratio for billing based on the budget. The calculation varies depending on the Show Estimate-at-Completion option on the Budget settings form (Settings > Project > Budget):
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion selected: Direct labor compensation / EAC budgeted direct labor billing
  • If Show Estimate-at-Completion not selected: Direct labor compensation / (JTD direct labor billing + ETC budgeted direct labor billing)
EAC Planned Ratio This field displays the EAC ratio for billing based on the plan: Direct labor compensation / EAC planned direct labor billing.

EAC planned direct labor billing = JTD direct labor billing + ETC planned direct labor billing.

If you select the Selected Period End option in JTD Hours and Amounts Through on the Options dialog box, this key performance indicator does not display.

Key Performance Indicators: % Complete

If you exclude all budget columns or all plan columns from the Project Review grid, the budget-based or plan-based key performance indicators are hidden also.

Field Description
JTD Earned % Complete This field displays estimated percent complete for the WBS element based on JTD earned revenue and total expected compensation: (JTD earned revenue / Total compensation) x 100.
Budgeted % Complete This field displays the estimated percent complete for the WBS element based on the budget: (Sum of Percent complete x Budget billing amounts for all budgeted items / Total budgeted billing) x 100.
Planned % Complete This field displays estimated percent complete for the WBS element based on the plan: (Total JTD billing / Total EAC planned billing) x 100.

EAC planned billing = JTD billing + ETC planned billing

When Enable Unit Planning is set to Yes in Settings > Resource Planning > Plan Settings and the project is in a unit planning company, any amounts planned for units are included.

Key Performance Indicators: % Expended

If you exclude all budget columns or all plan columns from the Project Review grid, the budget-based or plan-based key performance indicators are hidden also.

Field Description
Budgeted Hours % Expended This field displays the percentage of the budgeted hours for the WBS element that has been spent: (JTD direct labor hours / Total budgeted direct labor hours) x 100.
Planned Hours % Expended This field displays the percentage of the planned hours for the WBS element that has been spent: (JTD direct labor hours / Total planned direct labor hours) x 100.
Budgeted Billing % Expended This field displays the percentage of the budgeted billing amount for the WBS element that has been spent: (Total JTD billing / Total budgeted billing) x 100.
Planned Billing % Expended This field displays the percentage of the planned billing amount for the WBS element that has been spent: (Total JTD billing / Total planned billing) x 100.