Show the Critical Path

You can show the critical path for your project on the Gantt chart.

This option is available only if the Resource Planning module is activated.

To show the critical path for your project:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Plan.
  2. On the Schedule tab of the Plan form, select the project for which you want to view the Gantt chart.
  3. Optionally, expand the structure to display the plan rows for which you want to shift dates or click Expand/Collapse All to show all levels of the structure.
  4. Turn on Show Critical Path to show which WBS levels cannot be delayed with affecting the completion date of the project.
    If the structure was not already expanded, the WBS levels expand to show items on the critical path. The items that are on the critical path display as red bars.

    As you move and reschedule bars on the Gantt chart, elements that cannot slip any further without impacting the end date will turn red and become part of the critical path.