Use these screens to create or edit employee records.
The Employee User Flow screens consists of one block, several group boxes, five tabs, and four subtasks, as follows:
The Identification block displays the Employee and Name fields. You must enter data in the Employee field that uniquely identifies the employee. Data in the Name field will automatically display after you save the record, based on information you enter in the Displayed Name field.
When you first open the screen, you are in the Basic Info application of the User Flow. The Employee Info, HR Data, Default, Address, and Notes tabs display group boxes in which to enter record detail, including performance review information, the hire and termination dates, timesheet defaults, mailing and email addresses, and emergency contact information.
Use the Additional Default Pay Types subtask to enter pay types that can be used as defaults when you enter timesheets.
Use the Additional Addresses subtask to enter other mailing addresses for the employee.
Use the Phone subtask to enter additional phone numbers and extensions.
The User-Defined Info subtask to enter custom information that you define for uses specific to your company.
In addition to the Basic Info application, which displays when you first open the Employee User Flow, you also have access to the Salary Details, Leave Details, Allowances Details, Taxes, Deductions Details, Contributions Details, and Bank Info options at the top of the screen.
You must initialize the following screens before you can add records in this application:
General Labor Categories (People\Configure\Labor)
Project Labor Categories - PLCs (Projects\Maintain\Labor Categories)
Accounts (Accounting\Maintain\Accounts)
Organizations (Accounting\Maintain\Organizations)
Project User Flow (Projects\Maintain\Project)
Labor Locations (People\Configure\Labor)
Pay Types (People\Configure\Labor)
Workers' Compensation Codes screens (People\Configure\Labor)
Leave Types (People\Configure\Leave)
Leave Codes (People\Configure\Leave)
Allowances (People\Configure\Payroll)
Employee Class Codes (People\Configure\Employee)
Use the fields in this block to specify the employee ID and name.
Employee *
Enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters to uniquely identify the employee.
If you did not select the Use Social Security No for Employee ID checkbox in the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Labor Settings screen, you can enter the number of characters specified in the Employee ID Length field of the Corporate Labor Settings subtask.
If you selected the Use Social Security No for Employee ID checkbox, enter the nine-digit social security number for the employee in the "123-45-6789" format. The Social Security No field will automatically populate with the same data. The field length for the Employee field automatically defaults to 11 characters in this case.
Once you save the record, you cannot change the data in the Employee ID field; however, you can change the data in the Social Security No field, regardless of the status of the Use Social Security No for Employee ID checkbox.
Similarly, existing employee records will not be affected if the employee ID is different from the social security number.
After you enter data in the Last, First, and Middle fields or enter data in the Displayed Name field and save the record, this non-editable field will display the employee name.
Enter the social security number of the employee. The delimiters are stored as part of the record.
If you selected the Use Social Security No for Employee ID checkbox in the Corporate Labor Settings subtask of the Labor Settings screen, the social security number automatically populates, based on the data in the Employee field.
If you selected the Validate Social Security Number checkbox in the Labor Settings screen, the social security number will be validated to ensure no duplicate entries exist.
Status *
Use this drop-down box to make a selection. Your choices are "Active," "Family Medical Leave," "Inactive," and "Inactive Accruing Leave."
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the taxable entity ID to which this employee belongs.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, up to 30 alphanumeric characters to identify the class.
This field is enabled if you are using Employee Self Service ("ESS"). Contingent upon the ESS settings, employees can access information and update benefits during open enrollment. Employees can also view their pay stubs electronically.
You can establish default data in the Default Class of Service field in the ESS Settings by Taxable Entity screen.
Valid system-defined options are:
Benefits, Payroll, Personal/Company - This option allows the employee to access the Benefits, Payroll, Personal Data, and Company Data options in ESS.
Benefits, Personal/Company - This option allows the employee to access the Benefits, Personal Data, and Company Data modules in ESS.
Payroll, Personal/Company - This option allows the employee to access the Payroll, Personal Data, and Company Data options in ESS.
Personal/Company - This option allows the employee to access the Personal Data and Company Data options in ESS.
Administrator (All Modules) - You will typically select this option for employees who are ESS administrators. This option allows the employee to access all options in ESS, as well as the interface applications.
None - This option denies the employee any login access to ESS.
This non-editable field displays information from the Vendor User Flow screen (Accounting\Maintain\Vendors).
You must enter data in the Employee field in the Vendor User Flow screen in order to display the vendor ID in this field.
If a record is not found in the Vendor User Flow screen for this employee, this field will remain blank.
Enter up to six alphanumeric characters to identify the locator code.
If you are planning to print checks and/or leave statements by locator code, enter the locator code to which this employee is assigned.
You can use these codes to sort paychecks if you have selected the Print Checks by Locator Code checkbox in the Pay Check Setup screen.
Enter up to 12 alphanumeric characters to identify the payroll service ID.
If you are using an outside payroll service, enter the ID the payroll service has provided as an identifier.
Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to identify the supervisor.
Select this checkbox if the employee is eligible for Auto Pay.
If you select this checkbox and you execute the Create Auto-Pay Timesheet utility, the system will create a timesheet for this employee if the employee does not already have a timesheet for the selected timesheet date.
Select this checkbox if the employee is in a union and fringe benefits apply.
If you select this checkbox, the system will use the union profile rate to calculate the labor cost when you enter timesheets.
This checkbox is enabled if you selected the Enable Union Functionality checkbox in the Labor Settings screen.
Select this checkbox to identify the employee as a contractor.
Use this group box to enter the timesheet cycle and the leave cycle defaults.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the timesheet cycle code to which this employee is assigned.
If you have established a timesheet cycle default in the Labor Settings screen, that cycle displays here as the default but can be changed as necessary.
Enter, or use Lookup to select, the leave cycle code to which this employee is assigned.
If you entered data in the Default Leave Cycle field in the Leave Settings screen (Administration\Configure\People), that data displays in this field but can be changed as necessary.
Use this group box to specify the employee name.
Last *
Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to identify the last name of the employee.
First *
Enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters to identify the first name of the employee.
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify the middle name of the employee.
Enter up to 10 alphanumeric characters to identify the preferred first name or "nickname" for the employee.
Enter up to six alphanumeric characters to indicate the name prefix, such as "Dr."
Enter up to six alphanumeric characters to indicate the name suffix, such as "Junior," or "III."
Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to indicate the prior name of the employee, if applicable.
If the name has changed due to marriage, for example, you can enter the previous name of the employee in this field.
You will normally enter the last name followed by a comma. You will then enter the first name followed by a space, then the middle initial. If applicable, you may include the suffix after the middle initial.
This field populates after you save the record.
If you do not enter data in this field, the data you enter in the Last, First, and Middle fields displays in this field after you save the record.
Enter relevant dates for each employee in this group box. Enter all dates in this group box in "MM/DD/YYYY" format.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the current hire date.
This field is used to validate the hire date in several applications.
For example, this date is used for all leave calculations when the data in the Lv Hire Date field in the Employee Leave screen (People\Maintain\Employee) is blank.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the employee birth date.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the adjusted hire date.
If the employee leaves the company and later returns, enter the earlier hire date (the previous data in the Current Hire field) here, and the most recent hire date in the Current Hire field.
Enter, or use Calendar Lookup to select, the termination date.
* A red asterisk denotes a required field.
Note: Since the Labor Settings screen is not available in this web version, you must make settings changes in the client/server version. After you complete your settings modifications, you must return to the web version and access the Reload Global Settings screen (Administration\Utilities\System Administration). This utility establishes continuity between the web and client/server environments. Select the appropriate checkbox and click the Action icon to execute synchronization. |
Click on this link to open the Additional Default Pay Types subtask, where you can enter pay types that can be used as defaults when you enter timesheets.
Click on this link to open the Additional Addresses subtask, where you can enter other mailing addresses for the employee.
Click on this link to open the Phone subtask, where you can enter additional phone numbers and extensions.
Click on this link to open the User-Defined Info subtask, where you can enter custom information that you define for uses specific to your company.
Changes to this screen update the following tables:
EMPL (Basic Employee Info)
EMPL_PHONE (Employee Phone)
DFLT_REG_TS (Employee Timesheet Default)
EMPL_PAY_TYPE_DFLT (Employee Pay Type Default)