The term "voucher" is used for an invoice that you have received from a vendor. Once you have entered vouchers in the system, you can review them using the Voucher Edit Report. You can make corrections to vouchers in the same screen in which they were originally entered. Use this screen only to enter invoices that are associated with a purchase order or subcontract PO already entered through the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. If purchase orders are being issued through the system, you should enter the invoices that relate to those issued purchase orders in this screen and not in the Enter A/P Vouchers screen. You can also create Subcontract PO Vouchers in the Create Subcontract PO Vouchers screen.

You can also enter Debit Memos in this screen provided they have had purchase orders issued for them. Use the Create Debit Memos screen to create debit memos. Once a debit memo is created, whether through the Create Debit Memos function or directly in this screen, you can maintain the debit memo only in this screen.

You can use the Header Information and Check subtasks to enter information associated with the entire voucher. You can use the Receipts, Line Charges, Accounts, and Vendor Labor subtasks to enter specific information associated with a particular voucher line.

Refer to the PO Voucher Settings screen, the purchase order record (in the Enter POs screen), and the purchase order receipt (in the Receive Purchase Orders screen in Costpoint Receiving), if applicable, before generating PO vouchers.

The PO vendor must not have an Approval Code of "Pending" or "Not Approved."

Use this screen whenever you need to add to the system invoices and/or debit memos that pertain to purchase orders. You should also use it whenever you make changes to existing PO vouchers or debit memos. The associated purchase order must already have been established in the Enter POs screen.

1099s created from PO vouchers will include any sales tax from the PO voucher lines.

Voucher No

The voucher number, containing up to nine digits, is the unique identifier for this voucher. The voucher number must be unique by fiscal year across all vouchers, both PO and A/P. This is a required field. Incrementing the voucher number can be handled in three different ways, depending on the number method established in the Voucher Numbering Method group box in the A/P Voucher Settings screen:


Enter, or select from the drop-down box, an open fiscal year for this PO voucher. This will determine the accounting period in which this voucher will be posted.


Enter, or select from the drop-down box, an open period for this PO voucher. The period selected must be open for the fiscal year selected. This will determine the accounting period in which this voucher will be posted.


Enter, or select from the drop-down box, an open subperiod for this PO voucher. The subperiod selected must be open for the fiscal year and period selected. This will determine the accounting period in which this voucher will be posted.



The transaction currency value of the purchase order will display in this field.


The pay currency value of the purchase order will display in this field.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a purchase order number that already exists in the system. A PO voucher must be tied to a purchase order that has already been established in the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. Only purchase orders and release orders can be invoiced against. You cannot enter an invoice for a blanket order. This is a required field.


Enter the release number of the purchase order against which you are invoicing. If you used Lookup to select the purchase order, the release number associated with the purchase order that you selected will automatically be displayed. If the purchase order entered is not a release order, the release number will be "0" and cannot be edited.

Change Order

If the purchase order entered has had a change order created in the Create PO Change Orders screen in Costpoint Purchasing, the latest change order number will be displayed and cannot be edited.


This non-editable field displays the purchase order type. Valid PO types are "Purchase Order," "Release Order" and "Subcontract PO."


This non-editable field displays the vendor ID, vendor name, and vendor location associated with the purchase order entered. In the Header Information subtask, you can enter a different vendor or different vendor address code to be used as the Pay Vendor.


Select this checkbox to approve this voucher, making it eligible for posting and payment. If you leave this checkbox blank, the voucher will not be eligible for posting or payment. There are three types of approvals for PO vouchers identified by the Option field in the Approval Required group box in the PO Voucher Settings screen. The system-defined options are:

Manual - Indicates that all PO vouchers will require manual approval.

Automatic - Indicates that all PO vouchers under the limits in the Discrepancies Allowed group box in the PO Voucher Settings screen will be automatically approved by the system when you save the voucher. You must manually approve any voucher over the Discrepancies Allowed limits.

Limited - Indicates that all PO vouchers under or equal to the Above field amount in the Approval Required group box and within the Discrepancies Allowed limits in the PO Voucher Settings screen will be automatically approved by the system when you save the voucher. You must manually approve any voucher above the Approval Required Above amount or over the Discrepancies Allowed limits.

If a manual approval is required for this voucher and the user is set up to be an approver (based on his own user ID), select this checkbox to approve this voucher. If the voucher was approved in the Approve Vouchers screen, this checkbox will be checked.

Debit Memo

Select this checkbox if this voucher is a debit memo. If you leave this checkbox blank, the voucher will not be considered a debit memo. If the debit memo was established in the Create Debit Memos screen, this checkbox will be checked.

Default Receiving Info

Use the fields in this group box to enter the default information for the receipt associated with this PO voucher. Purchase Order receipt information is entered in the Receive Purchase Orders screen in Costpoint Receiving. Enter the packing slip ID and or receipt ID to calculate the discount and due date based on the receipt date.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a default packing slip, containing up to 15 alphanumeric characters, for the purchase order receipt associated with this voucher.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid default inventory warehouse for the PO receipt associated with this voucher. You can use a warehouse only if you have Costpoint Inventory. If you enter a warehouse, it must already have been established in the Warehouses screen in Costpoint Inventory.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, a default receipt, containing up to 10 alphanumeric characters, associated with this voucher. If this receipt already exists in the system, it will be the first one to be matched automatically by the system if you are matching receipts.


Use the fields in this group box to enter information specific to the voucher being entered. This information should come from the vendor invoice that is being entered.


Enter the vendor invoice number, containing up to 15 alphanumeric characters. If the invoice number already exists and the “Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers” box is selected in A/P Voucher Settings, a warning message will display; you may continue with the entered invoice number or enter a unique invoice number. If the invoice number exists and the “Allow Duplicate Invoice Numbers” box is cleared in A/P Voucher Settings, an error message will display; a unique invoice number must be entered before the record can be saved. This is a required field.


Enter the vendor invoice date. The system will default this date from either the previous voucher or the system date. This date is used, along with the Terms, to calculate the Date fields in both the Due and Discount group boxes in the Header Information subtask. This is a required field.


Enter the amount of this invoice. Before you can save the voucher, the Remaining Bal must be zero. The remaining balance is the invoice amount minus the Total Before Discount Amount for all lines.

Table Window

Vchr Line

The voucher line number is the system identifier for a line on the PO voucher. It is a sequential number assigned by the system to track the line items of the PO voucher. You can have an unlimited number of lines on a PO voucher. This non-editable field is incremented automatically by the system. As you insert and/or delete lines from the PO voucher, line numbers will be sequentially renumbered.

PO Line

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the purchase order line number against which you are vouchering. Once you have entered a PO line, existing purchase order and receipt information will be pulled into the voucher line. Leave this field blank if you are vouchering for miscellaneous costs not identified on the purchase order.

Item/Item Rev

The item and item revision of the PO line entered will be displayed in these non-editable fields if you are using Costpoint Product Definition.


The item description of the PO line entered will be displayed. If you have entered a PO line, this field cannot be changed. For miscellaneous lines that are not tied to the purchase order, you can enter a description of up to 30 alphanumeric characters.

Line Type

The line type of the PO line entered will be displayed in this non-editable field. The line type is based on the type of part that was ordered for this PO line. The system-defined types are as follows:

P - Indicates that the item invoiced is a part that exists in the Basic Part Data screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

G - Indicates that the item invoiced is a good that exists in the Goods screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

S - Indicates that the item invoiced is a service that exists in the Services screen in Costpoint Product Definition.

M - Indicates that the item invoiced is a miscellaneous item. It is not a part, good, or service. The item field will be left blank and only a Description and a Misc Type will be entered.

If you did not enter a purchase order line, this will automatically be set to type "M."

Misc Type

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a valid miscellaneous charge type. The type must already be established in the PO Line Charge Types screen in Costpoint Purchasing. This will indicate the type of charge that is being vouchered. Examples include freight, tooling, and training. You should enter and charge a miscellaneous type only when a PO Line has not been entered, indicating that a miscellaneous charge is being vouchered. A voucher line against a PO line of type "M" will have a miscellaneous type, but it cannot be changed.

Match Type

The type of matching required for this voucher line will be displayed and cannot be edited. The matching type was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered. In the PO Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc, Parts) has been assigned a match type:

2 - Indicates there will be two-way matching between the purchase order quantity and the invoice quantity.

3 - Indicates there will be three-way matching between the purchase order quantity, the accepted quantity, and the invoice quantity.

For miscellaneous PO lines, you can change the match type at the PO line.

Match Option

The match option required for this voucher line will be displayed and cannot be edited. The match option was determined when the purchase order line was added, based on the type of item ordered. In the PO Voucher Settings screen, each type of item (Goods, Services, Misc, Parts) has been assigned a match option:

INDIV (Individual) - Indicates the invoice quantities will be matched against individual receipt accepted quantities.

TOTAL (Total) - Indicates the invoice quantities will be matched against the total purchase order line accepted quantity.

This match option applies only to 3-way match type. For 2-way match type, the match option will always be "TOTAL." For miscellaneous PO lines, you can change the match option at the PO line.

Inv Abbrev

The inventory abbreviation will be displayed if a PO Line was entered for an inventory part and the PO line had an inventory abbreviation. This will default from the purchase order line and cannot be edited.

Invoice Quantity

Enter the quantity, in ordering units of measure, being invoiced. This field is required when a PO line has been entered where the quantity ordered for that purchase order line is greater than zero. If the purchase order line for this voucher line had a zero quantity ordered, this field can be zero. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

If you enter a negative quantity on a 3-way Individual Matched line, a warning will display if you attempt to leave the line without matching receipts in the Match Receipts subtask.  Once you load the Match Receipts subtask, all receipts for that PO line will display, even those that have already been matched.

Invoice Unit Cost

Enter the unit cost for the item being vouchered. This is the actual cost of one unit of the item. The net unit cost from the purchase order line will default, but can be changed if necessary. If the purchase order line Ordered Quantity is zero, this field cannot be edited. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Invoice Ext Amount

If the Invoice Quantity is greater than zero, the invoice extended amount will automatically be calculated by the system. The calculation follows: Invoice Quantity times Invoice Unit Cost. If the purchase order line does not have a quantity ordered, the amount being invoiced for this voucher line must be entered. For subcontract POs, use this field to enter the subcontract PO line voucher amount.

Line Charge Cost Amount

The amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line, through the Line Charges subtask, will be displayed and can only be maintained in the Line Charges subtask. This amount does not include any sales or use tax applied to the charge type. Charge type examples would include freight, tooling, and training. These costs will become part of the total cost of this voucher line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.


Enter "Y" (Yes) to indicate that this voucher line is taxable. Enter "N" (No) to indicate that this voucher line is not taxable. This field defaults based on the settings in the Sales Tax/VAT Info group box in the Header Information subtask. This is a required field.

Note: When you add a new line to a PO Voucher (either manually or through Autoload), the Tax, and Sales/VAT or Use/Reverse Tax fields will default based on the settings in the Sales Tax/VAT Info group box in the Header Information subtask.  For example, if you enter a PO Voucher line and set the Taxable field to "Non-Taxable," the Tax column will default to "N," even if the PO line is taxable.  Similarly, if you set the Taxable field to "Taxable" and you add a new PO Voucher line, the Tax column will default to "Y," and the Sales/VAT or Use/Reverse Tax field will default with the value in the Sales/Use Tax drop-down box. If the Taxable field is blank or set to "From PO," all tax information for the PO Voucher line will default from the entered PO line.  If the Taxable field is set to "Item Type," the taxable status will come from the Taxable group box in the Product Definition Settings screen of Costpoint Product Definition. The type of item vouchered, determined by the Line Type, will determine the voucher line's taxable status.

Sales/VAT or Use/Reverse Tax

Enter the type of tax to be calculated for this voucher line. Enter "S" (Sales or Value Added Tax) or "U" (Use or Reverse tax). This field defaults accordingly based on the settings in the Sales Tax/VAT Info group box in the Header Information subtask.

Tax Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the tax code for this voucher line. The tax code for the PO Line entered will default, but can be changed if necessary. The code entered must be a valid tax code already established in Maintain Sales/Value Added Tax screen in Costpoint System Administration. The tax code entered will determine the tax rate used to calculate all taxes for this voucher line. This is a required field.

Tax Rate

This field displays the tax rate for the Tax Code and cannot be edited. For PO lines, this rate is derived from the ship ID.

Sales/VAT Tax Amount

The system automatically calculates the sales or Value Added Tax amount when the Sales/VAT or Use/Reverse Tax column is set to "S." The calculation follows: Invoice Ext Amount times Tax Rate. You can change this field if necessary. You may need to change it in cases where the calculated amount and the amount from your vendor invoice differ because of rounding differences.

Use/Reverse Tax Amount

The system automatically calculates the use or reverse tax amount when the Sales/VAT or Use/Reverse Tax column is set to "U."  The calculation is as follows: Invoice Ext Amount times Tax Rate. You can change this field if necessary. You may need to change it in cases where the calculated amount and the amount to accrue differ because of rounding differences. Use tax amounts will not be included in the voucher line Total Before Discount Amount or be counted against the Invoice Amount.

Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amt

The sales or Value Added Tax Amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line, through the Line Charges subtask, will be displayed in this field and can be maintained only in the Line Charges subtask. These costs will become part of the total cost of this voucher line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Line Charge Use/Reverse Tax Amt

The use or reverse tax amount of all line charges applied to this voucher line, through the Line Charges subtask, will be displayed in this field and can only be maintained in the Line Charges subtask. These costs will not become part of the total cost of this voucher line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Recovery Rate

Enter the percentage of value added tax that is recoverable. This percentage is determined by the taxing authority for the selected tax code.

Recovery Amt

The amount of value added tax that is recoverable will display in this field. The system calculates this amount by multiplying the Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amt by the Recovery Rate.

Total Before Discount Amount

The system automatically calculates the total before discount amount. The calculation follows: Invoice Ext Amount plus Sales/VAT Tax Amount plus Line Charge Cost Amount plus Line Charge Sales/VAT Tax Amount. This field does not include any applicable use tax amounts and cannot be edited.

Discount Amount

The system automatically calculates the discount amount. The calculation follows: Total Before Discount Amount times the Percent field in the Discount group box from the Header Information subtask. This field cannot be edited.

Total Amount

The system automatically calculates the total amount. The calculation follows: Total Before Discount Amount minus the Amount field in the Discount group box in the Header Information subtask. This field cannot be edited.

Date of Supply

This field displays the date for the supply code.

Supply Code

This field displays the supply code.

PO Line Status

This non-editable field displays the Status from the PO Line in the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. Possible system-defined values are:

"C" (Closed) - Indicates that this line has been closed and no further processing will occur.

"O" (Open) - Indicates that this line is open and ready for receipts and invoices to be entered against it.

"S" (System Closed) - Indicates that this line has been closed by the system, either fully received or fully vouchered, depending on the type of matching.

Once you have saved the voucher, the system will update this status on the PO line. If the voucher is retrieved and viewed again, the status may have been changed to System closed or Open.

Qty to Pay Not Vchrd

The quantity to pay not vouchered is automatically calculated by the system. It is the unvouchered quantity for this PO line. The calculation follows: PO Line Accepted Quantity plus PO Line Rejected- Quantity Pay minus PO Line Vouchered Quantity indicated in the PO Voucher Lines subtask in the Approve Vouchers screen. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers. This field cannot be edited.

Ordered Quantity

This non-editable field displays the Quantity from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Ordering U/M

This non-editable field displays the U/M from Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Order Unit Cost

This non-editable field displays the Net Unit Cost from Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Ordered Amount

This non-editable field displays the Ext Cost Amount from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line.

Amt to Pay Not Vchrd

The system automatically calculates the amount to pay not vouchered. It is the unvouchered quantity for this PO line times the PO Unit Cost. The calculation follows: (PO Line Accepted Quantity plus PO Line Rejected- Quantity Pay minus PO Line Vouchered Quantity) times PO Line Net Unit Cost from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing. This field cannot be edited.

Vchr Recv

This non-editable field displays the Vchr Recv from Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. When this field is "Y," receiving can be performed against this PO line in the Match Receipts subtask. If this field is "N," receiving will not be allowed within this subtask.

Received Quantity

This non-editable field displays the total received quantity for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Received Amount

This field displays the total received amount for this PO line.

Accepted Quantity

This non-editable field displays the total accepted quantity for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Accepted Amount

This non-editable field displays the total accepted amount for this PO Line.

Note: The following Rejected Quantity and Rejected Amount fields are calculated based on the Rejection Order/Payment Disposition value (i.e., the Rej Order/Pmt Disposition field in the Receive Purchase Order screen, the Order/Pmt Disposition field in the Enter Vendor Returns screen, and the Order/Pmt Disposition field in the Rejection Info subtask in the Enter QC Inspections screen, all of which are in Costpoint Receiving), and the Rejected Quantity for the PO line. These values are also calculated based on the rejected quantity in the Match Receipts and Vendor Returns subtasks, respectively.

Rejected Quantity - Pay

This non-editable field displays the total rejected quantity to pay for this PO line. This quantity is added to the Accepted Quantity in the calculation for 3-way matching. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Rejected Quantity - Replace

This non-editable field displays the total rejected quantity to be replaced for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Rejected Quantity - Credit

This non-editable field displays the total rejected quantity to be credited for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Rejected Amount - Pay

This non-editable field displays the total rejected amount to pay for this PO Line. This amount is added to the Accepted Amount in the calculation for 3-way matching. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers. This field is calculated as Rejected Quantity – Pay * Order Unit Cost.

Rejected Amount - Replace

This non-editable field displays the total rejected amount to be replaced for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers. This field is calculated as Rejected Quantity – Replace * Order Unit Cost.

Rejected Amount - Credit

This non-editable field displays the total rejected amount to be credited for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers. This field is calculated as Rejected Quantity – Credit * Order Unit Cost.

RMA Number

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the vendor's Returned Material Authorization (RMA) number. This number will print on the debit memo for material that is to be returned to the vendor. Use Lookup to select an RMA number, provided one was entered, from all receipts that exist for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Desired Date

This non-editable field displays the Desired Date from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line.

Due Date

This non-editable field displays the Due Date from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line.

Manufacturer Part

This non-editable field displays the Manufacturer Part from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Mfg Rev

This non-editable field displays the Mfg Rev (manufacturer part revision) from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Vendor Part

This non-editable field displays the Vendor Part from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.

Vend Rev

This non-editable field displays the Vend Rev (vendor part revision) from the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing for this PO line. This field is hidden for subcontract PO vouchers.


This checkbox indicates whether or not the PO voucher line is subject to CIS withholding. The status of this checkbox for the voucher line defaults from the PO line's CIS Withholding field in the Enter POs screen. If a CIS Code has a withholding rate greater than zero, this checkbox will be selected and available; otherwise, it will be "N" and disabled. If you change the voucher CIS code to blank, you will be warned that CIS Withholding flags on all voucher lines will be changed to unselected.  If you change the voucher CIS code to a different code that does not have a withholding rate, a warning message displays indicating that CIS Withholding flags on all voucher lines will be unselected.  If you change the voucher CIS code to a different code that has a withholding rate, a warning message will not display.


This checkbox indicates whether or not the PO voucher line is subject to CIS reporting. The status of this checkbox depends on the CIS Code for the purchase order in the Header Information subtask of the Enter POs screen. If a CIS Code exists for the PO, this checkbox will be selected and available; otherwise, it will be unselected and disabled. If you change the voucher CIS Code to blank in the Header Information subtask, a warning message displays indicating that CIS Rpt flags on all voucher lines will be changed to unselected.  If you change the voucher CIS Code to a different code, a warning message will not display and the CIS Rpt flags will be selected and available.


Enter notes related to the selected PO voucher line. Any PO line notes entered in the Enter POs screen in Costpoint Purchasing will display in this field.

Total Sales/VAT Tax

The system automatically calculates the total sales/VAT tax for this voucher. The calculation is as follows: Sales/VAT Tax Amount for all voucher lines plus Sales/VAT Line Charge Tax Amt for all voucher lines. This field cannot be edited.

Remaining Bal

The system automatically calculates the remaining balance for this voucher. The calculation is as follows: Invoice Amount minus the sum of all voucher lines Total Before Discount Amount. You cannot save the voucher until this field is zero. If you try to save when they do not balance, the system will allow you to automatically change the Invoice Amount to make it equal to the Total Before Discount Amount for all voucher lines. This field cannot be edited.

Unvchrd PO Bal

The system automatically calculates the unvouchered Purchase Order balance. The calculation is as follows: PO Total Amount minus the sum of all vouchers Invoice Amount. This field cannot be edited.


Select this pushbutton to open the Header Information subtask, which contains information relating the entire PO voucher.


Select this pushbutton to open the Address subtask, which contains the pay vendor and payment address code for this PO voucher.


Use this pushbutton to open the Check subtask, which contains information relating to the check and cash disbursement posting used for this PO voucher.

Exchange Rate

Select this pushbutton to open the Exchange Rates subtask, which contains currency code information for a transaction and pay currency. Use this subtask to change aspects of the currency exchange rate depending on whether the currency is a Euro-based currency or a non-Euro based currency.

Voucher Totals

Select this pushbutton to open the Voucher Totals subtask.

Doc Location

Use this pushbutton to open the Document Location subtask, where you can browse, add, and launch external documents and add them to the PO voucher.


Use this pushbutton to open the Match Receipts subtask, where you can match invoice quantities to existing receipts, and create new receipts for the given voucher line. This pushbutton is disabled for subcontract PO vouchers.

Vend Rtrn

Use this pushbutton to open the Vendor Returns subtask, which contains information relating to Vendor Returns for the given voucher line. This pushbutton is disabled for subcontract PO vouchers.

Line Chgs

Select this pushbutton to open the Line Charges subtask, where you can add additional charges that are applicable to the given voucher line. This pushbutton is disabled for subcontract PO vouchers.


Select this pushbutton to open the Account Distribution subtask, which contains information relating to the charge code allocations for the given voucher line.

Vend Labor

Use this pushbutton to open the Vendor Labor subtask, which contains information relating to the total hours and cost amount charged against the various labor categories for the given voucher line. This pushbutton is disabled for subcontract PO vouchers.

Currency Line

Select this pushbutton to open the Currency Line Info subtask.


Select this pushbutton to automatically load the invoice quantity with either the received quantity or the accepted plus rejected-pay quantities, depending on whether you selected "Accepted" or "Received" in the Receipt Quantity Autoload field in the PO Voucher Settings screen.

Customs Info

Use this pushbutton to open the Customs Info subtask.

Auto-Alloc Chg

Use this pushbutton to open the Auto-Allocate Charges subtask.

This pushbutton is disabled for subcontract PO vouchers.

Sub PO Ln

Use this pushbutton to open the Subcontract PO Line Completion Detail subtask. This pushbutton is enabled only for subcontract PO vouchers.