Edit MPS Action Messages

Use this screen to view and implement MPS action messages created in the Generate Master Production Schedules screen. You can enter values in the header screen to filter the list of messages you receive in the main grid. The MPS Plan code and Proj Option settings are required, but you can leave the other header screen values blank if you do not want to filter your results by that value. Enter the MPS plan code, planner, warehouse, project or netting group, planned order date cutoffs, and message types and select Execute to load a list of messages in the main table window. These messages can include both planned order and exception messages.

If you view action messages for the Production MPS Plan code ("P"), you can select planned order messages for firming or releasing. For action messages that reference firmed orders, you can also implement some action messages types that suggest modifications to the referenced order (such as cancel order, decrease quantity and reschedule messages). You can also make other modifications or cancel referenced orders, if allowed in MRP Settings. One action message type, "Overcapacity," does not reference a part or supply order; it is used to display key resource overcapacity conditions identified by the Generate Rough-Cut Capacity Plan.

You cannot select, implement, or modify MPS action messages generated for a what-if MPS plan, nor can you modify supply order information in the subtasks.

Note that this screen offers a number of subtasks, listed at the bottom of this topic.

MPS Plan

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the code of the MPS plan for which you want to view, and possibly implement, MPS action messages.

Enter "P" (for "Production") if you want to see action messages for the official production plan. Enter a different code to see action messages for a "what-if" scenario.


From the drop-down box, select the planner for whom you would like to view action messages. All action message types, except "Overcapacity" messages, are assigned a planner by the Generate Master Production Schedule screen. You can view only those messages tied to a specific planner or view messages for all planners. Select "None" to view messages for all planners.

The Planner code is not used to select "Overcapacity" or "Engineering Change" messages.

Proj Option

Select one of these settings from the drop-down box:

The setting for Proj Option is not considered when selecting "Overcapacity" or "Engineering Change" message types.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the project for which you would like to view action messages. You must fill in this field if you set Proj Option to "Single Project," "Project Planning Group," or "Top Level Project."

Netting Group

Enter, or use Lookup to select, the inventory netting group for which you would like to view action messages. This field is enabled and is required only if you set Proj Option to "Netting Group." You set up netting groups in the Production Control module. Each netting group consists of a group of one or more inventory projects assigned in the Inventory Projects or Netting Group applications.

Plnd Ord Date Cutoff

Enter the last suggested order date for which you would like to view planned order action messages. This criterion does not apply to other action message types.


Enter, or use Lookup to select, the warehouse for which you would like to view action messages. This field displays only if you have selected the Plan Warehouses Separately checkbox in MRP Corporate Settings.

Select Message Types

Select one or more types of messages to be included:

Sort By

From the drop-down box, specify how you want action messages sorted in the grid below. You can sort by "Message Type," "Project," "Part," "Make/Buy," or "Commodity."


Click the Execute pushbutton to load the Table Window fields based on the selection and sort criteria you entered in the header.

Table Window

Action Code

Enter, or use Lookup to select, a code to indicate which action should be taken with the message. This field is hidden if the header MPS Planning code is not set to "P" for Production; you cannot implement or modify action messages for "what-if" scenario MPS codes.  

Also, you may not be able to perform actions for certain order types, based on the values in MRP Settings for Allow MO Maintenance, Allow PO Maintenance, and Allow Reservation Maintenance.

Available options are:

Message Type

This field displays the two-character code of the message type suggested by MPS for the row, such as "CO” (Cancel Order), “DQ” (Decrease Qty) or "PO” (Planned Order). In addition to the message types listed above in the header section, there are two additional messages, "Reschedule Order within Time Fence" and "Planned Order within Time Fence," which are similar to the "Reschedule Order" and "Planned Order" messages, except that the message’s suggested due date is within the calculated MSP time fence.

Message Type Description

This field displays a full description of the message type.

Supply Type

This field displays the type or order, requisition, or reservation referenced by the action message: "PO," "Requisition," "MO," "Transfer Reservation," or "Planned Order."


This field displays the manufacturer order, purchase order, requisition, or reservation number referenced by the action message.


This field displays the purchase order release number associated with the action message.


This field displays the line number associated with the action message purchase order, requisition or transfer reservation.


This field displays the status of the requisition, manufacturing order, purchase order, transfer reservation, or planned order referenced on the row. Note that status referenced on the grid represents the supply order information when MPS was last run for this part. They do not reflect any subsequent modifications made to the order.


This field displays the part ID of the part associated with the action message for the row.


This field displays the part revision number associated with the action message for the row.

Part Description

This field displays the part's full description.


This field displays the commodity code for the part associated with the action message for the row.

Planned Order Type

For planned orders, the value in this field indicates what type of supply order is generated when the planned order is firmed or released.

Inv Abbrev

This field displays the inventory abbreviation associated with the action message supply order.

Inv Abbrev Name

This field displays the full name of the inventory abbreviation.


This field displays the inventory project ID of the inventory abbreviation associated with the action message supply order.


This field displays the planner ID of the employee assigned to the action message supply order.


For manufacturing orders, this field displays the supervisor ID for the order associated with the action message for the row.


For purchase orders and requisitions, this field displays the buyer ID associated with the action message.


This field displays the vendor ID for the purchase order or requisition associated with the action message.


This field displays the warehouse ID associated with the supply order’s action message.


This field displays the default or inventory unit of measure for the part referenced on the action message.

Open Order Qty

This field displays the open order/requisition quantity for the action message supply order.

Suggested Open Qty

This field displays the open order/requisition quantity suggested by MPS for the action message supply order.

Open Yield Qty

This field displays the open order quantity adjusted for the part's yield factor (Open Yield Qty equals Supply Qty X Yield %). This field displays if you selected the Incl Scrap/Yield % in Planning Process checkbox in the Production Control Settings screen.

Order Qty

This field displays the original order/requisition quantity for the action message supply order.

Need Date

This field displays the date on which the inventory on the referenced supply order is needed.

Planned Avail Date

This field displays the calculated planned availability date of the part. If you change the Due Date of the planned order, Costpoint updates the Planned Avail Date.

Due Date

This field displays the date on which the referenced supply order is due to be received.

Suggested Due Date

This field displays the MPS-suggested due date for the order if it is to be filled by the Need Date, considering lead times. For a purchased part, Costpoint calculates this by subtracting the purchasing inspection and purchasing receiving lead times from the need date. For a manufactured part, Costpoint subtracts the manufacturing stocking lead time from the need date.

Suggested Order Date

This field displays the MPS-suggested deadline for placing the order if it is to be filled by the Need Date, considering lead times. Costpoint calculates this by subtracting the total part lead time from the need date of the requirement.

Planned Release Date

This field displays the target place date for requisitions, or the planned release date for manufacturing orders.

Suggested Release Date

This field displays the MPS-suggested release date. For a purchase requisition, Costpoint calculates this by subtracting the purchasing vendor, purchasing/receiving, and purchasing inspection lead times from the need date of the requirement. For an MO, Costpoint subtracts the manufacturing picking, manufacturing, manufacturing inspection, and manufacturing stocking lead times from the need date of the requirement.

Planned In-Shop Date

This field displays the planned in-shop date for manufacturing orders.

Suggested In-Shop Date

This field displays the MPS-suggested in-shop date for manufacturing orders. Costpoint subtracts the manufacturing, manufacturing inspection, and manufacturing stocking lead times from the need date of the requirement.

Change Days

This field displays the variance between the Need Date and the Planned Avail Date. It displays as a positive number (in days) if the Need Date is later than the Planned Avail Date, and displays as a negative number (in days) if the Need Date is earlier than the Planned Avail Date.

Inside Lead Time

For planned order action messages, this fields displays a "Y" if the suggested due date is within the part’s lead time. For reschedule action messages, this field displays a  "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) if the Suggested Due Date, Suggested Release Date, or Suggested Shop Date is within the part’s lead time.

Est Cost Change

This field displays the estimated cost of the changes in quantity as a result of MPS-suggested message types such as "Cancel Order" or "Decrease Quantity."  For planned order messages, it will show the estimated cost of the supply order.

Order Ref Type

This field displays the type of order referenced on the supply order shown on the given row.

Order Reference

This field displays the order ID referenced on the supply order shown on the given row.

Order Ref Release

This field displays the order release number referenced on the supply order shown on the given row.

Message Created

This field displays the date on which the action message was created by the Generate Master Production Schedule application.

Substitute Exists

This field displays "Y" (Yes) or "N" (No) to indicate whether substitute parts exist for the part/project or part (if no part/project substitutes are identified, but substitutes are not disallowed for the part/project).

Key Resource

This field displays the identifier for the key resource where an overcapacity condition has been identified. This column is populated only for "Overcapacity" message types.

Key Resource Description

This field displays the description of the key resource. This column is populated only for "Overcapacity" message types.

Week Ending

This field displays the end date of a weekly period where an overcapacity condition has been identified for a key resource. This column is populated only for "Overcapacity" message types.


Part Detail


Whse Inv

Inv Detail


Msg Detail - Displays one of the following subtasks, depending on the Message and Supply Type of the selected line item:

Planned Orders (Message Detail) Subtask

Purchase Requisition (Message Detail) Subtask

Manufacturing Order (Message Detail) Subtask

Purchase Order (Message Detail) Subtask

Transfer Reservation (Message Detail) Subtask

Weekly Detail (Message Detail) Subtask


Full Reqmts




The Costpoint tables impacted are listed in the following table:



Edit MPS Action Messages