Create a New Test
To create a new test:
On the Classes Instructing screen, click
» Manage Tests next to the class name.
- On the Manage Tests screen, click Create New Test and enter a name for the test.
On the Create New Test screen, enter a name for the test, and select
Pre-Test if this test will be used to screen or evaluate potential students before they take the class.
If you select Pre-Test, two additional options display:
Deny Enrollment: If you select this option, students who do not pass the Pre-Test will be denied enrollment in the class.
Test Score as Grade: If you select this option:
- Students who pass the test are not enrolled in the class, get credit for taking the class, and see the class in their class history with a passing grade.
- Students who fail the test are enrolled in the class, and the pre-test score has no weight in their class grade.
- Enter the Total Time in minutes, which students will have to complete the test.
- Enter the Minimum Passing Grade that they will need to pass the class and receive credits and CEUs for taking it.
- Use the calendars to select a Start Date and End Date during which students can take the test.
Enter the following:
Start Message: Enter a message that students will see when they launch the test, including how long students will have to complete the test and any other special instructions.
Final Message: Enter a message that students will see when they finish the test.
Test Instructions: Enter any additional instructions that students might need to complete the test.
- Click Save & Continue.
Parent Topic: Create and Post Tests