Create New 360 Workflows
Follow these steps to create new 360 Workflows.
- On the Templates screen, click Create New 360 Workflow.
Perform the steps in the multi-step wizard for each of the following steps:
Step 1: Identification
Step 2: Categories
Step 3: Content
Step 4: Review
- Click Finish.
- Related Topics:
- Step 1: Identification
This step is for naming the workflow, selecting a scale for assessing an individual, and choosing the associations. - Step 2: Categories
Categories determine which areas are assessed in the 360 workflow. - Step 3: Content
This step is where you further specify the categories chosen in Step 2: Categories. - Step 4: Review
This is the last step in the 360 Workflows wizard in which you can review all your selections and make changes before finalizing the workflow template.
Parent Topic: 360 Workflows