Use this window to add questions for the selected pooled résumé.
To create questions for the pool questionnaire, complete the following steps:
Click the
Create/Edit Questionnaire button.
In the Type field, select from the following options:
- Single Line
- Multiple Choice, Single Answer
- Radio Button
Note: If you selected
Multiple Choice, Single Answer or
Radio Button in Step 2, you must provide multiple responses for the question and will have to repeat Steps 3-6 for the number of responses required.
Each response you add is listed in a table on the Options Section of the window where you can perform the following actions:
- Move options up the list
- Move options down the list
- Edit options
- Delete options
Type the question in the
Question field. This is a free-format text field.
In the
Instructions field, indicate special instructions, if applicable.
Select the
Mark as required check box to flag the question as mandatory.